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Everything posted by Cerrax

  1. Some may have seen this in WIPs. I have been working on a remix called "Wanderer on the Offensive". It is a remix of the songs The Opened Way and Counterattack from Shadow of the Colossus. You can download the original version here: http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0089/ After some members have showed interest in the song, it was decided that I would like to do a "Live Edit" using real instruments instead of samples. I am looking for a dedicated guitar player(s) to help me with this "Live Edit". Of course the final product is going to be subvmitted to OCR and names of everyone involved will be included for the remix. Thanks in advance to any one who is interested in helping me. I have a midi availible for anyone who would like to help.
  2. Its a mix of The Opened Way and Counterattack intertwined with each other.
  3. Actually it does. I'm running it on my G5. You must have a 1.1x version of FoF. Right click on Frets on Fire and click "Show Package Contents" Go to Contents/Resources/data. Delete the default.ttf font file. Replace it with another True Type Font (.ttf). The FoF forum recommends Chalkboard.ttf, but I'm pretty sure any .ttf font will work. Rename the font "default.ttf" It should work. Kinda weird that one stupid font could screw up the whole thing.
  4. Well it seems people will not let this one go quietly. It has already been posted on R:TS, but I have been thinking of releasing an improved "Live" version for OCR. Anyone willing to work with me on the "Live Edit"?
  5. Illusion Of Gaia Soul Blazer Give Enix Action Rpgs Some Love!!
  6. QFT. I haven't had any problems with stepmania. Also, my newest remix from Shadow of the Colossus has been uploaded to Keyboards on Fire and should be availible soon. Its actually quite fun to play. It has Easy Medium and Amazing difficulties on it.
  7. Well if you're looking for greatRPG music you'd be stupid to not want to hear 2D RPG music since that's some of the best ever. Why limit yourself to just RPGs? Rygar for PS2 has an awesome soundtrack played by the Moscow International Symphony and Shadow of the Colossus has one of the best soundtracks in any game ever.
  8. Mega Man X doesn't have mode7. Actraiser is not a good example of mode7. Its only used on the map screen (which is not bad, but it doesn't really push the boundries of mode7 either). Most of the other games you mentioned also only use it as a gimmick or simple gameplay enhancer. The games listed use it very prominently as a serious part of the game.
  9. I lolled for real Oh and uh..... I don't know. I don' t play a lot of RPGs. My favorite RPG tunes are the old ones. 3-D RPGs try to be all Hans Zimmer-like and they suck because its just bland orchestra shit. Stuff like Chrono Trigger, FF8, FF7, EarthBound, OgreBattle, Iluusion of Gaia; that's the real goods. Halo's soundtrack is boring. So is Oblivion's. Even Soul Calibur is kind of weak. They focus too much on composition and sound quality and not enough on "is this actually interesting to hear?". Fable's soundtrack sucks the most. DANNY ELFMAN CAN'T WRITE VGM! Stick to movies!
  10. In most cases mode 7 is gimmicky and is usually used for nothing more than enhancing cutscenes and making map screens fun. But anyone who says F-Zero doesn't give a sense of speed or is too difficult to see to make out the landscape is completely off their rocker. Other games have also been able to use Mode 7 effectively (though they are few). F-Zero Pilotwings Super Star Wars Trilogy (especially Episodes V andVI) Terranigma
  11. Actually XBox 360 seems to be grabbing a lot of RPGs (Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon) and new RPGs are still coming out for PS2 (Rogue Galaxy). I have yet to see PS3 release any interesting RPGs.
  12. Track 1 of Oblivion is called "Reign of the Septims" btw.
  13. Soul Calibur. (SC2 or 3 are the best examples IMO) Excellent beautiful music, but I've never really felt that it matches up with the gameplay quite well. I think it's much too epic for the simple one-on-one fights that SC has. As each fight begins, a frantic and beautiful score sets up this epic atmosphere, and then two warriors calmly take fighting stances and battle upon a sparse, hazard-less stage. Fable's music also felt terribly out of place at some points. The Oakvale music is way too Edward Scissorhand's-ish to be a simple village theme. The sweeping choir and orchestra paints a much more vivd and mystical picture than just a simple farming village. And the Arena music left me wanting more of a frantic battle feel. Instead it just came across as sort of brooding, but not exciting. They're both fantastic pieces, but if you compare what's happening in the game to what's happening in the songs, they don't quite match up.
  14. I was working on this one for a while but couldn't really find a direction to take it in, until last night. It was originally a techno piece, but after some time with GH2, I found it to be a better rock song than anything. http://www.cerrax.com/Shadow%20of%20the%20Colossus%20Wanderer%20On%20The%20Offensive%20OC%20ReMix.mp3 Well as always, enjoy and comments are always welcome!
  15. Yeah. Its pretty obvious that they're MIDI rips and GPO is overrated. I'd much rather listen to remixes from R:TS, OCR and VGMix instead.
  16. This precisely why I hate pop artists. They are not responisble for any part of the music other than the performance, and yet their name is the one plastered all over the CD. If a rock band writes a song its just another day. If a pop artist writes a song, its a celebration.
  17. I wasn't complaining. I was hurrahing that you got your new computer. Geez. I didn't know you cared so much Proph
  18. Hey someone with admin abilities needs to post my mix in the Final critiques. I sent Prophet a message.
  19. You guys know there's a lag callibration in the options menu right?
  20. True. Also check out the artist Razed In Black. It may be a little harsher than what you're looking for, but it's within the same realm. Not to mention Ohgr (Who did most of the soundtrack for Descent 2).
  21. They have stated that they want the rest of the new characters to be pretty recognizable characters *cough*sonic*cough* so you won't be seeing any unheard of Japanese characters or some old unknown character poppong up in Brawl.
  22. I would agree with you, except I still have the original and an emulator of it
  23. Some of the tunes in Space Megaforce were catchy. But nothing will top UN Squadron.
  24. how many peeps we got in Pittsburgh anyway? I had no idea IoG or Lone Ranger were in Pittsburgh.
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