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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Really nice and varied piano work, and the long play time gives Steffan plenty of time to add in his own touches. I love these sort of extended piano solos, where you can really get a good look inside the mind of a musician. I agree with Brian, the soundscape can get a little samey, but I think it's tempered by the purity of ideas. Overall really strong. Check this one out.
  2. Pretty groundbreaking for it's time; it's songs like this that really push anyone who remixes forward to improve, as it gives an idea of what is really possible. Jared hasn't done any remixes on OCR in awhile, but has taken his talents to the pro world, but I think these tracks hold up incredibly well, and are inspiring to remixers even today. Excellent work.
  3. A really interesting soundscape, with some nice guitar work. Weird that I find this to be more accessible than a lot of Zyko's other stuff, and though it's not really a style I'd normally gravitate towards, but i'm always interested in what kind of crazy cool stuff he has cooked up, and in this case, I really connected. Definitely check this one out.
  4. Nice buildup and though some of the synths are a bit vanilla, the beats are good. This definitely lacks the punch and excitement of Zircon's later stuff, but it's a good gauge of the level he was at when he first started getting stuff on the site. If you dig the theme, you'll find plenty to be excited by, and overall it works decently.
  5. I think the really basic drums add a ton of the character to this mix, with the lazy hisses early on, and some nice rhythms for the second half. Doing the usually dramatic theme in such a chill way is pretty inspiring though, makes me think about a lot of other melodies in ways I haven't before.
  6. Really nice stuff - great counter writing and performance. I'd love to see Pot Hocket perform live with another guitarist sometime, I think that'd be really nice.
  7. http://music.aol.com/new-releases-full-cds/#/6 you can stream the album here on AOL music for the rest of the week. Pretty great album, imo. EDIT: this is a game soundtrack! I can remix stuff from here! Mind = Blown! Shrine Bros!
  8. I registered just to vote. Pretty nice community site they have there, some great features and stuff.
  9. I also use Steven Slate's stuff a lot, which sounds really nice. It's very reasonably priced as well.
  10. Yo Brandon, it's Andrew. It's clear you have some skills, but it seems like when I make suggestions to improving, your efforts to implement them are somewhat halfassed. If I could make 1 wish on my magic lamp, it would be to give you one piece of advice that you would be forced to take to heart and follow. More specifically, it would be to learn to make EQ cuts in your tracks so your compressor doesn't smash everything together. Louder mixes and professionally done albums can be so loud because they have near-invisible EQ cuts made throughout of frequencies that are just cluttering up the soundfield. Unless you make similar cuts in your own tracks, pushing things so hard is going to sound pretty bad. Hit me up on aim sometime, and i'll try to help you out. Arrangement-wise, it sounds like more source is dominant, but the other judges had some great tips for improving. No, please resubmit
  11. I'm inclined to agree with the other judges on some points, but I do think that you have an excellent start. I really liked the new feel you gave the track, and I think the instrumentation is pretty good. However it does need a lot more TLC before it could potentially hit the front page. Balncing things throughout the soundscape, humanizing things a bit more to give it a more organic feel, and expanding on your initial ideas are all things that would really improve this. I encourage you to hit up the WIP forums and get some additional tips, but this is definitely an idea worth seeing through to the end. No, please resubmit
  12. Really classy stuff, I am surprised I hadn't heard this one before. Great production, performances, and lyrics. Everything just clicks together like some legos, and it really shines. A very good collab, nice work, gents.
  13. Crazy awesome. One of the top 5 mixes on the site, no question. There is absolutely no reason to not download this song.
  14. dang, somehow my original review to this got deleted. I love the intro, the performances, and especially that sax. This song hits it's stride and brings it on home with a combination of groove and style. The brass sounds excellent, and the solos are solid. A definite OCR classic.
  15. I gotta agree with Brian here, this track has really aged well, and sounds pretty timeless. THe distorted piano struck me as an odd choice, but it really captured my attention, and when the rest of the synths came in, it felt just right. The backdrop is lush and beautiful, and the chord progression alterations are even better than the original ones, imo. It really mixes some hope with melancholy and mystery. The structure is really similar, but the completely new feel is what really sells this one. Fantastic work. This is the best Zeal remix.
  16. if the production was a little more bombastic, i'd have sworn this was a eurobeat song. Somehow DJP has a european accent here? Strange, but it works. I wish the percussion hit harder, and a little EQ changes, but damn, this was 2001, which is like, 5 years before I even considered remixing music, so maybe I should just shut it. Pretty decent singing as well, and I liked the extended piano passage at the end.
  17. Sounds pretty good for an all-samples guitar mix, and while it's pretty conservative arrangementwise, it's very enjoyable and has some good modulations and solid programming.
  18. Amazingly polished for being done in 48 hours. Could have been 48 days and I'd have believed you. Great soundscape, good rhythms, and an amazing voice combine to make a really standout mix. The ending is cool, the lyrics really fit, and everything works really well to draw you in. Awesome.
  19. Super solid, this really hits it's stride and takes it home. The brass and sax sound awesome, and everything clicks. It's definitely on the shorter side, but the performances and style keep it interesting and fun. The intro is great, and it just gets better from there. Nice subtle use of synths in the otherwise classic funk arrangement style. Sax solo was rocking too. All around awesome.
  20. Sick remix, and the thought put into the different parts really worked well. The AE metal man homage was classy and very obvious, even if the part itself was subtle. Very cool idea. Overall a really solid and well done mix. Strongly recommended, check this one out!
  21. Pretty nice stuff, good soundscape, and though i got jarred out of the feeling with the frog cameo near the end, overall it was lush and interesting. Nice performances and everything clicked.
  22. I totally remember this theme from a local arcade machine when i was a kid. Cool stuff. The main issue I am having with this is the indistinct production. The lead seems pretty buried, and the harmonies are all similar timbres and volume levels, so it's like a haze over the entire track. The drums feel a little weak as well, might want to apply some compression to them so they punch a little more. Also, the static sound transitions were VERY NO. Incredibly piercing compared to the rest of the track, and overall not cohesive or related to anything else. Synth sounds seemed pretty generic too. Sorry man, this one needs a lot more work. No
  23. Too much random stuff going on for my tastes. Sorry Mustin ;_;
  24. Excellent piano sound, And a great soundscape with subtle strings and some nice percussion. The choir wasn't amazing, but the flute sounded great. Super recommended, it's both beautiful and dramatic.
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