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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I'm not sure about all of the rhymes here, but overall really funny. Flik once again steals the show. Oh, you crazy crackaz, I can't quit you.
  2. Really nice flow, it's pretty relentless but still doesn't feel forced. The backing track is unique and well produced, but the vocal delivery is what really sets this apart. Ridiculously good, don't miss this one.
  3. Pretty damn epic. This is the way to do a medley right, kids. Varied parts, some good guitar slinging, and interesting drum patterns and fills. Great selection of tracks as well. Very rocking. \m/
  4. Man, it sucks that Jesse thinks he is too cool to remix tracks anymore, because this is really good stuff. It flows really well between sources, and has a languid approach to getting it's ideas out; there's no harried rush here, just some really well done themes spread out over seven and a half minutes. The intensity varies between sections, keeping things surprising, but the transitions remain strong. Pretty excellent stuff.
  5. Nice dramatic score, though the brass seemed to sell some sections a little short with their attack. When things are in full battle mode though, it really works well. Powerful swells and driving rhythms keep the track moving forward, and some excellent dynamics. The ending is a little on the abrupt side, but it works decently enough. I think a softer touch to the final chords would have been more compelling. Either way, this is an intense ReMix that deserves all the accolades that it has received.
  6. Perfectly named remix title. No false advertising here. Beautiful work, and a very accessible arrangement.
  7. The beats are nice, but the canned rapping and scratches, kill it for me. Jovette has come a really long ways from these humble beginnings.
  8. Has a very distinct 70's singer/songwriter feel to it, which is something we should hear more of on OCR. The guitar performance is solid but more of a utility role, and the vocals are well done. I think the treble is a bit much though; it's not flaying the flesh off my body, but it could stand to be a little warmer. edit: woah, Cyril'ed!
  9. That is not a reverb I can use. ;_; Could you maybe just lie and say it is some random reverb I can get as a free AU plugin? Just link to any reverb and i'll probably believe you.
  10. There are some original accents to this, but overall it felt a little too similar to the original for a good duration. The sequencing was all really good, and the vocals sounded really good. That wordbuilder is a total pain in the ass to use, so mad props from me. Seems like the words at 3:45 were a little behind the beat, but otherwise it was synched well. The instrumental runs were well handled, and there is a distinct flair in the arrangement, but I almost wish this was performed live, as the samples don't seem good enough for this type of writing. Regardless, pretty damn epic, you guys should be proud of your work.
  11. Great reverb on the opening harp, gotta let me know what you are using there, dude! For presumably all free samples, this all sounds pretty nice, even the choir. The arrangement is classy and nuanced, with tasteful additions, and everything done here has a distinct place in the mix. The pacing is strong, and everything is melodically interesting, with good dynamics. Good stuff Shariq, now about hooking me up with that reverb...
  12. I don't recognize the remixer at all, but what a really nice rendition of the theme. The ending is a little anti-climactic, but the tone and performance is very nuanced, and the transitions between sections are seamless and accomplished. Nice balance between hands and chords and arpeggios, and the brief original interlude was very well done. Really pleasant work, I enjoyed it a lot.
  13. Production isn't up to her stuff these days, since her voice is a little buried, but this is a pretty classy arrangement that still works well, and the lyrics are also good. The additional sections are seamless with the original source, and I really wish that I could hear her a little better, because the vocal performance is pretty emotional and has a lot of conviction behind it. Check this one out for sure, it's still very good despite a few minor flaws.
  14. Cool sounding glitch percussion and a melancholy take on the theme. Some of the orchestral elements weren't working for me as well as some of Chris's usual synth choices, like the brass, but the mood was really well captured, and I enjoyed the mix quite a bit. It did have a certain poignancy that demanded attention, and the mazedude touches are unmistakable.
  15. Eh, not my thing. Interesting for a track that has so many reviews it's been pretty dead for the past 4 years. Some cool hooks but overall not as strong as it could have been.
  16. Excellent sounds chosen, and the typical attention to detail. McVaffe has the (very prestigious, i'm certain )distinction of having the most saved remixes from OCR on my hard drive. Of course, he's done a ton of remixes, which certainly can't hurt things, but when they are all consistently so high quality, it's a lot more obvious why. Those in a lot of ways he plays it close to the source, there are always nice details and touches that make them distinctly his. Good stuff, and well worth listening to.
  17. to be honest, i was pretty underwhelmed for the first half of the mix. Once there was some vocal slicing and such, and more than just the in-game vocals, + drums, I felt a little better about it. Really, I think the first minute or two should have been chopped off, and things taken from there. Decent, but not awesome.
  18. Nice intro that is pretentious and grandiose enough to live up to the legacy of The Wingless. Overall an excellent theme selection, and a really well-done approach to it. The samples don't hold up amazingly, but the arrangement is still really good and creative.
  19. Production-wise, this one is pretty bleh, but the arrangement ideas are great, especially the whisper counter melody, and the lyrics are personally super hilarious, as I have known several people who fit the description of the lyrics completely. This remix will always be relevant.
  20. Dat Bass. Back It Up. The breakdown had some beautiful leadwork, and the flow was excellent. The soloing was tasteful and emotional, and the length was perfect. Great source track as well, and I really liked the wah'ed clav. Great work right here.
  21. 100% Classic OCR track right here. The ring bell count in was spectacular. Great riffing, a good solo, and really nice vocals combined with a great arrangement make this one stand the test of time. \m/
  22. This remix is incredibly deep- between the textures, reverbs, and delays, it creates a enveloping sound that is very compelling. The overal lack of percussion makes this whole piece feel very timeless, and the vocals are absolutely stunning. Some of the samples are slightly weaker, specifically some of the more exposed strings, but, taken as a whole, the whole track is very serene, and still feels 'right'. I'd love to hear this performed with a live ensemble, as I think it would feel even more emotional, but I certainly won't turn my nose up to this mix. Fantastic work.
  23. Disco Dan continues to impress, and the banjo synth is a really weird choice that actually works out. The violin sample is showing it's age a little, but works in context, and the beats are nice a multidimensional. The breaks between melodic bursts are good for grooving, and give the song a bit of a chance to breathe. Though there is a lot of mileage drawn out of that banjo chord progression arpeggio, I think the song works pretty well.
  24. Great performances with the whistle and guitars, and the sequenced elements are really nice as well. I definitely get a classic Mitsuda vibe from this, and it really works, the B section melody just rolls along, and the song is almost too short, but it's infinitely replayable. Wonderful work, I love it.
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