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Martin Penwald

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Everything posted by Martin Penwald

  1. Wonderful stuff we have here. Very cheerful and happy. The yankee doodle gave me quite a strong flashback, reminding me of the days when we we're playing North&South on the Amiga 500. And I also love the breathed "Rewind" at 2:20. Nice work, keep it up.
  2. I'm diggin' the sax. To me, the whole piece has kind of a movie-score-ish feel to it. Especially starting from 1:30, this sounds like a film-noir/late 80's Cyberpunk Anime soundtrack. And props for the "velociraptor" sounds. Overall, a very nice piece that caught my attention immediately after the first time listening to it.
  3. RTF delivers again. I like jazzy remixes (po! is one of my favourite remixers), and I love the Super Metroid soundtrack. But I would have never dreamed of combining those two things! RTF does it in a wonderful manner (the violin playing the theme), and just like some people before me, I like the "aimlessness" of the song. This is what makes it so beautiful. Instant classic; best mix I've heard in months.
  4. Instead of having a long, slow intro, the song is fast-paced from the beginning, and that is always a plus. It has some nice changes, and at 2:25, I was pleased when it got a little slower. And then...OMG, Hardcore! Unfortunately, the hardcore part is rather short, so that was kind of a disappointment. Also, just like someone before posted, in the end, it became a little repetitive imo. Overall, nice work, and I'd sure as hell like to hear more from you.
  5. What about some Suikoden I & II goodness?
  6. This piece needed some time to grow on me, but it did. I like this slightly distorted jazz-style very much. My only complaint would be that it is too short. Hope to hear more from you.
  7. Don't think so... casual calls are more relaxed than interviews. Larry understood me, we could talk. This is what counts. Hey, I'm not saying that it was unintelligible. But it was fun for me when you mixed up "or" and "oder" and used "hold out" instead of all the other possibilities the english language gives you (sustain, withstand, endure etc pp). I guess you had "aushalten" on your mind, didn't you? And yes, just in case you wonder, I'm a linguist, and my dark lunguist-soul takes pleasure in these things. So nevermind.
  8. Farewell, Larry, and good luck for the future. @ Compyfox: man, you had some wild English/German mixing going on today
  9. "Welcome to 'Linguistic weekly'; I'm your host, Larry Oji, and today we have a new and exciting accent for you..."
  10. Don't know what the first eleven pages are about, but I bet it's the vocals. It's always the vocals. Me personally, I like it. This is the most emotional track that was posted since Tepids "A rose for Zelda". It just stays in my head and goes round and round...I also liked the guitar work very much.
  11. No intro? Well, that works for me, I like it when it's fast paced from the beginning (the real fun part starting at 0:30). From 0:58 on, I get a somewhat Ridge Racer Type 4-esque feeling, even moreso from 1:39. Very nice middle part. From 2:13 on, it is slowly returning to the beginning, becoming sloooow at 2:46 and finally going full speed again at 3:17. Very nice way to close the mix and connect it to the start.
  12. Sheesh, I can be glad that the show started at 1 PM my time...
  13. Isn't Larry going to move somewhere near to pixietricks? Hmmmm...
  14. LT: The Nero one isn't a good pic, IMO. Need to be sharper, all of them. The first Bronson one is almost there; sharpen it slightly and brighten it a little. Also, sharpen the 3rd Eastwood slightly and center the picture. Forget the others. Nice work so far, those are gonna look good. edit: I love you. I just hope that they will be added.
  15. Well, since we got Harrison Ford in here (thx Nineko), we could also use Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson, and Franco Nero. Preferably all in the 60s/70s western-style.
  16. Being a sucker for sgxs ReMixes (especially the ones from Ico and Suikoden), this wasn't what I was expecting. However, this is some great stuff. Really powerful and pumping; I can't wait to listen to that song on my audio system back home.
  17. I was very pleased to see a new po! ReMix, and when I first listened to, I knew that it would be a great one after the first few seconds. And I was not mistaken. The trademark violin (which made me think of the SFA2 ReMix at once) is a great addition to the song. Great stuff.
  18. Aw, damnit, stuff about DMS and HTMCF, and I couldn't listen to it...
  19. We need a Kris Kristofferson avatar (and not that Blade-stuff, but some older pic).
  20. This sure sounds like Xenogears, but it reminded me more of Aveh - The ancient dance (CD1, Track 17) than "Our village is No.1", but then again, I haven't listened to the OST for about a year. I really think it's a pity that this song is so short. There is so much potential for solo-parts, so many interesting and unusual intsruments in there (bagpipes anyone?). Other than that, I really like the song. Good work, I dig this style.
  21. When the song started, I thought "Well, another orchestra version", but at 0:20, it suddenly changed completely and became a very nice, soothing piece of work. Reminds me of the stuff Joshua Morse and po! did together.
  22. TMNT4 had, IMO, one of the best soundtracks of the SNES era, and we definitely need more ReMixes (Alleycat Blues anyone?). After listening to this version, I just had to listen to the whole soundtrack again (spc files ftw). About this ReMix: I really like what you guys made of it. The original tune is incorporated very nicely. I like it how it breaks down a little after the 8-Bit part, picks up some speed, then becomes rather quiet, before it explodes again, getting even better at 3:57. Gimme more of dat!
  23. Listening to the mix for the first time, I thought "What the hell is this?". But even before it ended, it had gotten me. I don't know why, but I like it. And since I love triphop, I don't have any problem with the drums.
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