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Hum4n After All

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Everything posted by Hum4n After All

  1. Feliz cumpleaños!
  2. A tad bit more info. Wesker should definitely be in here. He's perfect. http://marvel.com/news/all.12122.first_look~colon~_marvel_vs~dot~_capcom_3?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Pulse238&utm_term=Link1&utm_content=MvsC3FirstLook&utm_campaign=Pulse238Newsletter04202010
  3. I WANT to know where I can get a replacement crest for my buddy RX-78-2 Gundam. I'd rather check with Team OCR first before I Google search. Any sweet spots you guys know of?
  4. Get on that Bad Company 2! Me and zeka991 (bloodeyezack) had a great time.
  5. I'm down for some BC2. My username is my Gamertag.
  6. I dunno about those PKMN. But I'm diggin' the prehistoric approach. Hope they are real. These are new PKMN I actually like.
  7. Leave this here as well http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/9272/watlb.png
  8. Great ReMix. I wish I could hear more like this on OCR. One small step at a time. Good form. Look forward to hearing more with a house/progressive house style.
  9. The review was kinda retarded but I don't care. Battlefield is multiplayer game. That's all that matters. I enjoyed the campaign.
  10. I used to be against little kids playing games with me because it just wasn't right for them to be owning the game in the first place. But now I really don't care anymore. Especially since my little brother 10 year old brother will occasionally play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 with me. Not his Xbox though. But I must admit he is quite good for his age. He's learned from the best . He's played other games with me before. I just hate that little kids think they know a lot and think they are all that.
  11. I really didn't want to do this but I just have to because of the simplicity of it. It's just "Firetruck" That's it. I had no clue either so I just typed it in and tada! Correct. Sorry. My apologies.
  12. Awh. I only have 26 at the moment. I'm hungry.
  13. Holy Fucking Shit! Fucking Dinosaur! Jesus Christ! What The Fuck!!?? Sorry. 1080p looked incredible and the music was fucking dope! So scratchy and heavily distorted. Oh man Daft Punk was the best and the wisest choice to do the soundtrack for this movie.
  14. GTA4?! Horse shit. Game blew bubbles.
  15. Oh. I never pay attention to the dates. My bad.
  16. There's already a thread about this. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27760
  17. I hate those god damn Alien/Predator grabs. So unfair and stupid. Especially those non-recoverable heavy attacks. They better give the Marines a fucking grab. I could think of a few good ones they could do. EDIT Is anybody's Gamestop midnight releasing it? I hear its not. I also received a text saying it will be available "Wed PM" Which is bothering me now. *EDIT* Regular Game is coming out tomorrow. Hunter Edition Wednesday. Bullshit. I want a free t-shirt now because I gotta wait another day.
  18. Game Informer's 5.75 review kinda gave me a second thought about getting it. But fuck it. Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to fire the Pulse Rifle again?! TOO LONG!! This game has a pretty strong fan base. People will like it. And by hearing others playing, who obviously haven't played the originals, seem to have liked it.
  19. All that talk with bringing the physical world to the digital world got me thinking of Digital Monsters.
  20. J.J. Abrams did it…
  21. I guess everybody missed this. Bulbapedia knows all.
  22. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/New_Pokémon_RPG_Announced
  23. I am incredibly happy that this is still gonna make its way to the end. I've been following you project peeps ever since it has started. I wish there was some way I could contribute.
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