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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Nice apology. I'll let you know what Psyduck thinks when he finally calms down.
  2. A classic VGM source track that unfortunately ended up being a remix too mechanical for even me. :/ I do like that it started out with just pads at first, as opposed to the traditional piano, and the piano deviation in the second half was pretty good stuff. Otherwise it's the same velocity piano over and over. Some cool ideas, but the execution was pretty weak. Sorry dude, not diggin it.
  3. When i heard the name I was thinking "oh, it's going to be the tetris theme song, but on a piano", and while it does include such a thing, the level of arrangement is such that it really feels like an entire new piece. The intro begins in a pretty liberal manner before getting to the specific apparent part that is so familiar to the original game boy owners. The orchestral backing was nice, and has a very classic sound to it, arrangement-wise. Nice work there, and a very nice arrangement overall. If this arrangement could get an actual orchestra behind it, we'd be well on our way to getting game music out and about into the world beyond it's current scope. I could even see this appearing on a Christmas album without much fuss.
  4. Wow, this track hasn't been reviewed in a looong time- like a few months after I joined the OCR forums. Anyways, it's some nice sounding bass and drums mix in with a pretty cheesy sounding guitar and some cool synths to produce a track that is more than the sum of it's parts. Melodically there isn't much of a hook to grab on to, but there are a lot of great rhythms present- the drum breakdown is especially tasty, and the huge fill right before the end was very effective as well. So while the guitars at first are pretty grating, the great rhythms really draw you in. Definitely worth a listen.
  5. wow, epic collab here, very emotive work, and the delicate backing track is a perfect fit with Karl's piano skills. I agree with Larry that the woodwind lead is a little too computerized, but overall, this mix gets top marks for setting a mood and drawing the listener in. A really nice new age sound that is both relaxing and inspiring.
  6. some earlier CH material that holds up pretty decently- the first half is a bit too similar to the source, but then it does a great job of deviating into some great interpretive arrangement. The snare is a bit over-compressed i'd say, but the mix overall still retains a good deal of power. Guitars sounded pretty good and the playing was really nice. Nice rockin work.
  7. Definitely not what i'd expect from a Mario Kart track. Generally they are super peppy and pretty vanilla sounding synth affairs, but this really puts some thought and weight into the source. Production is clear and the piano sounds really nice, with some great chord structure added into the track. Excellent rubato gives this a lot of emotion, and really, this is a fantastic snow-evoking piece. I'm really impressed, and if you are in a more relaxed mindset, this is just what the doctor ordered. Recommended.
  8. This is what i'm talking about right now- totally smooth and sophisticated sounding with a hint of a badassed edge. This mood is completely awesome. a few ways this could be better would be to add some legato string washes that crescendo in and out, and a few more variations on the melody, to keep things fresh throughout. I dug the drum sounds and the patterns. A little more variation throughout would have put this over the top, but it's still really strong. I love it.
  9. I don't think every new chord here totally clicked in a perfect manner, but it was still quite listenable- awesome percussion, and the slap bass was really fun. Creative rhythms, good panning, and clean production make this good. Not my favorite of Ziwtra's, but certainly had some great moments.
  10. Not completely seamless in the different room sounds, but still pretty well balanced. Playing sounds nice and clean, and the synth washes are pleasant. Nice modulation and crescendo keeps things interesting. Some of the reed instruments lacked a bit of realism, but they were pretty background anyways. Not bad, I enjoyed it.
  11. Though the production isn't as pounding as it'd be if made recently, this is pretty amazing stuff; excellent solos throughout, and in 2002 this would have absolutely blown my mind. Even now it sounds really really good. Tracks like this are one of the reasons the bar is so high for rock remixes nowadays. Be sure to give this one a listen, you will not be disappointed.
  12. i think the only thing that could improve this great arrangement is a little more room reverb on the sax. Solid solos that make fun and subtle references the source, good performances all around, and a great length, with interesting variations. Really nice stuff. Be sure to check this one out, especially if you are a jazz fan.
