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Everything posted by Cerrax

  1. Its not a giant Nintendog. It normal size, it takes up the whole screen because it is supposed to be hanging onto the camera lens to block the view.
  2. We forone, the amount of content in this game is ultimately hurting its "beauty". Look at the bridge. Its the same boring textures we've seen a million times. The characters look great, but the stage are pretty bleh. From far away they look nice, but up close they're mediocre at best. Don't even get me started on the assist trophies. Samurai Goroh looks like an N64 spat him out. I'm just as excited as every one else about SSBB, but it seems that the Wii may be actually pulling the graphics behind the GC to fit all the crap they want in this game. I have yet to hear the fully orchestrated music we were promised at the site's launch last year. The tunes are great arrangements, but the sound quality is terrible compared to SSBM. [/rant]
  3. Well since my website is registered with Google, cerrax.com is the first thing that comes up. The next 14 or 15 links are all me, save one user on Knights Templar who doesn't even post anything.
  4. Actually, all of Zelda's magic moves are from Ocarina of Time.
  5. Don't know if its been mentioned yet but Siela from Chaos Legion is a rough bitch. Basically the last stage is just three boss battles in a row. First Delacroix, then Azrail, then Seila. Delacroix is easy because you fight him earlier in the game, and he acts exactly the same, just stronger. Azrail looks intimidating, but stay moving and he can't getany real good hits on you. Siela however is a BITCH. First of all, she can't be hurt by any of your sword attacks. She's got a Guliarth that constantly respawns, so staying in one place is not a good idea. (Guliarths are huge, spiked battering rams that are barely effected by anything) Next she randomly summons a bunch of metal Poes to wear down you legions. Then she destroys whats left with a massive explosion that covers almost the entire stage. Every once and a while she'll also shoot some homing lasers at you. Its very tough to keep your legions alive and since she can't be hurt by your sword, your legions are the only way to damage her.
  6. From the looks of the sceens, she has all the same moves as she did in Melee. Nice design. I personally hate Sheik so, yay to no Sheik. (Prob won't happen tho. He'll be another character for sure)
  7. I believe it directly corelates to how much the attacks affect y7ou. The attacks will have a 100% effect at 100% damage. So when you start at 0%, percent the attacks have little or no effects. their full original effect is felt at 100% and anything over 100% is and amplified effect.
  8. Excellent Sixto. I just sent a midi to DeathBySpoon since he wanted to take a shot at the bass part. I will be contacting yodaisbetter to get a recording of the viola part this weekend. The end of the tunnel is in sight!
  9. If Nintendo really wanted toput in a replay mode, they would. The Driver series has been doing it for years without flaw. Its not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. Excite truck even has a replay mode (biut its not as advanced as Driver's)
  10. Okay I'm setting a deadline for this project since we've all had quite a bit of time to work on it. Instrument recordings: Whoever is doing the bass part, let's try to have it done by Sunday of next week. Same goes for the viola part. We want to get these done so the final mix can be started. Final mix: If you haven't already, mix up the drums for some variation and possibly prepare a bass part in case we don't get one recorded. Other than that, you might want to type up a short little blurb about your work on the mix so when we do submit it, we have comments from everyone involved in the process. By next Sunday, JUNE 24 we should have -A viola part recorded from yodaisbetter -A bass part from either B33J or DeathbySpoon -Drum and guitar tracks ready to be mixed with the other instruments by Sixto. LETS GO!!
  11. Amen. We really need to get this mix done! Sefire and ceili Just beat us to the punch as the first SotC remix! We need to show 'em SotC can ROCK too. But for now their mix is pretty sweeeeeet.
  12. Anyone else noticed that the polygon count has actually dropped? I mean look at the pokeball! And Fox's tail. And just about any other shot from the game. There's a lot of nice textures and other graphical details, but the models are definitely not as smooth as their Melee counterparts. Let's hope this means some excellent gameplay and music have forced the graphics down!
  13. STATUS REPORT -------------- The viola part (played by yodaisbetter) has yet to be recorded. Hopefully that will be happening soon. The bass part B33J has given up so if anyone (like DeathBySpoon) wants to pick it up, by all means do. PM me for the midi of the song. Sixto will be working on the final mix once these parts are done, so let's get to it!! Again, I can't thanks everyone involved with is as well as the encouragement we are getting from the whole community. Very little is left on this song so let's get crackin!
