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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I love the percussion on this one, though the arrangement is a little uneven. There is a definite expansion, but the first half feels really conservative, and the second half really liberal. One thing that also brought this down a little for me was that it really started to drag. THe ideas are fresh, but by the time the song is done, it feels like not a lot of ground was covered. I think Deia has it right that removing a minute or so of the song would help it feeling fresher. I really like the track, but it needs a little editing to get my vote. No, please resubmit
  2. wow for once i'm not compared to Vin Diesel or Daughtry. I am shocked and amazed! edit: Justin Timberlake for Zircon? Moar liek Brock from Pokemon!
  3. Pretty interesting build up that i thought was pretty damn cool, but it was a little bit drawn out as far as the arrangement is concerned. I liked the Daft Punk style electro sounds, but I thought overall the soundscape was a little dry, and the panning could been more intense. Part of the charm of the style of this kind of track is that the individual parts build piece by piece into something that is greater than the sum of it's parts. Something about this doesn't quite reach that point, though there were some really nice moments. I do think it got to be way repetitive, and unfortunately the textures of the track remained a bit static. If there were some pads in a different section, it might change the feel of the track, but it would feel more varied and interesting. I think this could make it onto the site, but it needs a little more work. No, please resubmit
  4. I agree that the arrangement is a little on the conservative side, but the track was really clicking for me on a number of levels. Production was solid and clean, and though there was a bit of repetition, the parts were well done and interesting enough to keep my attention. Playing was solid, and the drum programming was well done and interesting. I think the source is really well adapted to the style, and the execution is strong. There's a lot of solid energy, and enough rocking for all. The solo section was really cool, and even the ending was sweet. Yes
  5. My main concern here is the drums, and we've discussed the drums at length together, so I think it might sound familiar to you when i say you need to make the drums sound more exciting. You have the right idea during the solo, where the drums writing is a lot more involved and cool, so take that idea and use it for the entire song. Imagine you are drumming these parts. You don't want to be bored for most of the song, do you? The production is fine by me, the drums sound good, the guitar has a really old school Megadeth vibe to it, and while the synths aren't blowing me away, they are serviceable. I do think the arrangement intro runs really long, and the drums need to be more exciting, but there is a lot of good feedback here for improving your work. I think the song is really good but not quite there. No, please resubmit
  6. Haven't heard back yet, but really, this is solidly produced, with plenty of source use, and it all flows together naturally. There are good levels of variation, and it's not just a medley. I am dubious there is any KH in this, but there is certainly the other tracks, and based on source percentage, it's well over the threshold. Cool track, i'd just strike the KH reference from the source, and call it good. Yes
  7. I gotta agree with Deia here, there are some cool ideas here, but the new sounds and production aren't doing this any favors. It's super muddy on the low end, and though I do really like the arrangement, the production needs a ton of work. That guitar sound is especially rough. No
  8. The main melody and sections are pretty close to the source, but there are some good interludes and an extra section that expands on this pretty well. Overall i'd say that it would need a little more expansion, but the concept is sound, and you have the skills to pull it off. Samples do drag it down, especially those melodic strings, which have too slow of an attack to sound like they fit in that well. I think with a lot of care and work put into humanizing the performance, it'd be fine, but right now it just seems like they are added in without much thought of creating a performance. The guitar sounds good, and the percussion and everything else is passable, but it's those lead instruments combined with a conservative arrangement that makes me think this needs a little more work. I really enjoyed it, and I think you are onto a fantastic start, but it's ot quite there for me. I strongly encourage you to polish it up just a bit mroe and resend it to us. No, please resubmit
  9. Great performances, and a really nice arrangement. Crazy how you can get such a short source into something so cool.
  10. I think halo music is a pretty solid example of a modern soundtrack that has a strong melody, and this is one that fits Greg's style super well. A really nice soundscape, well-chosen instruments, and the sole signal polish, this is a pretty elegant but still somewhat urban take on an excellent theme. I do agree the piano writing at the beginning was a little overly blocked out, but this is really well done stuff, letting the melody take the lead. Classy. Yes
  11. A mix this solid needs a new word to be created to describe how good it is. How about "Ri-sick-ulous"? I believe that will suffice. Excellent atmosphere, flow, and something interesting at all times, a solid melody, and great supporting parts. Samples and production are great, and it's got a great beat. Nothing not to like. VIRT R BADMEN? Moar liek VIRT R BADASS. highly recommended.
  12. Ok, I can agree with hot misty being at 550, but hot cammy is only 50? Seems suspect to me. :/
  13. im going to buy it regardless of your raging, I just need to beat the last boss of FF13
  14. i like that you get exp from mining nodes now
  15. I gotta second the ruling that the synths and production are what is holding this back, as well as the really weak drum samples. Transitions were also pretty weak, and though the arrangement is creative, but there needs to be some tightening up of the different sections. Some of the sequencing is pretty mechanical as well, and could definitely be improved with some humanization. I'd smooth the transitions, beef up the samples, and resub! No
  16. Cool metal style, and the drums are well programmed, as well as good guitar performances, but the mixing on this is pretty uneven. Everything sounds really quiet, pushed back, and the reverbs don't match up. Besides the shift to metal, and a few cool additional ideas, the source is handled in a pretty straightforward way. Im not saying it's a dealbreaker, but it would be cool for it to be a little more expanded melodically. Also, for how compressed the song is, the volume is really low. This is a pretty good start, but the production is going to need quite a bit of refinement. I suggest taking it to our WIP board and getting soem detailed help! No, please resubmit
  17. Overall i really enjoyed Wrath, I loved wintergrasp, and raiding was fun (hopefully we'll get heroic lich king down before the expansion, working on phase 3 ATM), and the improvements to everything were great. I do wish cataclysm had updated more graphics than just the new stuff, but damn, that would be an undertaking. I suppose being the unquestionably dominant MMO means they don't have to scramble too hard on non-crucial stuff like new content and game improvements. I really am excited for healing to be difficult again. Even on Hard modes in ICC, I can afk my way through at least 3 boss fights.
  18. Sole Signal Halo 3 Songs: "Never Forget," "Finish the Fight," main Halo theme The main source is such a powerful track, especially with the swelling strings after the first time through the melody. I knew when I first heard it that I wanted to try a remix of the track. Hope everyone enjoys my take on a few of the classic Halo themes. "Never Forget:" "Finish the Fight:"
  19. production is an improvement over your usual fare, as far as balance, but the lead guitars are mad dry, which makes them sound pasted on top instead of sitting in the mix. i don't think any reverb is needed (maybe a touch), but some delay would really sweeten the tone. I think rhythm guitars are good when they are in your face, because they are doubled ( or quadrupled ) and hard panned, but leads need to have a little more finesse. The synth sounded a little buried as well, tonally weak and piercing. I'd carve some room out for it in the eq of the rhythm guitars, and maybe reduce the high end of it and increase the volume. The piano and acoustic guitars sounded very nice, because those sections tended to let everything breathe a little more, and the compression wasn't overpowering. Arrangement is pretty good, with some direct stuff, some altered stuff, and some original sections. The flow was decent and as far as arrangement i'm ok with this, but the production needs to be tuned up. Less pasted guitars and more nicely balanced mixing. You are close, dude, so keep it up. No, resubmit
  20. concurring! Please add more source, this is incredible, and your original part-writing is beautiful, but it needs just a little more source! No, please please resbumit
  21. Treat him right, Doug! If he can't be my little spoon anymore, i'm glad he gets to be yours. <3
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