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Everything posted by linkspast

  1. So these are pretty rad... But man they totally goof up the front page. Is there way to change it in my personal settings or am I just going to have to wait it out... And major kudos to everyone of you who put forth the effort.
  2. I believe its called Internet2... When the Matrix came out they transfered the entire movie across the nation... in four seconds...
  3. How long do you guys think are going to be around OCR? What about after your music careers take off, will you still be as prominent?
  4. this will get you to join the navy... p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNRMTbqVZ_0&feature=related its like halfway in... ..
  5. ever try to buy a wii.. want to buy one from me? its the old fatty.
  6. Meh.... if this is like any of their other "Movie" titles its gonna suck...
  7. this guy is pretty clever... although I think this has shown up in the wii thread... Just saying.... Kind of reminds me of those arcade games..
  8. as would snake... and sonic... but this is not the brawl thread...
  9. its not amazing... but its nostalgic thats why you listen to it.
  10. I needed a name for FF11.. and my email is linktothepast... but that was to many letters... so I shortened it to linkspast. The zelda series at the time was my favorite of all time, so yeah...
  11. Just get rechargeable batteries, the kind you can use in anything...
  12. Never made an offtop topic... But WTF>>> More delays... for SSBB.... march 9... The online better be amazing......... If this is not the place then delete it but Are you kidding me and not even a good update....
  13. Wow.. this is amazing... as said before, but the I am saying it again... its amazing... It really lifts my spirits... Thanks for this.. oh and love the transitions. Edit.... Still listening to this...
  14. Vader... man thats sweet.... I want some force powers... But Like I said no need to get pissed for fan service. as long as it plays well it should be fine....
  15. I know there are some smart people here. here is a puzzle with 200 levels and most only 61 people on the internet have gotten past 100.... http://www.timtang.com/ttt/
  16. That game was awesome... and in some odd way it reminds me of that chex cereal doom clone...
  17. No.... Wait.... I think I see it. hold on... Nope... But I am sure they are just hinting at Clouds appearance... I mean just think omnisla---- never mind.... this is going to be a long seven days.... OMG seven... as in FF7... Yep a long week indeed...
  18. I heard they made out like kings... with a years supply of jelly beans.
  19. So what is this boxing day all about... I know it has nothing to do with fighting. But whats the deal... Its canadian right?
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