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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Nice builds. Seriously, this is a pretty great genre adaptation, and it has enough personality to sound distinct. Some nice original stuff mixed in with source makes this a good arrangement in my mind. I dig it.
  2. Some nice moments for sure here, though some of the parts are ultra mechanical. The piano is super robotic, especially, and the whole organic illusion is lost when it heavily pounds the notes. COmbined with an overly meandering arrangement, I can't bring myself to like this one, despite some great synth tones.
  3. Some cool processing and panning segments on a few parts of this, and there are some good ideas, like the multiple modulations and solid production, but it seems like the melodic material isn't really supporting this. The arrangement is great. I think I'd love this track if the source was better.
  4. Great opening mood on this mix, and though it's more of a rhythm + chord progression track, it has enough layers to keep it pretty interesting. Some of the leads seemed a little piercing, but overall i was cool with this one.
  5. a little slow start, but some cool additions and a uniquely Asian feel to this one, which is weird due to the title. I'm not hearing what i'd expect from Africa at all in this. Production was pretty good, if at times somewhat empty, but there was always something happening. A lot of different feeling sections, and a pretty relaxed arrangement make this decent.
  6. Atmospheric and interesting, but after it was over, I couldn't remember what had just happened. Lack of coffee in the morning or not enough melodic content? YOU DECIDE! Actually, i'll decide, and i think it was a lack of melodic content. The melody itself was present, but it's a more ambient style melody, and things felt more like a texture study than an actual song to me. I know a lot of people love this kind of music, and good on them, but unfortunately, i'm not one of them.
  7. Nice textures and panning, but the source doesn't really lend itself to an exciting overall mix. Clean guitar could use a little tuning as well. The sounds chosen were fine, and I did like the synth, but it didn't feel like much happened during the course of the mix. Sorry, not my favorite.
  8. Unbelievably sick- not even close to a missed opportunity here, just legendary levels of pwnage. Tons of style, good overall production, and a top notch arrangement, solid transitons, good synth usage, a classy source; I could go on, but i'll just say that this is easily one of the top 10 OCR mixes of all time.
  9. Lets shoot for the goal of 12 or more reviews per remix, and no remix with a 'last reviewed date' earlier than 2008! Thankfully there are only like 2 remixes with a 2006 date, and about 30 with a 2007, so that'll be cake.
  10. I checked this thread! i had a good feeling!
  11. woah, interesting collab duo right here. Has the distinct CotMM texture that I usually associate with him, and a little bit of melody mixed in there. Movie quotes i'm not feeling, but do I ever like movie quotes in music?
  12. Nice piano sound to start things off, and then the winwood-esque synth. Very classy, once the bass and drums come in, I am totally sold. Super sophisticated sounds, and all signs were pointing to it being a classic mix.. and then the animal sounds came in. I hate to say it, but ouch. Totally killed the mood. It was a brief section, thankfully, but it just felt so off-key to me, I dunno. A potentially great mix cut short.
  13. I love the source tune, and I feel that this remix is a worthy offering to the godly cheetahmen themselves, Aries, Apollo, and Hercules. An interesting aside bit of Cheetahmen trivia is that Aries uses the spelling of the astrological sign, rather than "Ares", the Greek god of war. A funny typo that actually makes the train wreck that was the game even better. Anyways, this mix is great, i love that percussion, and the creative arrangement of the melodies. Surely you don't need my recommendation to download this slick mix.
  14. Discoooo Daaaaan~~~! One of the 2 mixers who really got me interested in joining the site and trying to mix myself, based on his great Mega Man 2 mixes. Naturally, this mix lives up to the legacy, as it's a lushly produced mix of a superb source track. Also, if any track deserved to be spread out to almost 8 minutes, it's Aquatic Ambiance. Great use of reverb to fill the space, and the kettle drum kicks things along. Really nice stuff, conservative arrangement or no.
  15. With a melodic style like this, it also has to be Schnab- i don't even need to check the credits. I double checked the mix notes just to confirm though. XD I really love the phrasing at 2:39, it's easily my favorite part of the track. It really does feel improvised, and it's cool how it travels all over the spectrum. Fun stuff, good ideas = win.
  16. Seems like every single Metal Gear theme ever was covered here, and surprisingly, it really works well, with strong transitions and great crescendos. Very emotive playing in addition to great samples makes for a thrilling sonic ride. RIP Reuben.
  17. geez this is a long song title, and it was *even longer*!? OMGZ~~ especially since the song is less than 3 minutes, the track is almost over by the time you are done saying the title. As for the mix itself, it's pretty synthy-sounding, but it is actually pretty rocking, and doesn't really make an attempt to convince us of its realism. I'd say that's the right call, because on it's own, it's pretty charming, with it's start-and-stop sax rhythms and smooth and slinky bassline. It's lite synth-funk for all. Dig it!
  18. woah, debut sixto?! Slick production, as per usual, and some well chosen sounds to go with the metal guitars. Basically this is exactly the sort of professional, but mostly by-the-book sound that i'd expect to hear in a really good official arrange album. Actually, compared to the Dracula Battle official series of album, i'd say this track outshines the competition. Great original organ solo and then guitar solo. Conservative arrangement, but damn does this track kick ass.
  19. Wow, pretty epic stuff for Pac Man. Like ridiculously so. The theme is totally present, but it's not a terribly compelling theme. As an academic excercise, this is really interesting stuff, though as a piece of music i'd regularly listen to, I think it gets too caught up in patterns and not enough legato melodies (choir aside) to keep my extended interest. Super props for pulling it off though, it made the source track sound like something huge.
  20. I never think of uptempo tracks when it comes to Metroid, so this was a big surprise to me, but though I don't often hear the source connection (though the included breakdown sure helped), it was a pretty rocking track. Some awesome syncopated beats around the 1:55 point, followed by an absolutely mindblowing transition to the next section. This is how it's done, folks. Overall really driving and cool. Great work, and "I can't believe it's Metroid!"
  21. There's great layered percussion texture here, combined with the organic acoustic guitar and the bells and subtle synths, it make sfor a really good listen. I love how the Secret of Mana music all tends to sound sortof mysterious, and this envisioning of the source track certainly fits that mood, with some really sophisticated patterns, and interesting melodic phrasing throughout. Really solid soundscape on this one, and for a first sub, it shows a ton of polish. Awesome work, Harmony; this is an incredibly good mix.
  22. pretty spooky stuff, but beyond that it really followed the original too closely, and I wasn't a fan of the original too much. TO has some sick mixes, but I don't think this one is at the same level. Check out the other ones for sure though!
  23. Interesting opening with some smokey sounding sax work and some rhythm section hints. Sounds all live, which is a plus, but i felt the arrangement was a bit meandering for my taste. I'm sure this will be a hit with a lot of people, but i'm not a huge fan. Sorry.
  24. wow, this is super moody- really nice stuff with the piano and snare rolls. The soaring strings give a more epic quality to it, and the subtle synths help fill out the sound further. Final Doom is one of those soundtracks I have some sort of weird bias against, so that every time I hear a mix of it that is really well done, I am surprised. It's something i've been trying to change of late, and mixes this good help in making progress a lot. Good stuff.
  25. Nice synths starting out- i love that analog gliding sound. Trancey synths are ok but not awesome, but the little bell chime is beautiful and fits perfectly. Beats are a bit generic but keep the track sufficiently propelled without being too heavy, and there is a decent amount of progression. Everything is nice and cheerful and speedy, like a good Sonic track should be. Nice work, Darkesword.
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