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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. One of the classic rocking tracks on OCR for me personally, once I heard a Goat song back in like 2004, I was hooked and downloaded all of his tracks. This is one of the strongest he's done, IMO, and the blending of themes works really well to feel like a single track. There is good playing, some nice effect use, and a solid flow. If you like rocking, this is your jam.
  2. I actually played a little bit of Wizards and Warriors this past weekend, so this is certainly timely. The theme is a good one, but all the voices grate on me, and not in the cool "housethe" way. :/ Sorry dude, you are a talented mixer, but this one didn't work for me.
  3. The very beginning sounded just like the game, and it wasn't that great- seemed rigid and used weak samples, but it quickly brought the hifi in, and was much better. Nice panning gated and filtered synths really are the show-stealer for me. the beats are pretty cool but could have been a little punchier, and some of the synths and samples used were still pretty one-dimensional. The strength though is that there are a lot of cool themes going on, and the arrangement works, I just wish some of the sounds were as good.
  4. I think the arrangement is hot, and it's great that Sixto helped out with the performance and production aspects of the track. Sixto's collabs tend to be epic, mostly because he picks out arrangements that really move on their own. This may be Dustin's only track on the site (atr least as of right now, in late 2009), but his arrangements have consistently been great, and his production is almost there. Extra bonus for the game in question to be a bit overlooked, this track definitely needs to be heard. Awesome work, gents!
  5. I love the variety of genres Hale Bopp can hit with his vocals mixes. Excellent harmonies, a great mood, and the melody of the source translates very well to vocals. I wish the guitar and piano were a little more adventurous, but for the style, they definitely fit. Still a great track, check it out!
  6. Super nice use of mixed articulations to really bring this one to life. It's a step above most of the stuff people would hear on OCR, and in addition is a great arrangement of possibly the most recognizable game theme. Super nice stuff.
  7. Super clean guitars and some drums that I can only describe as "jammin'", this song was my introduction to HousetheGrate, and it certainly made me want to check out all of his other stuff. Brass was well used and supported the track, and the solo was sweet, as per the usual when it comes to House. This is a super "grate" track, check it out!
  8. There's a lot of rocking stuff here, but specifically the percussion is phenomenal. Crisp beats and good patterns make me a happy listening, and epiano and some funk certainly doesn't hurt. This is the exact arrangement style that i love, with a huge attention to detail, and really solid arrangement. Production is ace as well; really everything about this mix is superb. One of Diggi Dis's best, and considering how consistent he normally is, it's definitely saying something.
  9. Totally excellent work here, the percussion is absolutely slammin- i love that thick sizzling reverb tail on the hits. The brief megaman theme cameos were awesome, and the varied soundscape was good. a few weak samples here and there, but it was held together by both the strong arrangement and the good production. Mario ending was cute but a little confusing. Overall a cool synth/hybrid mix that does a lot of stuff right. Quite recommended.
  10. geez, total transformation. Really nicely done. This is super moody and does the source justice. Cool smokey sound, some awesome organ swells, and a pretty tasteful guitar lead. Drums fill out the back, and the bass isn't flashy but gets the job done. Nice jazzy mix.
  11. Way unexpected, but damn, does this track deliver! Great vocoder, a pounding beats, excellent effects, and cool synths. Also, the source is completely hot, and the arrangement fits it like a glove. An obscure track from an obscure game that certainly doesn't deserve obscurity. Check this one out RIGHT NOW!
  12. crazy dramatic sequencing- awesome work guys, a true collab effort, though it is somewhat strange to consider that for a piano solo mix. I love the rises and falls, and the expression is really nice. I enjoyed the arrangement of the theme, and the source itself was well chosen to boot. All around a great mix.
