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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. There's a slightly mechanical hi hat, and the samples are simple, but effective. This is really driving though, with a lot of really good energy. The additional writing is awesome, and the whole thing is really catchy. The ending still isn't awesome, but it's feeling better than before. Transitions are strong, and I love the bass part. Very strong arrangement. Maybe grandpa Vig will have an issue with this, but I sure as hell don't. Yes
  2. Finally Anosou is manning up enough to rock out a little! I love the catchy energy of this one, and the variations on the melody. Guitar playing was good, with some nice counter melodies, and a good mix of clean and distorted playing. The synths all worked well, no surprise there. Vocals were super crazy but very cool. The little piano flourishes were really nice and fit well into the track, and really everything works together. Nice work Mattias, you will always be my second-favorite Swede. <3 Nice work Deia, you will always be my drastic baby. <3 Awesome collab!
  3. I think Larry has nailed the issues with this one down pretty well. I'm not sure if it's the samples, or what, but there is some pretty serious dissonance hitting here, and that definitely needs to be addressed. The sounds used are pretty authentic, but lack any sort of treatment. They need to sit in a soundfield, not just be pasted on top. The drums also sounded very authentic, but got really repetitive, you need to mix it up a little more. The guitar solo was radical though, straight up. I loved that part. It was like Eddie Van Halen showed up for a little while. I think this could be patched up, but it would be a decent amount of work. The source track is great though, and the concept is fun, it just needs to be more cohesive, and that dissonance needs to go. Good luck! No, please resubmit
  4. cor blimey! wingardium leviosa! happy birthday!
  5. I am generally feeling the approach here with the exception of the drums. The snare sounds really muffled, and the kick gets a little smooshed sounding during the double bass parts.It's unfortunate, because the performance was pretty solid. The guitar tone was thin, but the frequencies worked enough that I could hear the pitches, which has been an issue with some other more extreme metal subs we've received. The mixing was a little quiet and lacked power, but besides the drums seemed ok. The acoustic passage was really nice, that sounded great, with good panning. So overall, strong performances, but the drum sound needs tweaking. Let me know if you want more specific crits, but you seem to have a good handle on things otherwise. No, please resubmit
  6. I've done some similar composition stuff for classes back in the day, so I can dig on the style, but damn, besides the tonic, I am not hearing any dominant connection here at all. Maybe i'm insane, but No
  7. There are some minor changes to the track, but daaaamn is it similar to the original. There are a few minor additions, but it's the same tempo, same key, and some parts don't go anywhere. Like I enjoyed the panning arpeggio at the beginning, but then it just stopped randomly, leaving a huge hole in the soundscape. I know it's tough to remix a source that just has 2 alternating chords, and a decent effort was made, but this one feels pretty half baked to me. Production seemed decent enough, with things being mostly clear, but i think this needs a lot more personalization and expansion to pass. Sorry man. No
  8. I really like the arrangement and ideas here. The sequencing is sooo mechanical though, guys. The percussion early on really draws you in, but even though there is good panning, it seems like there is a lot of low end mud covering up stuff, specifically the bass. It's like there is a film covering up what it is doing, mainly that low pad, though the bass sample might also be to blame. The mechanical clav itself is pretty prominent as being a bit fakey, and the flute falls in that category as well. I think with a lot of humanization and a few sample upgrades this would be awesome. Fix it up please! No, please resubmit
  9. I guess i'll repeast what Larry and Deia said, because it's easier, and also, they are correct. OCR needs teh radio edits with the cut intros and outros. Production was fine, but really, the issue with the song as a whole is that it is too close to the original sandwiched between extended original intros and outros. I definitely enjoyed the track, but I think it needs a deeper level of interpretation before it can hit the front page. Sorry man No
  10. Great sounds and a super funky beat. This starts out incredibly! I'm immediately hooked. It does feel pretty rehashed for the second half, and seriously, this song is begging for you to cut loose and do some soloing. I mean, there are some little bits here and there, but I want to hear something really substantial! Maybe I am too demanding! I don't know! Overall it's really good and the production is great, but it needs more variation. From the sound of things, you are more than skilled enough to rock it out, so I hope you do it! no, please resubmit
  11. ok, seriously, SIIICKK arrangement. The main issues that push this into NO territory are the mixing, and over-reverb of most of the instruments, especially the low strings, which bleed over everything else. That synth guitar has got to be replaced too. I don't think the track is too repetitive from an arrangement standpoint, but part of the reason it sounds so, is that the reverb is swirling the individual parts together so much. The breakdown with the harp and drums was ridiculously awesome. My hand sloooowly formed itself into some metal horns and I was kindof headbanging. Took me a second to even notice. Nice work. XD So overall, amazing arrangement, excellent drum writing, but production issues, and a few weaker samples, like that guitar. Maybe you could get a real guitarist to help you out? Some powerful chugs doubling the strings in the harp section would possibly kill people from the awesomeness. Hell i'd even consider rocking guitars for something like this. No, please resubmit
  12. I gotta agree with these fine ladies here that the piano sample is bringing down your pretty great arrangement, and the extreme dynamics are a nice touch but are a little overdone. I think the overall volume should be slightly normalized, just so it isn't quite as jarring during the dynamic shift. I think if the piece itself was more dramatic in substance, rather than a sunny day romp, the huge mood shift would make more sense to me, but as is, it seems like dynamics for the sake of having dynamics. The ending dynamics were good, it was just the area around 2:11 that Jill already mentioned. If I had a piano sample worth anything, i'd offer to assist, but sadly I don't. Just adjusting the volume in the one section and using a new sample and i'd be cool passing this. No, please resubmit
  13. really chill stuff for a dance track (is that even possible?). Definitely put me in a trance listening to it. I guess that's why they call it trance, lol.
