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Everything posted by Cerrax

  1. God digity damn son! High energy and meticulous orchestration! A+ Great work! I love James Horner (especially his work on Titanic and Apollo 13) and this is definitely his kind of style!
  2. Yeah, same here. The resemblence is uncanny though.
  3. I found out about OCR in its blue days. Dogpile showed me OCR when I typed in video game music. Trolled the site for years, finally joined the forums in 2005.
  4. I'm probably not going to push very hard on this. The problem is that the song is in 3/4 and transl;ating that to 4/4 is a bit tricky. Especially with techno beats. Its just a little experiemnt with arrangement more than anything. And a little synth design.
  5. I figured SSB was going to do something like this sooner or later. After seeing the versatility of Zelda/Sheik, it only makes sense that other characters would adopt and expand on that. Such a sweet way to do it though. I have longed to play as Pokemon other than Pikachu/Pichu, Jigglypuff, and Mewtwo.
  6. Just something I've been working on every now and then. Its the Halo Main Theme and the song "Covenant Dance" from Halo 1. http://www.cerrax.com/Mjolnir%20Party%20Mix.mp3 I feel like its a bit choppy and undeveloped,so any comments would be nice. Thanks.
  7. I think itsreally neat. Nice job! But I also have to say that they are right. These are not fully true to the sound capabilities of the NES. 2 variable pulse waves (set at 25%, 50%, 75%, or 87.5%) with pitch bending and 16-level volume control (range 54Hz to 28kHz) 1 triangle wave with fixed volume level (range 27Hz to 56kHz) 1 dual-mode noise channel with 16 pre-programmed frequencies and 16-level volume control 1 DPCM channel with 6 bit range and 1 bit encoding at sample rates from 4.2kHz to 33.5kHz Monaural sound output In other words, just use a tracker.
  8. Wow. I love how bent out of shape everyone is getting about AN OPINION. Dorks. PS-I like all of those interpretations (especially the Futurama one)
  9. Please tell me I'm not the first one to love this caption when taken out of context
  10. I would have to agree with Makai. It looks like Ike and that Centurion just happened to land an attack at exactly the same time. The effect you are talking about Strike911, looked more like dust bouncing off of the character than a bubble like the photo.
  11. Movie/Game Rental stores. I've found numerous rare games at movie/game rental places because they sell off their extra stock when the game is old enough. They buy a whole bunch of new titles, then once their popularity gopes down, they sell them off (usually at a fairly low price because they are heavily used).
  12. Not true. Jordan is not a "released" track, meaning it has never appeared on any of Buckethead's albums. But the song has actually been used as a opening/closing tune for his concerts. So it was not written specifically for Guitar Hero II. The version in Guitar Hero II is slightly re-worked specifically for the game, but it is essentially the same song as he uses in concert.
  13. Ilike this alot. I hope you keepworking on it, because this is really cool.
  14. I thought GT could do NSFs...oh well. I'll have to get CheeseTracker (I have a Mac. I don't think there is a Mac versionof FamiTracker)
  15. This topicmakes me want to brush the dust off of GoatTracker and give it another whirl!
  16. Ness's Final Smash has got to be PSI Rockin'!! One thing I've always wondered is, does Smash Bros get its name from EarthBound? I mean a Critical Hit in EarthBound is actually called a Smash Attack.
  17. Actually, Yoshi's design in Smash Bros Melee and Brawl is a hybrid of new and old Yoshi. Old Yoshi has very small, short arms and wore a saddle. He did not stand fully upright and models of him were made out of clay. The new Yoshi walks upright, has much larger arms and head and has a very clean/polished look as his is computer animated. The Yoshi in SSBM and SSBB has features of both. He walks like the old yoshi (in a sort of raptor-like pose) but does stand upright for most attacks. He has a large head and bigger arms, but retains a clay/scaly sort of texture to his skin.
  18. I started using a really awesome (but kinda limited) program called Music Generator. Then I bought anew computer and it came with GarageBand. GarageBand was a weird transition, because there was a lot of things MG could do that GB couldn't and vice-versa. So it was a good learning experience. But I wanted something that had all the features of both programs. Being a Mac user means that there are only a few really nice music programs out. I basically decided I either wanted Cubase, ProTools, or Logic. I tried all the demos and I found that Logic best suited my creation preferences. (The basic environment was set up and behaved the way I felt most confortable). I was fairly familiar with everything in Logic, and at times, it seems like it knows what I'm planning to do next. It just works really well for me. Not to mention that almost every one of the bands I like uses Logic as either their main sequencer or a part of their studio. I guess you could call that part a sort of "celebrity testimonial" on behalf of Logic. For the second part of your post, it's a combination of fiddling and research. Logic comes with a small guide for people who have used GarageBand to show them how parts of Logic relate to the same elements in GarageBand. But in reality, I learn the most by just fiddling around. Sometimes I get stuck, and then people on the forums are a huge help. Every timeI've had a question about general music creation of specificquestions about Logic, the advice I get from people here is always faster and much more helpful than me just trying to find it online or in the instruction manual.
  19. Personally, I feel Logic is better suited to you because you already have experience with GarageBand and Logic is just the next step. Plus Logic Express is $300. Logic Pro is $1000. Anyway, I have done over 200 songs in many genres, inculding many, many crossovers. Some of my best songs are ones where two or more genres clash with each other.
  20. If you think that's hard you're going to HATE that game.That part's a breeze compared to the rest. Wait till you have to shoot down an Apache helicopter with a bow and arrow. I lost my freaking mind at that part. Ninja Gaiden for XBox is one of the best video games of its generation because it presents a challenge that few games have. Unrelenting enemies with decent AI, and just plain meaness and unfairness. I hate games where a dragon bites you practically in half, and only a small portion of life is depleted. If you get bitten in NG, you're either dead,or seriously wounded.
  21. ya srsly thx @$$ Does anyone else think that Pit's inclusion might mean a new Kid Icarus?
  22. QFT. A lot sites will tell you they have great deals, but companies that use E-bay ahve absolutely sweet deals. Most online stores sell EWQLSO Silver for like $250. Got it on E-Bay for $149.
  23. CHG has a lot more guitars than Prominy's LPC or MusicLab's RealStrat. And Ministry of Rock looks sick. Me wants
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