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Triad Orion

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Everything posted by Triad Orion

  1. LIES. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN STADIUM NOW. ...Yeah, it's the same crap, different day.
  2. Originally, I used Mega Man X and then Protoman, but tons of people ended up using them for awhile. So I switched to Isaac, from Golden Sun. Mostly because Golden Sun is one of my favorite games *ever* and I actually liked him as a character (Crono Syndrome is part of his character, before anyone makes comment). And I'll probably keep this one because I like it.
  3. I'm partial to Dustbowl-Goldrush-Dustbowl-Goldrush-Gravel Pit. I think that'd work pretty nicely.
  4. Right. Pure points aren't necessarily reflective of your worth to the team, and the life expectancy of a Pyro is among the worst in the game; third behind the Spy and the Scout, in my experience. The Pyro's worth comes from the confusion and distraction they bring about, and the dangerous flankers they are in the right hands. Raw score for all classes means little if your contribution helps the team win. And it's why I like playing with you guys here at OCR. It's fun, and everyone seems to get that, which I like a lot.
  5. This is the kind of shit that's funny to watch, but amazingly bad to have happen to you. I feel bad for the griefed, but goddamn was some of that really funny, if utterly assholish and dickish.
  6. Might I suggest throwing Goldrush into the rotation again soon? A few of my friends have requested it (Maxout, JP, Feliks) and would like that. Is it possible to do like a Dustbowl-Dustbowl-Goldrush rotation?
  7. Bah, forget 'em. It's much more fun to play with your friends and fellow forumgoers anyway. Besides, don't worry if you get destroyed. It is just a game, after all. Fun's the biggest thing. I just wish I could've stayed longer tonight. Oh well. Tomorrow, most likely. Gotta get more OCR people on. It's important.
  8. Upon seeing the new footage... I will say this much. The Shrinker is still frigging awesome. That is all.
  9. Yeah, DarkeSword is King Firestarter of the Universe in the server. XD
  10. I'm 23. My Wii sees the most use of any consoles in my house, unless I'm binging on Ace Combat on the PS2. I don't own a 360 or a PS3, but even if I owned one or the other, odds are the Wii would still see most use between Mario, Metroid, Smash, and Fire Emblem. The other consoles I own are a GCN, a PS2, a DS, a PSP, and obviously my PC.
  11. Almost *too* dynamite. It's not broken considering how difficult the syringe gun is to use compared to most primary weapons, but it makes Medics that are really good with it damn near unkillable if they go into attack mode. ...Like a certain medic we know. Seriously though, you reamed everyone with that gun. It was a SIGHT to see. Great job. XD
  12. There are just some concepts that are better suited to animation. This is one of them. XD
  13. I wouldn't worry about it. If you you do worry, just ask if it's okay, and if Bahamut puts the stopper on it, go with your next best class. *Shrugs* And hell, you're a damn good engineer to have around when the games ARE big. ...I remember cursing your name quite a bit when I was on BLU and you had a well placed sentry on Dustbowl. XD But for the record, I do whole-heartedly agree with Bahamut and Zircon that in small, small games the Engineer's sentry can really prove to be *too* powerful. It ends up being extremely difficult to deal with.
  14. Good work, to the three of you. Thanks for putting up with everything and dealing with a lot of stuff! OCR will surely miss your talent on the board. Also, in before the Nice Work guy pic. XD
  15. Good, we can always use more players. Looking forward to it.
  16. All the mentions of The BIG O in here make me feel warm and fuzzy. I loved that one too. It comes as highly recommended from me. If you're looking for short, FLCL isn't a bad choice, as mentioned several times before. But, if you don't like offbeat and generally weird humor, probably better to go with something else.
  17. "FULL SPEED TO KILIMAR!" -Flight officer, TIE Fighter
  18. I'd like to think that this is going to be wrong. Most fans of BG&E I know aren't nearly as adamant about it as the Nights fans were. Yes, many BG&E fans I know, myself included will say the original was a great game worthy of note, but I've run into a much more subdued crowd about it. I can't speak for the whole of the internets (who can?), but in my experience there aren't a lot of rabid fanboys of the game, just fans. And definitely not the type to dry-hump the game. XD Of course, to be fair, you're correct. There are going to be high expectations, but I don't think any of us are expecting a revolution in design. A lot of BG&E fans would probably be happy with some refinement to a "more of the same" formula. And considering Ubisoft isn't Sonic Team (a bunch of has-beens, really), they probably will put attention to this game just to get the brand out there more. Right now, I'm generally optimistic about this game. Details are scarce, but I'm looking forward to it.
  19. I find this analogy entertaining because these images amuse me. *Rubber Stamps "Approval"*
  20. I didn't get the impression he was disappointed, rather that it was a realistic assessment. Even with raising money, it's just he needs more, so he was addressing his plans on how to do it. April did well and it took a monkey off his back for awhile, but it's not like we killed it, just merely tranq'd it and got a good laugh out of its misfortune.
  21. Yeah, like the one they DIDN'T give the original.
  22. For the record, just want to say that track is pretty awesome. I enjoyed it.
  23. Just wanted to pop in and say it was good killin' stuff with you guys last night. I'm gonna try to be on time for game night tonight, and I encourage anyone who's thinking about it to do so too. Also, Bahamut? Bring your damn crit rockets ON. XD
  24. MUST PUSH LITTLE CART!! Sorry I wasn't around yesterday, Bahamut. I admit it wasn't Indy or anything like that that kept me away. Mostly me finally getting my mitts on a copy of Psychonauts. XD
  25. My call is the old standbys. Dustbowl and Gold Rush are my favorites. I'll swing 2fort too.
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