  14. I really enjoyed the feel of this one, with some excellent synth choices and a solid groove. The strings in the background lend some additional tension to everything, and the shifting soundscape gives a pretty unhinged feeling to the melody. Nice work dude!
  15. woah oops, i missed this! happy belated :J day!
  16. I do like the stuttered synths as well, and don't remember them in the numerous in-game remixes of this track. I thought the vocals were way too processed to be audible. I was hearing tons of effect, but not much actual vocals. I am somewhat of a vocal nublet, so I can't offer detailed crits, but definitely work on breath support and projecting your voice more. The arrangement was pretty close to the original, and could use a little more personalization. You started out pretty good, with some unique touches, but once that was set, it got somewhat automated, and it skated along. It's a little difficult because this specific song was all over the game in different variations, so add some more! As for production, it seemed like there were some mixing issues with balance, and also, the piano was way mechanical. Keep at it, as you have a good start, and listen to your girlfriend and keep singing! No, please resubmit
  17. Interesting atonal take on the source, but the production issues, combined with a few weird note choices, and also the brevity of the track make it feel like it's not quite completed. I suggest taking it to the WIP forums and get some additonal feedback on how to get this tightened up. No
  18. Vocals seem a little low in the mix, but were still clear enough. The guitars were pretty solid, and the bass and drums were nicely locked down. Excellent and classic sounding chorus. The solo was pretty cool, and the air raid into the chorus afterward was pretty awesome. XD I think the lyrics are pretty solid, and the vocal performance was great. The track length was perfect, and overall I was feeling this. The arrangement was somewhat conservative, but vocals, harmonies, solos, and some unique riffage keep it very personalized. Yes
  19. The arrangement was exciting and varied, but yeah, the samples really are an issue in some spots, specifically when they are more exposed. the synths are decent, and the guitar has some good moments, but the sequencing throughout is pretty mechanical. I do think the original sections work pretty good, but do get a little longish, especially for an already unfamiliar source for a lot of people. One thing I also noticed that for a really long arrangement, the ending was a bit anticlimactic. It's like it's going along, there are some different moods, and then it just sortof ends. send me a PM, because I can give you some 1 on 1 assistance with some of the sample issues, and we can discuss further how to humanize things more. I like this, but it's not quite there in a few spots to pass. No, please resubmit
  20. What's your timeline looking like, dude? Start date/End date? I'm interested, but I need to make sure all my existing obligations are covered.
  21. Dramatic in-game footage of some colossus battles, riding, pensive moments, whatever, set to the cues in the song. it doesn't need to be fancy, but it does need to be tightly cut.
  22. I need someone who can make a kickass music video featuring game footage of shadow of the colossus for this legendary remix for an official OCR project! http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01657/ the deadline for a completed video is Dec 1. The elite panel of judges will be myself, DragonAvenger, and OCAD! The rules are: 1. All video has to be shadow of the colossus footage or directly related to the game. 2. it has the incorporate the entire wanderer on the offensive song. 3. it has to be KICKASS. 4. Open with the OCremix logo. OA provided two that you can crossfade between to get a nice glowing transition. Logo: http://www.oceansend.com/5502/ocr/ocr1.png http://www.oceansend.com/5502/ocr/ocr2.png 5. Credits need to be at the end. Remix Credits: B33J, Cerrax, nonsensicalexis, Sixto Sounds Video Credits: You! If you're not sure where to get SotC footage... Innuendo88 on YouTube has some great HD footage that he is allowing people to use as long as he's listed in the credits You can edit this footage by getting the VideoDownloadHelper add-on for FireFox which rips videos from YouTube (and most other video/music s feel free to post your WIP videos in the thread
  23. I think the 2 minutes that the source itself takes up[ is about perfect for the content of the song, so with the remix, I feel that the extra length is a little unjustified, especially based on the general lack of dynamics. There are some coool effects and such used, but overall the arrangement totally drags. Even though it's really close tonally to the original, there is enough new stuff to consider it personalized, but it really needs to be condensed. Production was ok, but not mindblowing, the beats seemed a little pasted on. Overall decent, but it needs to be trimmed and refined a bit more. No, please resubmit
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