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Triad Orion

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Everything posted by Triad Orion

  1. TF2?! Hell yes, I'm in. My Steam ID is TriadOrion. I'm looking forward to playin' with you all. It will be for awesome.
  2. Granted, most of the endings are humorous and ultimately nonsensical, but the point remains valid nonetheless.
  3. Happy birthday dude. Hope your day goes great and your future posts remain insightful.
  4. I appreciate his bluntness, though the swearing card is becoming overdone in a lot of these "angry gamer" rants. It's just at this point it tends to make them look more stupid than anything else and it ends up detracting from what would be an otherwise good argument. Not that I have any problem with swearing, it's just at this point in these sorts of rants, it's extremely passe and needs to be put to bed for awhile. Anyway, onto his actual argument. I gotta agree with him. I like the zanier stuff, and I appreciate that he acknowledges the Wii's place in the current console generation. But yes, many lead characters in high profile games feel derivative. I don't agree with putting Snake in that group; he himself has gotten enough development to be a good character in his own right and the Metal Gear games are actually worth the praise they receive. But I would like to see more creativity in titles. That's one reason why I really like the Wii, is that it can cater to that sort of thing more easily. ...Even though it's having a tough time convincing third party developers to actually DO that. Also, I'm surprised he didn't mention Okami while he was at it. Seemed like another mind-blowingly good example of a creative, modern title.
  5. Successful enough that fans were clamoring for a sequel for years. They recently got it, but its reception didn't appear to be particularly well lauded. Reviews for the game seem to be about "average," so on that front you could make the argument that *after* the Sonic Adventure series, they probably haven't made a successful 3-D adventure.
  6. Throw soda cans at it. That's what I would usually did.
  7. This is very true. Though I'm pretty sure Vaiyt is right; due to his mascot appeal, I'm pretty sure a couple of great titles will bring his game appeal back very quickly. I mean, it's evident by the amount of discussion going on about the next title in the series indicates that people *want* that game appeal back. I think Vaiyt's pretty right on in that it'll take one or two truly great titles to bring him back from the brink. BioWare's title could very well be one, and if Sonic Unleashed isn't a suck-fest either, his game appeal could very well return. That being said, I'd really rather see a different developer other than Sonic Team try to make the 3-D titles. Personally, I would love to see Miyamoto take on the series. Though it may sound weird, if anyone could successfully reinvent Sonic, it'd likely be him.
  8. Quoted for Emphasis, Truth, and For Awesome.
  9. So, general forum/OCR themed things for bosses. ...Is there gonna be a Nice Work Guy boss? XD
  10. Now, granted, I'm the one who really loves chaos in his games. I think dealing with the insanity is bloody awesome. ...But there *IS* a limit. Double Dash pushed it, and MKDS broke that limit when the AI was involved. Truthfully, it sounds worse than Double Dash or DS. And that's just gonna piss me off. In Brawl, you can at least avoid most of the stuff thrown your way somehow. Mario Kart has this nasty tendency of giving you the unavoidable business. You can mitigate red shells, but nothing else in that list. ...Who am I kidding, I'm still gonna buy the damn game anyway.
  11. Agreed, and to add, when your game entry in Wikipedia has a link under the Reception category labeled: "Video games notable for negative reception," you know someone royally screwed up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_2006
  12. Sonic Heroes had a lot of potential going for it, but that's just it: potential. The execution is really what killed the game. Part of the problem was shifting between teammates and how stodgy your Flight and Power characters were. Knuckles needed to be faster when you controlled him, and would it have killed Tails to run on the ground and only fly on command when he jumped? The general control scheme was shoddy too, as we all know. And why didn't we get more stages focusing on just Team Sonic and perhaps Team Dark, rather than wasting space with two utterly pointless teams? That said, the game's potential shines through in its earlier levels. If the game had been less "Run/grind on a stupidly narrow track over a bottomless chasm" and more forgiving like the earlier levels, the game would've been far better. I'm normally not the type to complain about bottomless pits in games, but in Sonic games the control settings are often so shoddy and buggy you can fall into them on accident. Heroes had potential, if it had been published with someone who would've had played the games strengths better and fixed its most glaring flaws. As it is though, it ended up a jerky, stop-and-go buggy affair which was ultimately disappointing.
  13. Number 2. Definitely. XD
  14. Well, I'm going to wait and judge the werewolf thing until I see how it actually works before I say the game needs to go to hell. But if Sonic Unleashed is *mostly* what we see in the video? I'm actually cautiously optimistic. I like that they instituted the Speed Boost from Rush into a 3-D game, effectively giving Sonic a way to plow through lesser foes without having to slow down to Homing Attack or something. That can really stand to do good for the series in 3-D as much as it does in 2-D. How many times have you been playing the 3-D games only to have a weak-ass robot break your stride because you run into them at breakneck speed? Really rather annoying. Unleashed's core gameplay with regular Sonic looks okay so far. Probably not game-of-the-year material, but it looks like it's headed in the right direction. Let's just hope the "add-on" stuff doesn't screw everything over.
  15. And I suspected printed media will be the scapegoat for much bullshit to come; it has been for hundreds of years, which I'm sure Volitare could tell you if he was still alive today.
  16. Stephen King pretty much is speaking the truth. Popular culture is always the political whipping boy; every generation demands a scapegoat. It was jazz music in the early twentieth century, then rock and roll, then television, then metal, and now we're up to video games. It's always easier to blame "moral decay" in a society on its culture rather than the serious underlying problems. It takes less effort.
  17. I figured this was going to come up. And this, I attribute to the people who designed Melee. Why they didn't design a new moveset? Dunno. Time constraints or sheer abject laziness is anyone's guess. Still, I'd say that Goro would work inherently differently than Falcon. I mean, just the way he acts as an Assist Trophy should make it abundantly clear that he'd probably work totally differently. Plus, it's in character for him to have a wild, dangerous fighting style.
  18. 1) Chrono Trigger 2) EarthBound 3) Sonic 3 & Knuckles 4) Secret of Mana 5) Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  19. I agree with you entirely. Though I just feel like asserting that I find it hilarious that he hates gamers yet continually makes films based on video games. I mean, quality of the movie aside, who's the target audience for that kind of film, anyway? Just one of those amusing dualities out there.
  20. Not true, necessarily. Assume the next playable F-Zero character is Samurai Goro. He's nothing at all like Falcon in concept, and logically he'd have a totally different moveset.
  21. SECOND. Also, I'd main Mega Man Volnutt. Because he's *awesome.*
  22. Ever played Donkey Kong 64 or the two Banjo titles on the N64? Though I maintain Banjo-Kazooie was a great game, those three titles were massive collect-o-thons and fetch quests. The games ended up getting so mired in their own collectibles it borderlined on insanity.
  23. GOD DAMMIT! WHY, SAKURAI!? Okay, I'm done now. *Laughs*
  24. I voted too. Good luck, Mustin.
  25. That chatlog was full of laughs. Good work kicking his ass, Atma; he deserved it.
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