  13. Play "Name that OCReMix"! It'd be pretty sweet for a 10 year anniversary, to go through the OCR catalog a bit, and would work really well since Magfest is more tuned into the site and it's mixes. Maybe have two teams of three audience members, so they could confer, and have each song be worth up to 3 points. 1 for the Mix title, 1 for the game it came from, and 1 for the ReMixer. Both teams write down their answer, and then MC Liontamer reads the answers aloud. First team to 10 points (for the 10th anniversary) wins! Maybe have the winning team go up against a panel of Judge "experts" for a bonus prize.
  14. maybe switch the location of albums/remixes for remixers only? looks decent if they are on an album: http://ocremix.org/artist/4280/mcvaffe but if they just have a lot of ReMixes, it seems like space is wasted: http://ocremix.org/artist/4765/scaredsim either way is fine, i dig the flipped look.
  15. Pretty good stuff- great rhythms and a very unique take on the source. I didn't think it could be done, but here it is. Nice work.
  16. A super OCR classic- great clean production and some cool lyrics. Doing a cover of this arrangement at last year's Magfest was totally fun. Nice lyrics, good arrangement and additions, and good guitar tone. Consider my Ken realized.
  17. crazy track- it makes me glad that OCR can do some funny tracks in addition to the SUPER SERIOUS PENDULUM INSPIRED PROG METAL. I don't think we'll be hearing a track this creative again for a long time.
  18. Nothing to say here but :nice work. A completely epic track that seened to have taken people by surprise when it was released. Awesome work, a must-listen.
  19. One of my favorites- the section at 2:15 is beautiful with that rocking arpeggio, and the rest is pretty solid too. The RMS is a bit high, but that just seems to be how Star rolls. A great creative endeavor, and one Stars best.
  20. Easy call indeed, thanks for the breakdown, very helpful. Nice arrangement, a great and cheerful collection of sources, and the ending is good too! Production I'm fine with- it could push a bit harder, but for a light and breezy track, that's not as crucial as it would be for a punishing rokk track. Nice work, Blake, I dig. yes
  21. Definitely a step up in production from the DoD version, but a few issues still remain. Sound balance was pretty good but a bit bass heavy. The soundfield was clear enough though, but there are a lot of little things that gradually chip away at the mix. Guitar leads were a bit rigid and really could have used some vibrato. Parts sounded good, but others were just a bit dead. Rhythm guitar tended to be solid chords, and could have used a bit more rhythmic interest, a few chugs can go a long way to keeping a track moving forward. Tone here was good, and it blended well with the bass. Drum fills had some good patterns and writing but really lacked velocity work, making them sound really robotic. Also, they sounded just a bit weak. They need to be punchier, and it's generally a huge pain to get drums to that level. Aside from this, the arrangement felt a little on the conservative side- there was a cool solo section, and a lot of parts shifted to new instruments, but it felt a little too coverish for me, and combined with the minor production flaws, it pushes it into no territory. Keep rockin out with DoD though, i've noticed your DoD subs since this one have fixed a lot of the little issues this one had, so just keep at it. Also feel free to hit me up with any WIPs you have, i'd be happy to take a listen. no
  22. Keep up the pwnage everyone, we are doing well! At this rate, i'll be doing a lot of mixing in early 2010! ;-D It's day 4 and we are already closing in on 300 (officially traceable) reviews. Bahamut needs to get a badge in his sig so I can see how many he has done this month- we might be over 300 already!
  23. What starts out pretty basic turns into some pretty crazy stuff quickly- a lot of nice additions to the theme in the form of countermelodies, and a pretty rhythmic chordal backing. I remember checking this track out years ago, solely on the gimmick of 4 pianos, and though I'm not sure how this would sound live, the arrangement was cool enough to get me hooked. Cool stuff, and a very creative.
  24. Starts out interesting, with a lot of vocal clips. Production is a little muddy, but it still sounds decent enough. I can't really say i'm a fan of the voice clips, they just make everything seem really cheesy. The wah guitar and bass writing were good, but the mix leaned on the crutch of those voice samples too much.
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