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Everything posted by Cerrax

  1. This thread fails so hard that it wins.
  2. I am madly in love with the first album and I am excited for the new one. This song strikes me quite odd tho. Its very very different from the scratchy, indie/punk/hard rock vibe that they presented in the first album.
  3. I have it and here's the rundown. People who hate Dragonforce are going to claim its more of the same, which in pretty much every way is true. If you don't like Dragonforce, this album is not going to change your mind. If you do like Dragonforce, its 10 new songs that you will enjoy just as much as the other 3 albums. I personally feel that they seem to be using the synths for more than just filling out the sound, but other than that and a few rhythmic changes, the songs are pretty much the same flavor of power metal we expect from Dragonforce.
  4. Regardless of whether or not this movie copies the Joker from TDK, uses its music in the trailer, or is devoid of any real acting skill, the movie still looks bad. Unless every single frame of what we saw in the trailer is not in the movie, its bad. Shot compositions are bland, flat, and empty. Lighting and shadows are also terribly flat and uninteresting. There's no use of color beyond the fact that life happens to be in color and the colors are pretty bland too ( although this is not easy to remedy without a good camera). Text used for the trailer is standard default font with cheesey default effects on it. The title card is not differentiated at all from the regular text, so someone could easily mistake the title as part of the trailer text. The sound is okay for the voice (though some of the indoor scenes there is too much reverb), but sound effects are pretty typical and music obviously is not original (you might as well have used "Requiem For A Dream" or some equally over-used trailer music). Acting worse than Resident Evil and that's not easy to do. NOTE: I did not tell my friend what this trailer was for and he watched it and asked me "Why is the Joker in this movie?" If that's not proof that you're copying Heath Ledger's Joker, then I don't know what is. Aside from the Joker-ish Sweettooth, we don't even know who any of the other characters shown are (except Calypso). Character costumes are pretty much non-existant. The cars don't even attempt to look like the war-machines they're supposed to be, (come on, you could've at least mounted some cardboard machine guns on the hoods or something) and the fight scene choreography is a mess. As cheesey as the exploding truck looked, it could have been passable except there were no light effects and the explosion looked terribly out of place in such a dark shot. This movie fails on more than originality. If you're going to tackle a franchise that makes its mark with guns, explosions, cars, and creepy characters, you'd better have the budget to back it up. $1000 is not enough to make this type of movie. Even if you did all the acting and camera work by yourself, the special effects required to do the Twisted Metal name justice would be well above $1000. Me and my friend Tom spent about $1000 on a three minute movie about a fictitious band. There are no special effects, the actors were only paid $50 apiece and most of the sets were real locations, not a sound stage that had to be rented out. All of the equipment was our own and me and Tom were the only crew to operate the cameras, lights, and other equipment. And with all of the work being done basically by both of us, that movie still cost $1000. Sorry for the lengthy post, but if you're going to be this ambitious and not take critical feedback correctly, then you're in the wrong business my friend.
  5. I'm finally coming this year. I've been tentative for like two years now. This time, I will make it there!
  6. *Shameless video plug* -WARNING SPOILERS-
  7. Aw man thanks guys. I know I've been MIA, but that hiatus comes with many fruits of labor. I've been working on a project with a friend. Its a two-man band called Immutable System. Also my solo projects have slowly advanced, and I've quite few remixes planned. Anyway thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm hoping to be back to OCR soon!
  8. Honestly I see both sides of the loudness war. When I'm in my car and I want to blast the stereo, quieter songs are disappointing because they don't have the same punch as the loud ones, but the reverse is also true. The FF7:AC soundtrack is ridiculously louder (much noticeably louder than even "professional" recordings) and it borders on painful, because I already have the volume up to a comfortable level for regular music and then "Chase on the Highway comes blasting through the speakers and shatters my ear drums. Louder is not always better. Consistency is more important. If everything has -10 RMS, your songs should not dip below or go too far over that, because then it will not match the volumes of other songs.
