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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. The first 2 source themes I was unfamiliar with, but the third one was definitely recognizable. Everything was really well sequenced with the exception of the piccolo. I'm not sure why that one sounded so fake and mechanical by comparison to everything else. Nice transitions and good ideas throughout, including some nice textures make this a solid mix. Very good stuff.
  2. I always read the entire submission letters. It makes it especially hard voting 'no' on a track that has a really touching story behind it.
  3. Pretty nice mix of elements to create a compelling track. I'm not sure about the guitar lead sound. It sounds a little wonky, but everything else is solid. Nice crunchy rhythm guitar playing, and a good blend of keyed instruments; that organ near the end is especially classy.
  4. Nice sweeping intro that I knew was going to lead up to something cool, and there is no disappointment to be had here. Percussion is silly, but works well, and the accordion sounds authentic. The violin isn't as good, but the job is done well enough. Overall fun and catchy, a good performance combined with a creative flair, this one is worth your time.
  5. Really nice stuff, spectacular harmonized leads, and though the drums are playing at full capacity at nearly all times, it's still really interesting. Synths are used tastefully, and there is some great riffage in the the rhythm parts. The galloping section was really classic, and the rhtythm playing in the section afterward was super good. Rock on dudez.
  6. I gotta disagree with 42, i think for the most part this really worked. The super analogue lead i'm not as sold on, but the rest of the track is pretty slammin. The hard pans at the 2:50ish point ar4e absolutely brilliant. Super pro stuff, and a very good mix overall.
  7. Pretty nice piano solo stuff, definitely expands on the source with a lot of cool ideas and almost no repetition. Really not much else to say but nice work. Very capable stuff.
  8. This one ran way long for my tastes, and the sound balance was pretty weak, with the leads often too buried or too prevalent, and the arrangement meanders. Decent overall, but more like a WIP than a finished piece, and way too much soloing for my tastes. Some wrong notes in the middle solo also hurt it. Can't say i'm a fan, sorry.
  9. Pretty melancholy track with a solo piano and some tasteful backing strings. The build throughout is gradual but well integrated, and there is plenty of drama to be had. DJP's description of the track is pretty much spot on. If you are looking for a heart-wrenching piano track, look no further.
  10. Excellent panning and overall coolness, with some great and catchy ideas added to the source. i wouldn't specifically call this spooky, but it's still a bad assed way to go about it, and the panning is a superb way of retaining interest with 2 bells that play off each other. I wish the drums were a bit punchier, but otherwise this one is pretty much perfect.
  11. Cool panning starts this one out, and a cool filtered bass synth anchors things, but WTF those sound clips are abysmal. :-( I can't even make it to the end of the track, despite how cool everything is.
  12. A really nice lullaby that even without percussion has some excellent textures. I love the delicate harp and bells mixed in with the strings, and the woodwinds and brass are also well used. Transitions are great, and the source melody is really well suited to the treatment. A great mix, definitely check this one out.
  13. I think the arrangement here is cool, and it fits with the mostly chorale treatment of the source, which is basically a chord progression, but excitement-wise there isn't much of a hook. The repetition fits the electro genre pretty well, though i wish the harp arpeggio was a little more prevalent, there's some sort of effect on it right now that washes it out a bit. Production is alright but not outstanding, with a bit of clutter, but nothing that ruins this overall. I do think this one is close, but I'm willing to tip this one towards the positive. The repetition that bothers me is inherent in the source, and there is a good deal that makes the remix more interesting. yes (borderline)
  14. I absolutely love this mix, but I gotta side with Larry here. There is some expansion of the theme, but not only is it near-verbatim structurally, but a lot of the instrumentation is the same, and the tempo is very very close as well. Production was great, and I agree that there is some excellent nostalgia here, but it needs to go beyond the cover level. no
  15. Great to hear, Jake, I'm excited for your new healthier living, and am really excited for VGMix to come out as well.
  16. i agree with Jimmy on the production crits, and arrangementwise, it really does need the vocals throughout to break up the super repetition. I suggest taking the production crits and sprucing up the backing track, and then recording a few more verses. I think that'd put this a lot closer to where it needs to be. no, please resub
  17. The mix really gets going in the chorus- the synth is a little strange, but it is effective in giving the track a unique sonic signature. The mix could use a little more punch as well, but in it's current state, it's still very charming and catchy. I even like the vocal clip! *shock*
  18. good stuff, nice playing and singing of my favorite theme from chrono trigger, which is one of my favorite soundtracks. Doesn't get much better..
  19. A conservative take on the source, but it's super relaxing. Despite the rawness of the violin solo part, I dig the track. Congrats on being posted, and I am excited to hear what you've got for us next!
  20. I think "GerudoInterludo" would have been the correct remix title choice. Pretty standard stuff overall, but that breakdown was really nice rhythmically, and then afterward things start to get more inspired. A wee bit o' soloing and the melody with a whistle. A bit generic, but personalized a bit, it shows it's age but is still a good listen, due to the strong source and a clean production style.
  21. nice track, pretty standard cover though, and short to boot. I like it, but I am surprised this one made it past both lockdowns.
  22. I love how most of AmIEviL's early tracks all included his name in the mix title. Definitely lets people know in no uncertain terms who made the track. This track specifically doesn't sound especially evil though; i'd say more pensive and reflective, though the length is way short for a medley. The sounds are good, and I dig the rainsounds, but i needz moar progression! Definitely a good looped track, it's way relaxing, but falls a bit short of it's potential.
  23. all updated- keep on reviewing guys, we are definitely looking to beat last year's record!
  24. Pretty rocking for an older OCR track groovewise..at least at the beginning. By the end the loop wears a bit thin. I'm not sure what the melody is doing down in such a low octave; can't say that it's really being done any favors, and the arrangement is way conservative, but it's a cool time capsule, and the first Sonic 2 mix on the site deserves some recognition regardless.
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