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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Really cool and personal sounding remix. I love the dense atmosphere, and the vocals are very well done.
  2. Interesting and funky take on the source, and the vocal stuff really keeps it fresh and unique.The first listen caught my attention because of the talking, and the beats and synths kept my attention to the end, and before I knew it, I was hitting repeat. The relaxed feeling this has is infectious, and I really enjoyed it.
  3. I think it went a little long, as the last few minutes could have been condensed a bit, but otherwise, it was really nice- great performance, a really warm recording sound, and a good arrangement that played to a lot of strengths of the source. No complaints here, this was really a nice mix.
  4. I always thought the source track for this one was really cheesy, but the more subdued arrangement to this track made the melody a lot more palatable to me. Nice beats and synths, nice guitar, and a very tasteful way to represent the theme. Unassuming, but it has a lot of charm.
  5. Awesome intro - this is exceptionally classy. XD 1:49 is incredible, and easily the best hook of an already solid song. This whole track sounds like it was incredibly fun to make, and the enthusiasm is infectious. The sax solo afterwards was excellent, and really, high quality tracks with a lot of personality like this one is the kind of thing that made me think that it'd be fun to remix myself. Total classic. <3
  6. good arrangement, but the production hasn't held up at all
  7. One of the most ridiculously awesome tracks on the entire site. It's touching, serene, deep, and intense all at once. I can't recommend this one enough.
  8. excellent intro- though i wish a little more bass was in there. A huge filtered bass would have sounded incredible under the roiling and bitcrushed percussion. The lead guitar had moments were it sounded very good, and some where the limitations of the sample showed through, but overall I think it worked out pretty well. Length was about perfect, and though I wish there was a little bit more variation in the sections, i'm cool with how this mix panned out. The ending was classy and brief without being cheesy., which is always a plus.
  9. Clever title. I almost wish this track took a cue from machinae supremacy and mixed in some metal with the synths- it'd sound really incredible I think, with this type of arrangement. Still pretty some good listening to be had. It maintains it's pace pretty well, and there aren't any massive surprises, but I definitely enjoyed it.
  10. Pretty good. There were some parts that were spot on, but a few that seemed a little too self-indulgent. Overall a victory though.
  11. Pretty stuff here, nice and varied, with some good transitions. The piano and bell percussion was great, and the themes were well integrated. Nice length and everything flowed well. Nice work, Wingless.
  12. that's pretty gross, but i guess i've had worse.
  13. I want a recording of the frustration raptor sound.
  14. *diary entry 4-28-10* I have managed to integrate myself into the natives' society, and after several years of laying low, I am shocked to find that several tribe members are giving me some measure of authority that I have not even earned. The large, wooly one has proclaimed that my random comment be made into law, and that failure to comply will result in exile of the tribe. Too bad this tribe is such a damn sausage fest or i'd really have it made. ;/
  15. This is messed up that I agree with atmuh, but I don't think anyone is being serious in this thread, so that's cool. Sorry if I am ruining the joke. I personally really like a lot of his songs and I think the arranger of his singles is brilliant. Perfect restraint of backing tracks, great builds and transitions, nice small details with percussive elements, and strong melodic hooks. Being successful in pop music is about execution, not innovation, and with the team this kid has set up, they certainly aren't lacking on the execution end. If that's not to your liking, then you most likely just don't like pop music. Nothing wrong with that.
  16. XD I would classify this one as "collab, electronica, ethnic, singing, synth, trance, vocals" myself. >___>
  17. How awesome is this? so awesome I love the variety of instruments and Jill. Astounding work as always, good sir.
  18. I am generally liking the production on this, and it's a good song but I don't think it's there yet. The length is more reasonable now, which is good, but arrangement-wise it still seems like the source is just used for a breakdown for those lazorz. Without a strong downbeat at the first buildup, i got way confused with the offbeat bass as well. When the source is added to the more intense section, it is way too far back, and it really clashes with the other melodies present. Some notes need to be changed for that to fit. Sorry dude, it's clear you have an ear for writing cool trance melodies, but this track still needs more work and more dominant source to get on OCR. no, please resubmit
  19. The production here is good, no complaints at all. Sounds used are cool and mesh well. Arrangement though? Tougher to call. The bass is in there at the beginning, but damn is this difficult to evaluate. I'm very familiar with the soundtrack, and though I am hearing the original elements throughout, I'm not really sure that enough of the early on segment contains something that would be recognizable to anyone who isn't super close tot he original. The criteria I am going by is that without knowing what the track is, would I have recognized it at all? Sorry man, but the answer is no.
  20. I do like the mix of orchestra and electric synths going on here, but a lot of the sequencing is really rigid, and it's made apparent right away with those string stabs. There were some timing issues in the choir, but the sound scape was pretty balanced. I think a little more low end would have given it some more power. I'm cool with the percussion where it is, but it could be a bit crisper. The real issue for me is similar to Deia, in that I am really lot hearing enough source in this. There are a lot of cameos and allusions, but it's not sounding dominant. The fadeout is a little on the weak side as well, especially considering the drama of the track otherwise; i'm not sure why that decision was made. Overall I enjoy listening to this, and I think it's a good song, but it really doesn't feel like a remix to me. Other J's if you can use your magic ears and point out source that I am missing, please do, but for now, I gotta give this a no edit: looks like the source linked was referenced, but wasn't the main one; and there's a lot more source to be had. i'll change my vote to a yes
  21. Though the transitions aren't seamless, there is a ton of great things in this mix, and some very high caliber musicianship. If any song would be better served with a higher quality encoding, it'd be this one. Excellent work guys, this one deserves some more attention.
  22. The first half is very subdued but determined, and then it starts to pick up and get even more determined. The piano left hand started out a little out of character for what the song ended up being, but overall I really enjoyed this one. A single promise... A decisive battle... And time is running out... Beautiful work.
  23. Wow, a very different sound than i was expecting from both the source and from DJP- it's kindof funky, kind of serene, and i'm not sure it's the strongest way to handle the theme; it's very much the opposite way i'd take the theme.. but for some reason, I can't help but loop this one. There are a lot of clever details, and the arrangement is very unique to the theme. Samples are good, and well balanced, and otherwise quality. ... I just looked down and noticed Justin basically wrote the exact same review. I swear we are not the same person. If you don't like this one at first, give it a few more listens, it really grows on you, and I recommend it.
  24. Great expansion of a already good theme, and the solo is one of the top 5 OCR solos, in my book. There's something to be said for some great straight-ahead rocking, and this track does it very well. Be sure to check it out.
  25. Very cool link, i'd love to see their library of artwork- i bet it's amazing
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