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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Nario, you are pro- awesome work dude! i watched them all.
  2. staop flaming, you mediocre duncez!!!!!1111 stfu preps and posars!!!!!
  3. Brushfire writes from the desk of Mr. Luers: "Stop it your Honry Simpleton!!"
  4. I don't think I've ever been more proud of a ReMix. I love this one so much, it could have placed last and I'd still be happy. Super props to Stevo and Steve, they made this one happen.
  5. This is an exceptionally classy mix; everything clicks together and there are some great piano runs. The production is fine I think; it has a really nice atmosphere to it, and the instruments are all mixed pretty well. I'd bring the percussion down slightly, but otherwise, this is an excellent mix.
  6. I didn't really find this one that challenging to listen to, but i'm sure people listen to all kinds of different things. The performance of this is very human, and the live aspect is one of it's strengths. I also love the massive dynamic shifts. Go big or go home, IMO. The original writing was tastefully mixed in with the source, and there were a lot of cool moments to this. Overall it's really nice stuff; not flawless, but damn good.
  7. the strings were pretty weaksauce, but the harpsichord sounds fantastic, and it even has a very proper playing style. I think if this had live violin, it'd be one of the site standouts, but as is, it's merely a very good arrangement held back by some subpar samples. If you enjoyed the game, you'll really love it, and even as someone who is merely familiar with the melody, I came away with a smile.
  8. It develops a decent groove, but from there is on autopilot. This would make fantastic background music, but as is, I'm not really drawn to it. Decent but not amazing for me.
  9. Some really good ideas here keeping the theme pretty fresh and moving in some unexpected directions. I can definitely hear the comparison to AE in a lot of aspects, but there is a distinct flavor here as well. Some of the little stutters are in a really strange mode, but it gives attention to them in a way i'd normally overlook, and doesn't really detract, so nice work. Too bad this was the only mix by J:drive.
  10. Cool intro and the rest of the track lives up to the promise- excellent attention to detail. The piano solo section was a little mechanical, but pretty easy to forgive compared to the rest of the awesomeness surrounding it. Some really nice arrangement ideas keep this one sounding good over 7 years later.
  11. Wasn't feeling this one too much, the guitars were really sloppy, and the group wasn't tight for several passages. I think the highlight for me was the drum playing, which was the most solid of the 3 parts. I bet it'd be better seeing this live, but as-is, i'll pass. Sorry.
  12. The melody works surprisingly well with this treatment, though I was hoping for a few more trills and ornamentation. Great rubato, and the track itself is short but sweet. I do think the 2 hands are panned a bit severely, but it makes transcribing things a little easier. There's some clipping on the left hand side around 2:25, but otherwise it sounds really nice. Another victory for McVaffe!
  13. Besides that orchestra being a bit too far back, this track is about as solid as they come. Very awesome beats, some meaty sections interspersed with some more serene orchestral parts, almost like taking a brief respite from battle before jumping back into the fray, and then a quasi-jazz piano solo. I mean, why not? Are you going to tell a viking-dwarf NO? Here's a hint: you aren't. I love the layered snare sound that comes in with the lead guitar a whole lot, and unlike other beats, which are not suitable for viking-dwarves (sorry djp), this one is full-on. Lali-ho, I give this song 3.5 viking-dwarves out of 4.
  14. This has a super sick beat and a pretty classic chord structure that gives a great backing to all kinds of melodic synth goodness. After that teasing intro, I was pretty pleased with how it opened up, though I think a reverse cymbal leading up to it would have been even more epic. Some of the transitions where the track gets a little bit gated are great, and there are always a lot of quality textures keeping things moving. Very good stuff, one of my favorite Beatdrop tracks.
  15. This is like concentrated FF7 nostalgia for me. Absolutely stunning use of dynamics and pacing. I'm actually at a bit of loss for words on describing this song- it's incredibly emotional and really has to be heard. Highly recommended.
  16. fantastic work, as always. The intro is so good, and the rest of the track just gets better from there. I'm really glad this is on the site.
  17. And a third vote that loves the ideas and beatboxing, but thinks it could be improved on the production end. It's all been touched on already; too much delay on the brass sample, not enough bass presence, more humanized performances (though the guitar sounded pretty good to me, actually), and some of the snare's high end needs to be toned down. The arrangement is pretty cool, and the general soundscape you are going for is definitely cool, it just needs to be polished and filled out a bit. no, please resubmit
  18. Beautiful and upbeat, this track made my morning. Reading through the various resubs, I'm really happy you stuck with it and got this where it needed to be. I personally appreciate it a lot, since I wouldn't have heard it otherwise.
  19. The breakdown at 1:05 is excellent, and some well chosen synths. It sounds like live saxophone too in the second half. I do think the drums should be hitting a little harder, but I did enjoy the track. Nice work.
  20. THis has been sitting long enough- closing it.
  21. Hey Luke, I'll skip the arrangement stuff since you are specifically looking for production help. I don't think it's quite to OCR standards, but it's the closest you've ever been. Here are some tips that will hopefully give you some insight on improving your sound. I think your velocity on the kick is a little high- It sounds like you are rocking AD, which I think the kicks sound best at about 100ish, rather than 127. The natural reverb of the sample in the 127 velocity is causing a little bit of low end mud, so toning down the velocity on this will make things sound tighter. The beat is pretty vanilla, and though you do change it up pretty well throughout, i'm not hearing any really prominent fills, or even crash cymbals. Might want to add them in to make it more interesting. Cool stuff on the breakdowns and stuff- i'm loving the hi hat with the snare accents. The guitar arpeggios you aren't quite nailing- you are definitely improving as a player, but I think that specific part should have been worked on more, or the song slowed down slightly. You are almost there, but aren't quite keeping up. Rhythm guitar tone is a little too distorted, you'd get a cleaner and punchier tone from bringing down the gain slightly, and it'd actually sound heavier as a side effect. Lead tone is a little brittle, but serviceable, and some minor tweaks would keep improving. Overall your production is getting closer, nice work on staying dedicated to improvement, it is starting to pay off. no, please resubmit
  22. I agree with everyone on the excessive reverb - i think you could have pulled off the reverb sound, but you are letting too much of the low frequency reverb bleed through, and it should have been filtered to only let the highs though. I think if the low-end reverb was toned down, you'd have had more room to give your low end some more beef. The snare is a little static too, I'd suggesting talking with Scaredsim about the snare, because he has a very similar sound to his snares, but has really mastered getting it to sound it's best. The arrangement is very cool, and the synths are pretty well chosen, but I think think the lead synth is a little buried, and isn't quite as expressive as some of your previous efforts. Guitar playing was pretty good, some nice runs, and though the tapping wasn't completely solid, it was certainly close enough. The intro and outros were very well handled, and that is the arrangement attention to detail that really improves a song. So, typical vote for me- great arrangement, but the production just barely scrapes by. I really like that you are adding some guitars into your tracks, it's a genre that I am partial to myself. yes (borderline)
  23. An excellent adaptation of the source, but it really sounds dry, thin, and small, when it should be completely massive. I know finale is not a good program to produce with, just compose, but the production on this should be more natural. Even giving the sheet music to someone to play and then adding reverb to these samples would be a welcome improvement. As-is, it sounds like a really awesome source tune in itself, with PS2-level samples. There is some dynamics, but they are really too subtle for the type of feel you are going for. Sorry, man. No, please resubmit
  24. If you don't include Def Leppard, I will find a way to ban you from the internet forever.
  25. I liked this one a lot. It's especially cool to hear it was written about a real girl instead of a pretend one. Makes it a lot more heartfelt.
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