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Hum4n After All

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Everything posted by Hum4n After All

  1. At the Discovery Science Center the played Indian Ragga repeatedly in the "Perception" area according to the exhibits map.
  2. I love waking up to this song.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQNRu27aXxM&feature=player_embedded
  4. Nah the internet is just too much fun! Especially the OCR Forums.
  5. Uum the fact I said Finding Nemo made more than Cars? And I hope Toy Story 3 makes more than Up and possibly Nemo? (although we won't find out for a while) I think it's pretty much fine. I didn't even realize there was an argument. Who argues over the internet? Well I hope he throws in a shit ton of exotic cars. I would love to see a Pixar version of the new Lexus LFA. And the Marussia B1 & B2. That would be an eye pleaser for me. I'm surprised there was a Cars 2 trailer before the movie. It was like a Pixar tradition. Just to show a tad bit of a new movie no matter how far away it was. I miss that… =/
  6. Worldwide Toy Story • $361,996,223 A Bug's Life • $363,398,565 Toy Story 2 • $485,015,179 Monsters, Inc • $525,366,597 Finding Nemo • $867,893,978 The Incredibles • $631,442,092 Cars • $461,982,881 Ratatouille • $621,426,008 WALL-E • $521,268,237 Up • $723,010,536
  7. Up was a sappy ass movie I did not enjoy. I don't dig it man. Cars was cool but it was like the least grossing movie after Finding Nemo. I have no idea why they decided to go with a second one. If anything they should have gone with a second Incredibles. The possibilities are endless with sequels for a super hero movie like that. Long story short. Up was lame. Definitely not a favorite of mine.
  8. Unfortunately I didn't enjoy it that much. Wasn't that entertaining. Only liked the Kevin and Dug parts. Even though there wasn't that much. Really enjoyed Kevin swallowing stuff and hocking it up. The sound of it is great. xD
  9. Is it really coming out today? Imma get it if Gamestop has a trade-in offer.
  10. Hopefully it makes more money than Finding Nemo. The highest grossing movie Pixar has made. Or at least lame ass Up.
  11. You would have to play a super death metal version of Oath to Order.
  12. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17464&highlight=Tron Should probably change the name of that thread.
  13. They're probably fixing that stupid lag issue that has been happening for about a week now. Haven't played for a like a day.
  14. http://www.gofanboy.com/go-fanboy-news/2804-gaming-media-should-stand-up-to-eas-online-pass-for-consumers/ http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/100797-THQ-Joins-the-Used-Game-Fight
  15. Yeah you're tellin' me. But it is, as everybody else was saying, a problem that could get really serious and become a major issue.
  16. L1 Games: EA Sucks! online pass? No thank you!!! More on EA's Virtual Extortion EA's Official Site http://www.easports.com/onlinepass "EA is implementing the Online Pass system with all their new sports titles. This is a one time registration code that locks the online content availability to your console. if you buy a used EA sports title (starting with the 2011 titles) you will be forced to buy a new online pass for an additional $10!!! for the same service that already exists and is offered for free right now." Gaming Media Should Stand Up to EA's Online Pass for Consumers http://www.gofanboy.com/go-fanboy-news/2804-gaming-media-should-stand-up-to-eas-online-pass-for-consumers/ THQ Joins The Used Game Fight http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/100797-THQ-Joins-the-Used-Game-Fight
  17. This Sunday already?! Fuck me running! Gotta get some money down!
  18. Let's hope he rocks hardcore in Predators.
  19. I need some help with this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSRIzeVefPo READ DESCRIPTION
  20. Maybe some people just have cheap shitty blu-ray players. I'm glad I went for LG's BD390. She's a beaut'!
  21. Uumm yeah. Already there. Strictly Bad Company 2 here. Obviously. Recently been on early during the day(12pm-5pm). Usually on late night(10pm-7am). PST
  22. Best thing 8-bit collaboration EVAARR! Put this shizz on the Virtual Console.
  23. A bit extreme there. I liked deadmau5's idea last week. I think we could all settle for this instead.
  24. It's a party all the time when we play Bad Company!
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