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Everything posted by Broken

  1. Have I told you lately that I love you, Gollgagh? Seriously though, thanks for digging these up.
  2. Thanks for getting "This Moment" stuck in my head forever, GT! >( No, really, thanks because that song is awesome .
  3. I'll definitely be attending. Good thing I started planning for this like a year ago, lol.
  4. Great system with great games. I still need to buy one for myself. check out this "documentary":
  5. Yeah, to be honest, the first thing I thought of when I read about this was watching this on a massive screen like in The Wizard. AI has always fascinated me. I'd like to read more about some of the different programming techniques the competitors are using.
  6. I just saw this on discovery.com. It's a challenge to AI programmers to create a system that can defeat a Super Mario Bros. game faster than human competitors. The coolest thing in my opinion is that the person hosting the tournament is creating a new set of levels specifically for the challenge. http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2009/08/17/super-mario-brothers.html
  7. Yes, they do. I think I saw your name on it for rides from New York, but I may be mistaken. edit: I'm pre-registered, now.
  8. I agree. Clever stuff, guys.
  9. It really depends on my environment. When I used to have GGPO on my computer, I would play Street Fighter Alpha 2 on a whim. Now that my gamecube is in my room, I get random urges to play super smash bros. melee, resident evil 4, or sonic mega collection.
  10. Hey, Brendan. You might not remember me, but I met you at Fusion Gaming Convention a few years ago in Roanoke. That's when you first told me about Magfest. Anyway, I'm definitely coming next year. I've wanted to for a really long time. Hope to see you there!

  11. I'll edit attendees into my first post. I might need some people to just tell me again if they are going or not.
  12. Each sonic game has its own strengths and weaknesses. The most recent games have a lot more weaknesses than strengths, however. As an overall package, sonic 3 or 3 & knuckles just cannot be topped. The music is memorable and the 2D game play was honed to perfection. The save function was much appreciated and I could honestly play the "collect the blue spheres" minigame for hours on end. That said, the GBA titles actually surpass the genesis titles' sense of speed. The graphics are obviously technically superior as well. When it comes to just music, I find myself turning back to the original 3D sonic titles (3D blast, Sonic R, and SA1). Maybe it's just nostalgia but I think some of those tunes have stood the test of time. Everything after SA1 (excluding the portable titles) only bring to mind terrible camera glitches, bad voice acting, and annoying side characters. I would still love to try out the first sonic title that came out for wii. Never got a chance to play that one.
  13. Wow, this offer seems right up my alley. I will sleep in your basement or backyard or whatever if its cheap enough. I have plenty of money for the entry fee, but if I can save on hotel fair, that would be excellent. I don't know if you'd consider me a regular though. My only problem right now is transportation, but there has to be someone who is coming from Roanoke or from further south that has some room. If all else fails I'll just ask a family member to drive me up.
  14. Hmm, my sister bought an entire season of VOTOMS for my little brother a while ago, but I never thought it would be that good. I'll definitely watch some of it now, though. My interest in mecha and military anime was revived recently when I re-watched Gundam Wing.
  15. I was talking to my parents and I just realized I'll already be home in VA during the beginning of M8, so I'll have a considerably shorter trip. 4 hours from Roanoke as opposed to 8-10 from western NY or however long the plane ride would take. Regardless, I'll need to carpool with someone from Virginia.
  16. well, darn it Bahamut, I was trying to see if I could get some people to register with me for the group discount,lol. Hopefully I will see you there!
