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Hum4n After All

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Everything posted by Hum4n After All

  1. ^,^,v,v,<,>,Y,A,B,X
  2. Agreed. Never mess with mother.
  3. Haha Brawl is the best.
  4. They fucked up already! Triforce symbol on his right hand! And his hair...... >_> Anakin Skywalker-ish? Looks kinda horrible.
  5. Oh wow welcome back ChaosSorcerer. Haha. Just letting j00z know that, last week Daft was the main course to Bigshot's DJ magazine. http://photokat.com/blog/2008/01/daft-punk-cover-feature-for-bigshot.html http://photokat.com/blog/2007/11/daft-punk-on-my-roof.html http://www.bigshotmag.com/news/?p=485
  6. "Now I'll show you! Hurrrrrrrrrraaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!"
  7. "Clip it together, try to keep and staying Alive." Dave deserves like 50 shots.
  8. Haaaaaaaaa gleeeeeeeee heee heeeeeee
  9. Bah! DJP's Gerudo Interlude should have been linked on there.
  10. When I get the game and when I head out, I'm gonna shoot myself in the leg. >_>
  11. My Xblow took a dump in my hands twice this week. I think it's done. Just right before Brawl. What great timing. Piece of shit.
  12. Hurrah! Gears of War 2! http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/splash/g/gearsofwar2/default.htm
  13. Its chorizo con huevos!
  14. Same here. Just been going back and forth from XBOX Live and RE:UC and Super Mario Galaxy with Luigi. I have to finish those games before Brawl comes out.
  15. I'm afraid after the release of Brawl I'm going to retire my 360 for a good long while.
  16. Oh bollocks! I didn't even download that torrent. Ugh. Now I gotta download that one when I get home. How are the seeds?
  17. I read everybody's replies about how good the soundtrack is and when you all say its good I do believe you, but having listened/listening to it.......!!!!!!!! Fuck me to tears it is fantastic! Too bad I don't know exactly what I'm listening to.
  18. If anything I feel young. Even though I am. 18 years isn't that old.
  19. So you gotta do 1 of the 3 things to unlock him? 5 brawl matches, fight him, unlocked. Reflect 10 projectiles, fight him, unlocked. Or get him in your party in the SE and unlocked. Did I get that right?
  20. Its not the whole thing just the Isaac part. That's all I care about.
  21. Well this is where I got it from. Only a rumor though. PLEASE!!! Let it be true. http://nintendrone.blog.com/2368798/
  22. I heard Isaac is in it. Oh dear god please let that be true.
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