  14. MY TWO CENTS (Lots of spoilers so I just whited the whole post) Things I liked: The entire whirlpool fight. When I saw that in the trailer, I knew it would be sweet. Decidedly more mature approach to the movie as a whole. Good humor at most points. The flipping the ship over was very clever, However, the method of flipping the ship was stupid. Decent pacing and twists. Things I didn't like: Confusing plot with multiple motivations and conflicts, some of which never really were resolved. Not too much explained in the plot which made it confusing. The entire Davy Jones/Calypso is the main point of the movie and yet it has little to no effect on the direction of the movie at all. Will/Elizabeth's love story is almost as bad as Anakin/Padme's. The multiple Jack Sparrow delusions that pop up. They're all stupid and have almost nothing to do with the movie. Norrington's death was lame. I think they could have used the Compass to clear up a lot of the confusing parts of the plot. I mean it does show you what you want, and that as a viewer would have made everyone's motivations a littler clearer. Okay. I'mn done.
  15. I hope that this isn't the final version of the menu music or else this is teh lose. I thought they were going to have a fullorchestra and choir for the soundtrack? I mean the arrangement is very nice, but the synth orchestra hurts my ears. Real instruments plz.
  16. Sooo.... I've fallen quite a bit behind this week. We've still got a bit to do. yodaisbetter: I've written a new viola part, and I'll send it to you. We need to record this soon! Sixto: still need to know if you are interested in mixing this or not. If not, I need all of the guitar tracks and possibly the drum tracks for mixing. B33J: Are you still thinking about recording your bass part? Pleaselet me, as the recording phase is starting to wrap up.
  17. All clean!It won't stay this way long...so take a good look.
  18. Yeah, I could lie and show you a nice shiny picture of when its allcleaned up, but it rarely stays that way.
  19. Playstation 2- Twisted Metal Black Playstation 2- Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner XBox- Crimson Skies: High Road To Revenge
  20. I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who is involved in this. yodaisbetter, B33J, and especially Sixto. This mix is going to be super sexy. Now for some comments: Sixto: Amazing. great playing. I love the improv. I love the whole thing, but all the guiatrs seem to get mushed together because they all sound so similar. This was also noted with my original mix when it went through RTS judging. I'dlike to see if we can separate the guitars more. P.S.- do want me to mix it or you? Your drums sound a lot better than mine, if we can just vary them a little and then balance everything out, I think it would be better and easier to just use what you have. B33J: If you can get a way to record your bass, I strongly urge you to do so. I would love to have a real bass for this song. It will add more flair to the piece and really make it stand out when its just a simple rhythm section. yodaisbetter: I need to work with you to give you an idea how your part will fit with the rest of the song (plus we need to record it). Again I'm so thankful that I have people helping me with this song. I really want this to be a proud accomplishment for all of us.
  21. Okay. So Sixto has done an incredibly sick rendition. http://tadakichi.baka.us/Sixto_Sounds/Audio/SotC_wip.mp3 yodaisbetter has volunteered her viola skills to substitute the acoustic guitar. B33J is tenatively providing a bass part.
  22. Goddamn son!! That is HAWT. Are you also working on the lead,or should I find someone else for the lead? I actually have someone (yodaisbetter) lined up to play the acoustic guitar part on a viola.
  23. I'm not saying Mario's cape is the only reason, I was just using an example. How often do you find yourself facing the wrong way anway? It rarely happens to me. Sure it wuld be nice on a stage like Corneria, where I could jump backwards and grab the tail fin to haul myself up, but is itreally that hard to just turn around first? I can't recall any time wher I specifically couldn't turn around in time to catch the edge properly. I'm not saying its never happened, but I don't think it is something that happenes often enough for it to change.
  24. I'm pretty sure if they wanted to change that, they would have done it in Melee. Plus you said yourself that Mario's cape causes you to miss the edge. Maybe that's why they left out the ability grab the edge backwards. And IRL its not terribly easy to grab and hang onto a ledge when you are facing the wrong way.
  25. They need to add some stuff like DOA where you can knock people over objects and off of platforms. I mean yeah Smash Bros already kind of does this, but I'm thinking to a much more interactive method. Like in DOA, if you slam someone up against a fallen tree, they don't just bounce off of it, they trip over it fly head-over-heels over to the other side. And if you knock someone down a staircase, they don't just fall over and then stand back up, they fall and then roll and/or trip/fall all the way down the staircase. And there's a lot of breakable stuff. Throwing someone into a pile of crates sends splinters everywhere. I think the one thing that Smash Bros hasn't really touched on is this kind of environmental interactivity. Judging by what has been shown in the trailers, the only new ineraction with the environment is breaking platforms and changing night into day and vice versa.
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