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Everything posted by Broken

  1. This is a solid arrangement, but I have to agree with DJP that the drums are kind of underwhelming. If Trenthian had used a different drum sample, preferably one with a deeper, darker sound, this remix would have gone from good to head-banging good.
  2. This is great, Doulifee (sorry, forgot how to type accents). If you have any other sigs, I'd like to see them, otherwise, I'll be outting this in my sig soon.
  3. Hey, guys and girls. I'd like to request a sig similar to the one I alreadyy have if possible, just not as crappy ass looking. Please: -Use Sagat, Akuma, Ken, or Ryu (or some combination of them) -feel free to get rid of the text, but tell me if you want to add something new. thanks in advance
  4. This has a really warm acoustic sound to it. Like the creative liberties the sax takes with the melody. It works perfectly, and really sets this mix apart. I also like the piano (not sure which kind it is). In short, a great mix. Different in a GOOD way.
  5. This sounds cliche I know, but this track is absolutely beautiful. The choice of style (modern jazz) complements the exceptional violin playing, and the arrangment is nothing short of amzing. I love how there is a kind of play between the up-beat sound percussion/bass and the mellow acoustics of the violin. The real kicker for me is the fact that even the synth that is used frequently in the peice doesn't distract, but adds to the over all flow. Amazing. I only wish I'd discovered this piece earlier.
  6. The beat and little percussive touches in this mix (especially at the beginning) help make it even better than just the sharp lyrics and the excellent reinterpretation of the original song. I think the pizzicato strings also keep this mix groovin'. And whatever the heck that thing is that starts playing at 0:40 is cool too.
  7. Excellent remix. I Really enjoy the drums and I particularly like the tempo change at around 3:10. The sax work sounds excellent of course, but it kind of sticks out against the synth instruments. Looking foward to more of your stuff!
  8. testing sig...
  9. Now would creating a "Wich______ do you reccomend" thread be looked down on? Do you think it would invoke flamming? You see I'm not sure whether I want a photobucket account or image shack to host my photos and such. (those were suggested in the image sticky) I mean I've never used either, so I'm open to any and all suggestions. I just don't want to get banned for doing something silly.
  10. Thanks for the welcome. I was beginning to think I posted here first for no reason, but now that I've gotten a response my actions feel justified. So, about those stickies.... How long should I spend on them. They seem to get pretty in depth. I mean I don't want to seem like a complete noob (love that word!!) on the froums, but, well, I am. You know?
  11. First, I'd like to say "hello" to everyone in the OCR community. I've been frequenting the forums for at least a year now, but I haven't joined up until now because of extrenuating (did I spell that right?) circumstances. I also would appreciate it if someone would rate my sig before I start posting a bunch. Since I suck at photoshop and can don't even have a photobucket account right now, I can't use any pictures. (am I right?)Anyways, I thought that would be a good explanation of my username. Lastly, I believe it's worthy to note that this is topic pg. 69!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha...uhem
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