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Everything posted by linkspast

  1. So I just got a 4runner with a bunch of sound equipment. I dont know a lot about it, other than It hits hard.. and sounds good. well at least in my opinion... I was just wondering what you guys have in your cars... and what brand this sub is. I placed a dollar to give some sort of size reference oops, now that I think about it... the Dollar is right on the logo... Ill get a better picture later today.
  2. Has anyone found an ad block? I entirely forgot that there were ads on the front page. And why is it that when I open my task manager there are four chrome.exe`s opened...
  3. I really need (want) a new computer, The notebook I have is about four years old and has its share of issues.. and a few are physical problems. I feel like I want a desk top. But I am not %100 sure... I dont use it a lot for gaming, but Starcraft 2 is comming out. so I would like that to run ok... but thats about, it. But other than that I just need something to get homework done and browsing the internet.... Is there a way to use my PS3 as a computer? I know there was a thread about one of you wanting to build computers. That could also be a good way to go, If the PS3 Idea wont work.
  4. I can get a 30Gb(I think its 30) Ps3 for $300 Is it worth it? I am leaning towards it mostly because of the blu-ray, So how is as a stand alone Blu-ray Player. and other than MGS4 what other games should I consider?
  5. I just spent about 40 minutes on this... thanks... It was quite nice. Id like to see more "items" but its a pretty good waste of time. Good find,
  6. With all this odd judging this year I hope that if the 2016 Olympics do come to the USA. We are able to not hold a grudge towards them, and judge them equally and show them up in all the events with a fair scoring system. I mean the whole age thing pisses me off then that tie breaker.... come on.. They should of just boxed... I tell you Nastia would of destroyed both of those Chinese kids. ... Whatever. USA For The Win.
  7. Oh... Those comments are sweet... However I am sure some of you guys pushing it more.... I really want to see this become some you tube hit..
  8. I swear. This game gets so much debate every time it shows up on these boards.... Its either OMG best game ever, or OMG most over-rated game ever... In the end this game just boils down to a endless debate, where opinion comes Before thought.. not like Lock jaws Locker... Now that level Is cool... No doubt about that... ... actually I dont remember it at all, i just needed something to work there.
  9. Umm... So I stumbled across this MySpace clone. http://ww1.yuwie.com/ Its big catch is that it pays you.... I took a look and it seams to make sense... But Lets be honest It is never going to work... The part that cracks me up the most is how much it looks like MySpace.. If some one did try it... and by some chance it did work... It be cool if we could get one set up for OCR.. and just get a bunch of people to join by OCR`s referral.... Whatever... its late and in the morning it will probably sound like a stupid Idea.
  10. um... Why? Could someone tell me why there is a need for another search device? Maybe I just dont understand search engines, but Google works fine for me and about everyone else out there... and I can say it aloud with out a problem.. I guess I can see some potential for business but.... really..
  11. FF 1-3 NES FF 4-6 SNES FF 7-9 PS1 FF10-12 PS2 FF 13-15 360 FF 16-18 ??? FF PROFIT!!!!!!!!!!! Umm it seams like they only run three on a system.. .And this is not counting spin offs or ports, or any crap like that... They usually span a life.
  12. Yeah same here. if only MGS4 would get ported...
  13. I dont speak/read any japanese, but at the bottom there is a 2008 and some character which is followed by a 9 and some other character. So September would be a good guess, for Japan at least.
  14. Sweet... I may enter this one. I like how these comps are getting more creative. Nice choice.
  15. Krustys Fun house For the NES... I swear 3 minutes of that makes your head want to explode.
  16. I voted.. Nice work all. It took me quite a bit to get a top three... great job.. so dose the winner still pick the next month?
  17. Kevin *looks at post* Kevin * says get out or add to the dissicucion* Do you think that physical media will be replaced. I for one cant see this happening until there is some way to be 100 percent sure that it is safe. I mean its cool to be able to take your entire CD libary in an iPod. But if (when) it fails it is nice to know you have a physical medium you can go back to and fix what you lost. Also I love having a collection. Its not much But I like seeing my game series, and move box sets. I dont know I dont think seeing that on a screen can quite replace that.
  18. SO what does this mean for me... I mean is the price going to go up a few bucks after they have some more amazing games like MGS4.. I dont have a PS3 but believe me I have been very close to buying one, on impulse just to play MGS4.. But then I relizes that would be just stupid.... Can they even afford to raise the price, is there any way for them to clear this loss.
  19. So Its been a few months since I have posted. (not like any one has noticed.) But looks like there are two new judges. So best of luck to you two. and from the looks of it were getting a new Remix every few days which is greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your work.
  20. I think to say the wii is awful is a bit unfair. I think it is doing a great job at what it was built to do, fet more people playing games... My mother wanted one for a long time, then I got one. she plays some times, not a lot but more than she plays mr brothers 360. I dont belive the wii is doing that great with its small libary of games and lack of 3rd party support> which is where the 360 is doing great.
  21. I bought and installed a new celing fan for my mother today. It was pretty sweet.
  22. if you are going to do the anoucments thing heres what I would do. In our high school they would play some music by setting a Cd player in front of the mic, just as an attention getter. Then some student would say what they had to say. Well I always wanted to get a cd with the begning of a song then a long peroid of nothing. but the disk keeps playing... so 4 hours later there is this awful sound coming though the PA.... If the brown note worked,,, that be the one. But Since it wont, it have to be something like Music of my Grion...
  23. Yeah and its not even g4`s.. Tech TV was great.... Man I miss it... You can still watch old ep. on Youtube it think... It brings back a lot of good memories about that channel..
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