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Hum4n After All

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Everything posted by Hum4n After All

  1. Very unfortunate this has happened. Well I hope the artists submit their music here.
  2. ^^^ Hahahahaha! Classic.
  3. Maybe you could do your logo something similar to mine? I knew that it just black alone it would not make that much sense. So I came up with this. It says HUMAN
  4. Why reboot it? Can't they just let it go? Just walk away from it. If only one Spider-Man movie was made and they decided to reboot it, then that would be understandable. Sorta like The Incredible Hulk. But 3 films made and they want to reboot?! Just give up. I think we have had enough of Spider-Man on the silver screen.
  5. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Lost Planet 2 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Alien Vs Predator Castlevania: Lords of Shadow And that should do it.
  6. Makes me want to go to Disneyland now.
  7. Push and Rise FTW! Also Elctrixx's Tetris is amazing. So much to hear and watch people dance to. While we are on a temporary subject. What about BT's come back album? I hope its great. Shoot, it'll be like 7 years since his last dance album. Rose of Jericho came out dope. I hope the rest is just as good if not better. Then again, hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
  8. I wish I could see it in IMAX 3D but that shit has been sold out before the movie came out. All the way until February. But definitely seeing Tron Legacy in IMAX 3D. Gotta see/hear Daft Punk the IMAX way.
  9. Yeah I know what cha mean. Yeah Joel said it depends on his mood or what's he's feeling at the moment when producing a track. So his stuff comes out housey, trancey, or electro-ish. Do you mean as in remixing his stuff or just plain simple mixing?
  10. Progressive house to be correct. I am in the works of making a mau5ish Zelda remix. Since I don't have much time to myself it'll be a while before I submit it.
  11. Mother of god…
  12. Spyro the Dragon's soundtracks. 1-3. Stewart Copeland made me play those games for hours on end. Also Crash Bandicoot. Coincidentally 1-3 as well. And the Power Stone soundtracks were fun.
  13. Just wait till Prince of Persia. There can be no way Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer can fuck up a movie.
  14. I say who gives a shit. District 9 was dope.
  15. Such an amazing movie. Completely blew my mind away. Saw it in 3D midnight showing. Got a free Avatar shirt. I was literally the first one in the theater. Now I want to see it in 2D. Felt like there was just too much to see in 3D. I wanted to see everything! So watch the movie both in 2D and 3D. Shit. I'm not even surprised the movie was nominated for awards before it was released on the 18th. At least a full week before its release. And James Horner did an incredible job with the soundtrack. Definitely buying it on iTunes.
  16. Thank you! That's the version I had just mentioned earlier. I'm glad someone has taken interest in that track to remix.
  17. I guess it would all depend on the remixer But for the Tallon Over World theme, is it theme 1 or 2? Because theme 2 is incredible. I suppose a remix of both versions would be grand. Looking forward to this project. Good luck.
  18. I like paying my 50 dollahs a year for outstanding online gameplay and experience.
  19. Absolutely great game. 4 players is insane. Maybe because I played with my younger brothers and older sister. Shit was whack! But fun. It totally deserved all the praise and awesome reviews.
  20. I was thinking of putting it on there, but I decided not to because I'm not the mau5. It was fun though. I was the only ghost around and everybody liked me. Great Halloween.
  21. Yeah I found myself doing that. Still though… The feeling.
  22. If you would have pre-ordered it at Best Buy you would have been given a code to unlock them right away. So a total big FUCK YOU to Gamestop. And on another Daft related note if you didn't know. They will make an appearance in Tron Legacy. Other than that the game is hard. Or maybe just because I started off on the hard difficulty. I do agree about the turntable being to loose. And scratching with the blue button sucks. Feels so wrong. And the extreme crossfader parts… Good god I was gonna toss the damn thing through the window. Just waiting for some hopefully great DLC. A dream package for me would be "7 for the price 4". Justice, The Bloody Beetroots, MSTRKRFT, and Deadmau5 as playable characters with at least 5 of their own original songs with them. Or at least in sequels.
  23. My costume. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es5s5qf_3gI
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