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Everything posted by linkspast

  1. I too am curious as to why they care, or even how they found out about this.... and also. Its not what OCR can give to you. Its what you can Give to OCR, Plus if you have each track downloaded thats at least $1,000 worth of itunes music, So what is 10 dollars. Back towards more great music,
  2. Shadow of the colossus was enjoyable. also MGS for sure, as well as the FF games.
  3. Chibi. and SD... unless there one in the same. . U
  4. So, Just because you are never going to buy it means nothing. The fact is that just because you think "Adobe is never going to get my money because I never am going to buy/use/need/whatever photoshop." Dose not give you the liberty to use it for free. Buying software is a privlage. If you cant/wont pay for it, you do not deserve it. Plain and simple.. Also.. you are supporting it. If you are getting it off a torrent, you are helping transfer the file(as i understand it) Which is likely going to some one who might of bought the software.. Now I however will download TV shows.(Not the DVDs with all special features) And here is my reasoning. It is no different than recording it on a VCR. (I am unsure how DVR`s work, is there a fee?) I have cable that the show is on.
  5. So... call me a noob or what ever, I dont care, I just want to read these. How do I get a copy of them legally
  6. so.. this http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&&item=330312751758 has five games you guys have said... and some other game that looks pretty lame.. what seems like to much?
  7. umm... Why do you want most of the voice overs to be British? except where you need a black guy, a perv, and a fatty??
  8. What happened to just picking a game?. Like MGS. . . Not that I care too much, just wondering
  9. So I got one at a garage sale, with Sonic adventures 1 and 2, Soul Caliber nome lame NBA game and a flight sim, for like $10 I am just wondering what games I should get for it.. I never had one as a kid, so I am willing to play anything that wont suck.
  10. Did any one get the full version... When they had the demo out I donated five dollars and they gave me a "free" copy of the game. I am stuck on 6.4. .
  11. these cats made me...... ... LOL.
  12. is this a spambot? One that used life3 on a thread that is over one year old... lame. just in case its not i got the codec from MGS.
  13. I am starting to play my Wii with people more and more, and well Wii sports and Brawl only go so far... So I need your expert opinion on good, entertaining games any one can play and enjoy.
  14. http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/games/b76e/ Here is one at think geek which runs both NES and SNES games. if you are still looking
  15. I think the way it is now works great for me. also I had it narrowed down to 9... then it got a bit harder for me.. Great work to all those who entered.
  16. Is any one other than me having a hard time finding the collectors edition? The game is every where but I want all the goods it comes with. Should I just get the regular game or wait to find the Special edition?
  17. I like these poll threads you have been doing, but this one is pretty close to the line of a favorites thread. PS3 which ever letter that is. I dont know why, but I just prefer it over the 360, even though I know it has far less games and support, But I love the DualShock3 and the whole feel of the PS3...
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