  17. Magfest is only days away..... Here's the pre-registration page: http://magfest.org/prereg#itop So, if anyone else doesn't already have plans for M8 yet, please post so we can all figure something out. Definite list of Attendees: A: AeroZ (Sweden) Abadoss (Portland, OR) Another Soundscape (Sweden) Audio Fidelity (Nashville, TN) Avaris (Providence, RI?) Avatar of Justice (Raleigh, NC) B: Bahamut (Champaign, IL) Big Giant Circles (Knoxville, TN) Broken (Roanoke, VA) Brushfire (Odenton, MD) C: Cerrax (Pittsburgh, PA) Cyril The Wolf (Northern NY) D: DrumUltimA (Hartford, CT) D-Lux (Delaware) djpretzel (Fairfax, VA) Dyne (Pottstown, PA) F: FireSlash (Columbus, OH) G: Geoffrey Taucer (Raleigh, NC) H: Halt (Wisconsin) J: Jakesnke17(Arizona) Jewbei (New York, NY) K: Kizyr (Arlington, VA) Kroze (Jersey) L: Level 99 (Baltimore, MD) Liontamer (Atlanta, GA) M: Moguta (Delaware) N: Newt (Champaign, IL) nonsensicalexis (Pittsburgh, PA) O: OA (Minnesota) Obtuse ( ) Overcoat (Seattle, WA) P: Palpable (Fairfax, VA) Pezman (Beast Coast) Q: Q-pa (Pittsburgh, PA) R: Ramaniscence ( ) S: Scrobble (Oklahoma) Scytheful (San Francisco, CA) Species8472 ( ) Starla ( California ) T - Z: The Prophet of Mephisto (Ithaca, NY) TwiTerro (Cincinnati, OH) Upthorn (California) Vilecat (Quebec City, QC) Xerol (Baltimore, MD) Tentative list of Attendees: EdgeCrusher (Knoxville, TN) Halc (Indianapolis, IN) Sindra (western NY) Theory of Nonexistence Those in need of carpooling: DrumUltimA (Hartford, CT) TehDonut (Atlanta, GA) Scrobble (Oklahoma) Room Arrangements: Bahamut's room: - Capacity = flexible? Newt Halt DrumUltima Bahamut Brushfire's house (AKA D00d fest): - BOOKED. Directions to his house are at the END OF THE POST Abadoss Brushfire Upthorn Halt Epicenter Rambo Bonzai ObliviousOne Dyne (?) Broken Cerrax's room: nonsensicalexis Cerrax Overcoat Geoffery Taucer José the Bronx Rican D-Lux's room: - Can take ONE MORE. PM if interested D-Lux ..... Vilecat's room: Ramaniscence Starla Vilecat Stuff before MAGFest: ( AKA stuff we're doing at Brushfire's house ) Christmas Dinner @ Brushfire's place Dec. 25th. LAN Party @ Brushfire's place Dec. 30th! More details later. Possible NYC meetup on Dec. 28 & 29th. Stuff after MAGFest: See this thread : http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26956 BBQ HAS BEEN CANCELLED !!!! Directions to Brushfires: (I hijacked the post - Bahamut) (I hijacked the hijacked post, lol. Feel free to edit, Baha - Broken)
  18. I agree with that. The twins were borderline offensive but the roommate guy just screamed too damn much. And why'd he have to be this movie's computer person. I liked the hot Australian a lot more.
  19. I really enjoyed his song about anime. WTF was that commercial he did at the end of it though. He was selling sweat in a bottle or something, lol!
  20. He could morph into a farm and his gun could be a silo... It could happen!
  21. I've been listening to Turbo for ages, but I'd never heard of Maja until now. He's got a really nice flow. Music videos need a face-lift, though. Youtube quality doesn't help much in that respect.
  22. I remember having a positive experience with EGM as well. I may still have their issue on the "console showdown" or whatever lying around here somewhere.
  23. I'm sure you've gotten a good idea of what to expect from school from previous poster's words. To paraphrase, college is what you make it. That being said, I would suggest taking advantage of as many opportunities as possible that you feel are worthwhile. Take advantage of any tutoring services that are available, especially those that are related to your major. If you plan time in your week outside of lectures, labs, etc. to study with other people (for any amount of time) it WILL show in your grades. I think that point ties in nicely with the idea of time management. You should take time at the beginning of your semester (or once you've got your schedule of classes) to plan when your time for work and relaxation is. It will help you to focus when you must study and to not worry about anything when it truly is time to relax. If you have some kind of electronic organizer (PDA, cell phone <-- this is what I use) put reminders of recurring or one-time only events in there and set it to remind you. If you don't have a good electronic organizer, a paper organizer works too. A lot of this is based off of my experience form my first year at RIT, and I've had three quarters of school already, so I've had a chance to see which of my habits worked and which failed miserably. Obviously, take my advice with a grain of salt, but hopefully something (anything) I wrote will work for you. Enjoy your first year of college!
  24. Yo, Sologamer, have you done Zangief's ultra as a counter to akuma's raging demon ultra before? It's the coolest thing to listen to. Akuma: "Prepare Yourself!" Zangief: "FOR MOTHER RUSSIA" And then akuma gets hit by a massive spd, lol. My friend was so positive that you couldn't do this, but we tested it out pretty thoroughly in training mode. I haven't been as lucky with countering akuma's regular raging demon, though.
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