  9. I'm torn on my feelings for Batman Begins and this new Dark Knight. I hate Christian Bale as Batman (I think he tries too hard to be scary when he's being Batman. He just comes off as annoying to me). I love focus on a darker, more fear-oriented Batman. It reminds me a lot of the Animated Series. I think that has always been the best portrayal of Batman. I hate the Batmobile and his flight-capable cape. It kinda kills his graceful side, because he was always swinging on the Batline instead. This new one I don't like the portrayal of Joker. They've seemed to have toned down his purely insane side to make him more believeable. Christian Bale is still Batman which is disappointing. They still have the crappy Batmobile. The only thing I liked in the trailer was that Michael Caine is still Alfred. I don't know. I've always compared the movies to the Animated Series and I just can't help but love the entire presentation of the Animated Series more than any Batman movie I have seen.
  10. Very nice choices Furious. I concur with all of those. Also, Trevor Rabin (any action film composer really), and anything labeled "Movie Trailer Music". You'd be surprised that there are quite a few albums of nothing but original trailer music that sound a hell of a lot like this stuff.
  11. I used the Audio/MIDISetup and created a slot specifically for it. Apparently others have had this problem with USB mics and that was the solution. But when I go to Logic's input driver list, only the built-in mic and Line-In options are available, no Logitech USB... I've gotten GarageBand to work with it, but Logic just simply isn't recognizing it. This is really strange. I've also tested it with the Speech Commands and iMovie and it works perfectly fine. The one program I want it to work in (logic) it isn't recognized. Way to go Apple.... Anyway thanks for your help guys.
  12. Okay so I'm trying to use the microphone from Rock Band as a regular USB mic and fromn what I've heard from Windows users its a great mic and works fine. When I plug it into my computer, my sound preferences pick it up and I set it as my defualt input. But then if I open Logic or GarageBand, there is no signal. Do I need some kind of driver? I've used other USB mics with no problem.
  13. With all this name system business I have just one (very unlikely) wish.... ONLINE STATS (a la Halo 3, Guitar Hero, etc.) Hey I can dream. If replays can be sent to Nintendo, why not stats as well?
  14. Yeah. Some of the assist trophies (and now the pokemon) look like N64 models wrapped in Gamecube textures. Personnaly I would appreciate quality over quanitity in this respect.
  15. Finally, a game that uses memory on the Wii Remote! I was really disappointed when I first got my Wii and only Miis could be stored on it. Glad they decided to do this. Not an astonishing update, but I tghink it was very interesting. I will probably abandon the Gamecube controller for the Classic or even the Remote because I play Smash 64 on my computer witha regular D-Pad and its muchfaster than an analog stick.
  16. Don't make me wish for something like that. Its too good to ever happen. I would be so happy if that happened.
  17. I'm still keeping the hope alive that the first time I put Brawl in my Wii, Sakurai will pop up on the screen and say "Ha! We fooled you. We actually used live musicians for everything instead fo crappy midis!"
  18. Weak. Although the way the handicap is handled is interesting. The auto-handicap I think is much better than it was before. It has a more active purpose in the game now.
  19. Amen. Itreally seems like they're bringing back a lot of the old N64 stuff. I miss the old SSB64. I hope it plays similar to it as well. I'd die happy if they gave Link back his old running-A move from the 64 version.
  20. God, FM synthesis is a bitch, but it has yeilded some of the most interesting results for me. I'm starting to get the hang of my ES 1 and ES E synths. Still got a ways to go on the ES P and the EFM 1 Not to mention, Zoyd, Crystal and Blue
  21. Is any one else wondering if you can grab Ike's sword while he is throwing some one?
  22. lulz. That made my day. On another note, seems that the ochestra and choir are good for more than just the main theme. yay!
  23. I'vegot to say all the updates have been good, but this is epic. ^Oh and Strike911 has the greatest sig ever. EDIT--Just read a few pages back. Even though there are 2 and 4 GB SD cards out, remember that the Wii is only compatible with 1GB or smaller. And even though yes SanDisk is the brand Nintendo uses, don't think that itsteh only one you can use. I have 3 1GB cards from some no-name company and they work great and were very inexpensive.
  24. Actually the newest Wii System Update allows you to use any USB keyboardwith the Wii.
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