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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Everything about this track is excellent except that weaksauce rhythm guitar sample. The percussion, filtering, effects, synth leads, gates and arrangement itself? All amazing, A+. This is the kind of track that would really benefit from some Sixto love. It'd take him all of 5 minutes to do too. I really do like the track, but I think it's being held back from it's full power.
  2. I'm glad this track made it through the lockdowns despite the heavy sampling of the original. The gating effect really makes it sonically unique and interesting, and there is a ton of expansion of the theme on it's own. The gating makes the tempo change possible too, without ruining the original waveform. Great source and a nice mix of it.
  3. Pretty crazy that this was posted a few days after I joined the site and decided to try this remixing thing for myself. There are a few minor nitpicks I have with this track, mainly some of the string articulations and that tempo transition, but for every nitpick I have, there are countless things that are excellent. I loved the beats and the harpsichord passages, especially when they get extra-ornamented with trills and mordents; I love that kind of thing. Synths were tastefully mixed in, though I wish the lead synth had a little more vibrato and swagger to it. Everything about this mix says quality to me though, i'd say this was 5 months well spent.
  4. The source was pretty boring to me, but the arrangement here makes it very listenable. Great use of effects and builds, and overall it's all exciting and adrenaline-charged stuff.
  5. Wow, this is a case of a mix that really uses the full 7 minutes it fills to great effect. The intro was excellent, and the track gradually builds; very effective transition, and it's handled expertly. Overall good stuff, I think the kick could have been a little punchier, but I had a great time listening to this one, and that's what matters.
  6. It's been awhile since I've listened to this one, and I don't remember it being nearly as good as it actually is. The soloing is great, the transitions into completely new instrumentation are solid and not at all jarring, and the pace of the mix is excellent. The only sad face I got during this was the fade out, but I can understand due to the time constraints of the contest this was originally made for. A strong ending would have made this perfect, or at the very least a longer fade. Good stuff, excellent arrangement.
  7. I think the vocals could have been brought up a little bit in the mix, but even as-is, this is a stellar track. Great vibe, excellent production, and some amazing character. The reverb applied to Melissa's voice is-spot on, and the arrangement was catchy and cool. Transitions were amazing, the Mute City one especially was totally excellent. "Now approaching...Mute City.." *transition to theme* Highly recommended!
  8. Starting out with a pretty lush atmosphere, the build gets pretty intense; with the melody peeking out from behind the massive bass, and the support elements overpowering it. Some nice lead ins to 1:47 really bring out the drama, and make this exciting to listen to. There is plenty of open space in this one too that makes the melodic sections that much more hard-hitting without being too over the top, and overall this is a great mix.
  9. I was really feeling this one, but at 2:30 long, it ends just as it's getting going, and when it's time for some expansion, it fades out. The new rhythms give it a new energy, and the guitars sound pretty nice. The breakdown at 1:32 is my favorite part, but everything in the entire tracks clicks for me. Pretty great for a first submission, and for the most part, it's held up very well over time.
  10. I don't think it'd be too much of a stretch to say that this is the best rock mix on the entire site. Great pacing, excellent performances, and the arrangement of the source is unbelievable.
  11. A really great Green Hill mix that has helped inspire me to remix the song myself. Good backing synths, some nice counter melodies and main melody variations, and a cool pitch-shifted ring sound section all leads up to good times with Sonic and the gang!
  12. pft, a remix review where i can pretty much just quote DA? Makes it easy on me. But no, Karl is too cool to have a cut and paste review. Really, I am not feeling the 2 chromatic bits, but the rest is phenomenal; I love the energy that picks up, and how effortless it all sounds. One of my favorite OCR piano mixes. It's infectious.
  13. Some of the choir stuff grates on me (specifically the faster passages), but overall this is nice. Nice work guys.
  14. Fun stuff, I've had this cheerful piece on my playlist for years and years, and I don't see it going anywhere any time soon. I like how there is an extended drum break near the end of the song, it really isn't in a hurry to go anywhere (must be that laid back west coast attitude , and then like a beautiful sunset (that sets in the west, of course), it gradually fades away. Nice synths, a good beat, and a catchy and upbeat theme make this a great track.
  15. Some pretty epic stuff, but it has a lot of room to breathe. I really liked the false ending, and the intense string arpeggios before that. The samples aren't stellar, but they are very well used, and the piece as a whole is balanced, and has a good deal of energy and suspense. The kettle drums specifically were very well used to create tension and atmosphere. Pretty damn fine work.
  16. Man, you made it so legato, it's no longer 'plink plink; plink plink ploonk'. Makes me sortof sad, but the mix is very good. Great backing synths and variety of timbres. We don't get to hear much from Ross, but I'm glad he made this one, very great collection of sounds topping a classic theme.
  17. Dude, I know you love the sound of your own voice, but damn. TMI. ;_;
  18. Very nice take on a memorable theme. It seems pretty similar to the original, but a little more emotional and sweeping. It doesn't really deviate too much, and it actually sounds like it could be the OSV from a more recent platform release, which is pretty cool.
  19. One of my favorite source tracks of all time, this is a great feeling mix that focuses on the strengths of the original writing while adding some new fun surprises. A few of the transitions were a little strange with the modulations added in, but it still works out ok in the end. Some of the original parts were a little weaker and didn't feel quite right either, but the first half of the song is super good. The ending was simple but classy; nice work there.
  20. Really excellent panning synths and an overall cool feel with a slick vibe. There are some really great hooks in here, but I almost felt like they were pushed aside in favor of style- the best melodic part was at the very very end for the last 20 seconds, and personally, I'd have loved to hear it blasted out as an anthem. Of course, that's just how I roll, and maybe if I ever find time to remix this track myself, that's exactly what I can do. Still really good stuff, densely layered and very interesting stuff. Also cool that it was a collab between two very talented guys.
  21. One of Po's best, and that is really saying something. Beautiful guitar and violin work, and though the beats are a bit vanilla, there is enough going on otherwise to keep things engaging for the duration. The ending was a bit abrupt, and I could image a few other superior ways to end things, but I certainly won't turn up my nose to this great track. I am a bit curious about the name though, as "crystal potion" basically sounds like a tailor made track name for a Final Fantasy game.
  22. Production is a little weak, specifically the drums, but the arrangement is pretty fun and action-packed, with some great synth work and some nice and varied beats. Really nice, sunny work. You can't listen to this and be grumpy, it's just not possible.
  23. Really interesting take on the source. Nice sample use and a lot of introspective passages make this a superb background track. Vocals are great without being the forefront, and the piano arpeggios do a good job of taking the forefront.
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