  13. Some interesting sound choices, some of which i think are great, and others that I really wasn't feeling, mainly due to mixing. :/ I thought the percussion was very good, and I really enjoyed the feel of the patterns, but the velocities are crazy static in just about every instrument, making it feel a bit weaker than it should have. I think a bit more development would have been really nice as well, because there were a lot of places this could have gone. Mixing was a mixed bag, with the melody a bit buried (and a not-awesome synth used for it) and muddy overtones throughout, but the sounds overall gelled pretty well. I'm being nitpicky about this one because there really is a lot to like, but the execution fell a little short. I wish I could hear some more recent tracks by WinterMute, because there is a distinct ear for good stuff at work here. Still worth a listen, i'd say.
  14. Pretty relaxing stuff, and good use of subtle crescendos. I'm not sure what the voice in the background is saying; it sounds like "Cool! It's a koi! Sugoii!!", but i'm guessing that's not the intent. The different elements all really fit together well, and create a very enchanting soundscape. Percussion panning is great, and the shakuhachi is super nice. This one has held up really well over the years.
  15. Pretty nice mood set here, the harp writing especially was what set this over the top for me. Very epic feeling overall, and it fits the source music perfectly. The transition 3/4 the way through was a bit weak, I think a little bit of time to let the phrase simmer before hitting the coda would have been better, but still, as is, some nice work from the esteemed Mr. Cox.
  16. This takes me back to about 2001 the when the hardcore was happy, the fours were on the floors, and lemmings died by the truckload to unimaginably gruesome fates. This is exactly what I want to hear in happy hardcore- impossibly fast piano comping, a sortof smooshy kick, and a repetitive chord progression with upbeat bass and melodic bits on top. Totally fun stuff, and if you can stomach all the cheer, you'll definitely enjoy it.
  17. Nice synths and a way chilled vibe make this a pretty great track. The heavy delay on the leads is really what makes this one work, as it gives a huge sense of space. The main synth is absolutely fantastic, and the other instruments, while not stellar, do their part to support the lead. Beats are subdued but effective, and the length is perfect. I'm a fan.
  18. Some awesome effects and transitions really drew me into this one. I'm unfamiliar with the source song, but there is a lot of really interesting stuff going on, so either there is some nice melodic material to work with, of you created your own. Really interesting throughout, and great pacing. I could jam to this one all day. Really good stuff, check it out.
  19. Not quite the level of ridiculousness of bLiNd's more recent work, but still very solid, this takes a great theme and cranks it way up. Nice effects, good transitions and breakdowns, and a whole lotta drive, I definitely dig this track. Excellent work, dude.
  20. Some strangely sour notes in this one keep it back from it's full potential, as well as an overly sparse feel. Some cool ideas, and worth a listen, but it didn't really stick with me.
  21. Classy stuff, well performed and intelligently thought out. Great interplay between the piano and drums, and a very nice presentation of the theme. I think DJP nailed it when he called this one an instant classic. Highly recommended.
  22. Pretty rockin stuff, it does have a distinct Elfman style, and I think the constant changeups were good, and require a more active listening role. I do think a little more additional repetition of the themes to help solidify them would have been nice, but I certainly won't turn my nose up at this track. I really enjoyed the percussion and the overall feel of the track. The wild west transition was really well done, and felt very natural. It seems like Zircon has moved on a bit from the site, but I'm really glad he made so many great tracks while he was here. Recommended, check this one out.
  23. Nice synth treatment, and though it's heavily subdivided into straight sections, it's still pretty interesting. I think a little bit of additional syncopation in the rhythm section would have been welcome, but the leads do enough to keep it interesting. It's fun and peppy, and good upbeat synthy BG music.
  24. Total under the bridge feel to this, and some great reverb sound and cool panning, and thankfully the mix doesn't overstay it's welcome. 2:11 is perfect for the amount presented, and It has a great mellow mood to it. Groovy stuff, man. Totally cosmic.
  25. Pretty cool stuff, though some sections worked better than others. It went from sections that were really interesting and cool to some sections that just sort of felt like they were killing time. The stutters were rocking- that main section was sweet. Some of the piano seemed overly mechanical, but they weren't used a ton. Overall some cool ideas, but i'm not sure the execution was all the way there. Still worth a listen I think.
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