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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. No one owns Jooj-Cat, Jooj-Cat does what he wants, when he wants, and that is NO OVERRIDE n00bs with brutal efficiency!!
  2. blackmetal is fine, especially if it's Dimmu style; well produced pop-blackmetal. The more kvlt stuff is generally poorly produced and probably wouldn't make the cut.
  3. Jon Oliva cameo? Awesome! - I've only heard a few Kamelot songs, but i'll probably check this out.
  4. Done and Done! Every remix on the site has been reviewed!
  5. I certainly did, excellent track, dude. The stuff around 1:00ish is like we were mind-melded. So awesome.
  6. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, they mean a lot to me. <3 I have decided that today is going to be a great day.
  7. really nice stuff, I love the semi-closed hihat swish sample as an unintended hook, and the piano work is beautiful. The arrangement has a lot of twists and turns, and the variations on the theme are really nice. The bass sounds great, and this would be great background music to a night out on the town with a beautiful lady or two. Stay classy, JM, this is great stuff.
  8. One of my all-time favorite source songs performed really warmly, and with some nice backing elements, and though it's pretty close to the original, I think the site benefits overall from this being on here, as it really takes the essence of the original and expands on it. I think maybe be source-bias shining through, but this really is a great song. The end came a little abruptly, but otherwise this was super nice.
  9. Takes the best of both worlds or electronic and orchestral and mixes them with panache. The arrangement isn't rushed, and the beat is hot. Take notes, guys, this is a master at work. Like some of the other top-tier remixes on the site, the only way to make something like this better would be to have it performed live. Astoundingly good.
  10. One of the best-named remixes on the site, for sure. It's really liberal, but the source melodies are pretty apparent, and the soundscape is good. I think i'd notice it more if I was more familiar with the original music, I think. The idea to mix these tracks all together is pretty cool, and the execution is strong as well, I really like the guitar sample too. From the looks of things, this resonates with a lot of people too, so nice work. Recommended.
  11. Really nice handling of the melody here, I love when it is given to the horns. A super lush sounding rendition for 2004, and it stands up pretty strongly today as well. Strings were good, and while it doesn't have the bombast and excitement some people are seemingly expecting, it has a lot of subtle energy that makes it work equally well. Awesome stuff.
  12. A really nice ambient journey with a strong soundscape and some beautiful vocals. This mix used the original as a launching point for something that encompasses so much more. I wish there was a little more bass, but even as is, it possesses a dream-like quality that is pretty great.
  13. Vocals are the focal point here, and they'd be pretty good, but they sound a bit buried and there are some rhythm and pitch issues in spots. Regardless, props to anyone who is willing to put their vocals out there. I'm certain that your singing skills have only improved in the past 5 years. Lyrics and arrangement are great, and the guitars are strong as always. Good stuff.
  14. It was pleasant at the beginning, but when it modulated I was all "damn, that's nice". This really does feel like a unified vision of a track, as opposed to a collab, which I think is actually a pretty good compliment or excellent teamwork. Interesting that this song was completed beore I even started my remixing at all too, and it's finally posted.
  15. The intro was really well performed, and drew me in immediately, and the vocals started out well, but yeah, there were tuning issues around the 6 minute mark. Still pretty solid overall.
  16. Pretty funny rhymes overall as long as you can handle some coarse language. Layered vocals worked well, and the shoutouts to the VGmusic sites at the end was pretty cool.
  17. One of the top 10 most popular mixes on the site for a very good reason. It's not as flashy as some others, but it's damn solid, and perfectly paced. Legendary.
  18. A really nice feel to this one, and though the track stays pretty close to the original as far as structure is concerned, there is a ton of personalization in the soundscape, and the guitar performance. The mix sounds really barren, but it works really well. Good stuff, and a classic source.
  19. Seems to be missing a little low end in the production, but otherwise pretty good. Nice piano sound starts it out, and nerdy but clever lyrics.
  20. really insane stuff, but I was feeling it. I don't think many songs could pull this style off, but something as iconic as this theme has the fortitude to withstand such mangling. Crazy cool stuff.
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