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Everything posted by Cerrax

  1. As long as the message is a good message, I wouldn't mind. If the game's sole intent was to kill your friends, no I would hate that game. But if the intent of the game was to open people's eyes to the true causes of such a horrible incident, then I would say its a great way to prevent such a thing from happening again. Dwelling on how people died instead of how they lived is a terrible way to go through life. I have lost several family and friends to various tradegies, but I don't wallow in thoughts like "Oh he died of cancer" or "He had a massive heart failure". I think about how happy they made my life, and how comfortable they must be in their afterlife. If retelling their death will prevent others from their fate, then I would retell it a million times. When I play a war game, it reminds me just how terrible war is and just how lucky I am that there are people willing to do this for my safety. I can't remember how many times I've died during a single campaign in Call of Duty, but it makes me think that in WWII, those deaths were all real, and some one actually took that bullet and left behind a family. Its a very humbling experience on a scale that not even movies can match, because you are there doing it. Even after watching Saving Private Ryan, I thought war was scary, but I still detached from it. After actaully playing a D-Day scenario in a WWII game, I really understiood how dangerous it was and how many people gave their lives to take that beach. It gave me a whole new level of respect for all soldiers past and present. SCMRPG is not about giving respect to the shooters. It is about why the shooters chose to kill. Why our current beliefs of what caused it are wrong, and how devastating it can be if we don't start doing the right things to fix the problem instead of simply blaming the first thing we see as a threat. As the shooter, you never feel glorified, your enemies are never armed, there is no victory, only more emptiness as you slaughter more and more innocent people. You are a misguided youth, seeking gratification in way that will never gratify and ultimately render the world fearful and dark. To see that evole right before your very eyes gives you a very clear p[erspective of both sides of the event simultaneously, and brings attention to tehreal problems at the heart of it all.
  2. If this was a movie or a book, there wouldn't behalf as much controversy. I haven't played it, but I feel very compelled to play it as it seems that the creators weren't trying to be sadistic sickos, they were trying to make a very important statement.
  3. Well, I'm definitely very keen on lots of different electronic genres like Trance, Futurepop, Darkwave, Industrial, Drum n Bass, Hip Hop. But I've also recently really been looking into doing rock and I've been improving my skills with orchestral as well. But really, I've been doing music for a few video games and other projects and I've had to do just about every genre there is, so nothing is too far out there for me.
  4. Am I the only one excited about Soul Calibur Legends? It was mentioned about 10 pages ago and no one really said anything about it. Sure its not a true Soul Calibur, but its got all my favorite characters and the controls seem really awesome. I read an article somewhere that the playable demo had really tight controls and only minor camera issues that could be easily addressed.
  5. The type of software is called a tracker. There are different trackers and they make different kinds of chiptunes. IT, SID, XM, NSF, (and there is a converter to make XM files into SPCs). I don't really know much more than that. Look to people like OverCoat for that info.
  6. This is a problem I've had with Sonic and the Secret Rings. When I'm trying to jump from an edge to another edge while grinding, I flick the Wiimote one direction, but the recoil sends Sonic flying the other direction, usually to his death
  7. Yeah. I played Ninja Gaiden and then I played PoP. I have to say I prefer Ninja Gaiden over PoP. NG is just faster and more complex than PoP. Not to mention NG is drop dead gorgeous next to PoP. There's a reason it wasported to PS3
  8. Well it has been submitted. Now we wait....
  9. Yeah, I have PolyPhontics 1.5 which is a simple EXS/DLS creator, but I really would like to have the ease of use of a drum module. And I have stolen all the samples from iDrum
  10. Something is strange about that. I wouldn't trust it. I though Pluggo was free until I DLed it. When I use it, it makes this horrible buzzing noise every 30 minutes and it will only stop if I pay them $299 for it.
  11. Thanks man. I have iDrum and I'm not fond of it. I've heard of LinPlug so I guess I could take a look at that. But at $150, I might as well save up enough for Battery. Most of the free ones I've come across run on Pluggo (which is a $200+ investment in itself, and its got a few different drum modules in it already). EDIT--Just downloaded the Battery 3 demo.
  12. I believe it was Zircon who once told me "A good mix will not need alot of EQ/compression because it is already well balanced and dynamic".
  13. I will agree that NES soundfonts are crap because NES didn't have a sample player, it used a synthesizer and a linear PCM wave. But there are some decent SPC and PSX soundfonts that, when used correctly, can emulate the sound of the SNES/PlayStation. Not everyone wants to spend a lot of time learning a a whole new format just to screw around and make a few SNES tunes. As I understand it, some SNES composers didn't use trackers, they used midis which were then translated into spc.
  14. I'm looking for a decent sized drum module with a price tag at or slightly above $0. I know there are some great ones out there like Battery, but they are mucho expensivo. I'm notlooking for anything too complicated, or even anything with great samples (I have plenty of my own), I just want a damn module with a few (like 8 maximum) different triggers so I can build my own drum kits! Keep in mind that I use Logic, so VSTi is out of the question. I am looking for Audio Units.
  15. I use Logic (which is fully compatible with GarageBand, plus I know a lot about GarageBand). I may be of service to you. I actually just finished a big collab with Sixto, B33J and yodaisbetter.
  16. I just use Spetzer's SPC soudnfont and try to adhere to the rules that applied to the SPC700.
  17. Melee WAS NOT ORCHESTRATED, but the music wasn't straight midi like the stuff they've shown us on the website. The music played at Corneria is a mix of Venom from SNES, Space Armada from SNES and, the StarFox theme from SNES. The music played at Venom is actually the main theme from StarFox 64. For a forum about video game music, why is it no one has recognized these tunes correctly?
  18. Check the first post of this thread or go to Remix: ThaSauce. The song is getting finishing touches that we do not want to reveal until submission time.
  19. Ah the truth comes out, even in sarcasm. I too wouldlike SSB to be mopre like Soul Calibur in terms of extra content. It would be better than the crappy trophy collecting of Melee.
  20. Yeah. I just finished the game. I had a save on it from right before you build the Phase Distorter. BEST. ENDING. EVER.
  21. I'm looking forward to a much more fluid combat system. Miyamoto has said that TP is the last Zelda game to feature OoT's control scheme. Combat has never been a real selling point of the Zelda series in order to make better puzzles and make it more accessable. Hopefully the new Zelda controls will give you more control over Link's actions. I'dlike to know that my sword is good for more than just swinging a couple different ways by mashing a button. I think the Zelda series should really shoot for interesting new ways to use the items. Like what if Link could lift up large blocks by using the Master Sword as a wedge/lever? Or tying rope to an arrow and shooting it to a wall, then zip-line style across the rope. TP has already started using item combos like this, so why not continue that, but on a much more advanced scale?
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