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Everything posted by Cerrax

  1. Hey guys if the Stage Select theme is still available I still have my WIP from a while ago and I've been meaning to finish it.
  2. Ccheck the Website topic on the forums. I've put in my two cents on the website.
  3. If I've said it once, I've said it a billion times... EXCITE TRUCK Beautifully utilizes the Wii's motion controls and is just a blast to play. Makes me wish all racing games felt as natural and smooth as this game.
  4. Too many to list them all but some of my fondest....... The day I really realized my passion for game music was the day my friend Tom bought me Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for my birthday. We stayed up all night playing that game. I remember hearing the opening music and the overworld map and thinking "Oh another fantasy game" then in my first battle I heard something incredible. The music was so....bad-ass. It made me want to get into random encounters just so I could hear it again. I think I would have hated FFMQ if it wasn't for the incredible music. Me and Tom also played U.N. Squadron religiously. Definitely my favorite shmup of all time. I don't think any other game comes to mind more often than U.N. Squadron when me and him reminisce. Anytime a game leaves me sad at its ending because its over and there's no more to play. Maximo, Portal, Symphony of the Night, they all were so good I never wanted them to end.
  5. Print is dead. It doesn't have to be said that most people (especially gamers, geeks, and the like) get their information on the Internet usually before they read it in print. The only advantage print has (and is slowly losing) is that it is considered much more credible and so companies/governments/etc. feel better giving their information to a credible source.
  6. I read Game Informer, but only to see the previews and articles. The reviews aren't very good IMO. The only truly honest review of video games is Zero Punctuation. I've agreed with every single one of his reviews.
  7. Ditto. Had a great time and loved hanging out with everyone. Great job by everyone in Jamspace and Concerts. Definitely making this an annual must.
  8. What is your biggest reason for purchasing an unfamiliar* game? a) reputation of the developer Rarely. All developers have bad eggs and sometimes a little known or fairly unsuccessful developer can pump out a really awesome game. EXAMPLE: When Orange Box was released, I had never really played Half-Life or Team Fortress, but I knew they had a very good reputation. Likewise I love Capcom to death and purchased Chaos Legion only to be presented with a fairly mediocre experience. graphics To an extent. I don't care how unique the game is, if it's made for PS3 and looks like an N64 game, then it loses points for simply not using the hardware to its potential. EXAMPLE: Still Life looked freaking amazing on the original Xbox and it turned out to be quite interesting. c) ratings, reviews, and/or recommendations At some points this becomes my deciding factor but not because what they say, simply because I've seen/heard the name of the game and when I'm craving a new game and nothing I'm really excited for is out, I'll get it because I recognize the title. EXAMPLE: I had heard alot about Pyschonauts and though I neglected to read the reviews, I saw it at some point and decided "Hey I remember that title. I think I'll buy it." One of my best impulse buys. d) curiosity This is usually my reason for picking up a game. EXAMPLE: Had nothing to play and $40 to blow. Ran into a poorly rated game with terrible graphics and a weak premise. But EOE: Eve of Extinction somehow found its way into my shopping bag and into my heart.
  9. Cool. I'm actually getting an iTouch for Christmas so I'll have to check this out. Looks like a chess variation of Khet (which my roommate just bought). Super fun game.
  10. Refer to this for all compatability questions- http://www.kotaku.com.au/games/2008/11/the_official_guitar_herorock_band_compatibility_chart-2.html To answer you question, it seems that the GHWT guitar is the only one that works across all the games for PS3. The X-Plorer is not available for PS3. It is only for Xbox 360, PC, and Mac. Just get another GHWT guitar that way you know it works with any music game you buy. Again see no. 1 Rock Band 2 does not have an extra drum pad. It uses the same four pads as Rock Band 1. When using the GHWT drums on RB or RB2, it does simply ignore one of the pads. But when using RB or RB2 drums with GHWT, there is a separate note chart made specifically for 4 pads instead of 5. Hope that helps. I have GH 2,3, and World Tour and RB 1 & 2, so if you have any other questions I can answer them.
  11. Hmmmm.... Smash Bros Brawl release party Had a huge release party at the Gamestop near me. Tourneys, free stuff, and tons of nerds. Dragonforce DLC on Guitar Hero III Freakin awesome. Nuff said. "Ropeburn" chapter of Mirror's Edge I was screaming "OH MY GOD! I CAN"T BELIEVE I JUST SURVIVED THAT!" throughout the last few minutes of this level. Epic. and oh yeah... FALLOUT 3
  12. I can always offer my services for music (I'm not much of a writer or artist)
  13. Wow. I've always appreciated Kanye West, but that "Robocop" is pretty damn cool. I hate Autotune with a passion and I have only used it a few times. Its actually is quite interesting to use in an industrial/metal song.
  14. Not sure if they count as famous, but God Lives Underwater is pretty damn good. A friend gave me a mix CD tonight with a bunch of tracks from them on it.
  15. Hey that's my Charmander! Awwww... no custom pogeymans?
  16. So I've been playing Fallout 3 on my 360 and it was freezing sometimes when I played. It was extremely annoying and when I got the RRoD, I figured the freezing was because of that. It had happened with a few other games as well (Guitar Hero 3, Oblivion). But now I'm playing on my roommate's Xbox 360 and Fallout 3 still has issues with freezing. No other game does this on his console, and I'd hate to think that the RRoD is creeping up on his system as well. So the question is, has anyone else experienced freezing with Fallout 3 that hasn't gotten a ring of death?
  17. I've never really liked Prince of Persia or Assassin's Creed. I guess I enjoy the fast pace of games like Ninja Gaiden and Mirror's Edge. This new Prince of Persia has not changed my mind. Controls assume too much. Combos feel awkward and forced. Once you find the right rhythm, the difficulty of the game is significantly reduced. The graphics are nice, but they look better as stills than in motion. As much as I like cell-shading, there are very few games that have done it right (Wind Waker, Killer 7). Overall, from what I played, I like this PoP the least of all of them.
  18. http://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/mgst/?ref=kjp_jp Discuss.
  19. Just got the Red Ring of Death. I thought it was worth mentioning. Not a moment too soon either. The three-year warrantee was about to run out.
  20. The correlation is iffy to me, because the version of the Batman theme he uses as the example is a variation of the actual Elfman Batman theme. The true Elfman theme is an upbeat sort of march tune with a completely different rhythm and it changes the sound of the song a lot. Much how like how the Elder Scrolls main theme sounds a lot like Pirates of the Caribbean if you use the right varion of both, because they have similar notes
  21. OH NOES> yodaisbetter needs to fix her internet sarcasm detector. Everybody, use the sarcasm tag so she doesn't get confused
  22. Actually if an opponent swings at you, grabbing the object as it approaches you is best, because you can pull it towards you and pull your enemy off balance, making it easier to disarm and/or escape. Watch Faith's movements as she disarms. She pulls the gun towards her, which knocks off the enemy's balance, then she gives them a quick hit (usually a blow to the head) to stun them, and pulls the gun away. This is how actual disarming techniques work. Plus if you don't get all jittery and stay calm, its actually not terribly hard to nail it.
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