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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Nice melody on this one, i'd have never heard it without Zircon remixing it, thanks dude! A cool neoclassical feel here, with some excellent timechanges and a crisp and powerful sound, it's a pretty good statement even with a limited sound palate. I do think a little bit of bass would help glue those drums in better early on, but most of the mix has a defined bottom end, so we're good I suppose. Nice work, this one has held up pretty well.
  2. ohhhh, awesome beginning to this, those crazy-syncopated guitar hits are absolutely sick! Some nice details are more apparent with repeated listens, and each time the mix feels better. I am in the camp that feels there should be a bit more bass in the mix, but it's still a whippin' good track. Recommended!
  3. haha, old school OCR where your remix title could be the same as your remixing handle, and no one thought anything of it. The bass is pretty cheesy, but the rest of the sounds are pretty nicely sculpted, and though the drums are a bit overbearing, the rest of the soundscape blends nicely. I wish the arrangement traveled a bit more, but there was enough expansion and nice sounds for it to be a worthwhile listen, and the source melody is really pleasant. I can easily see this being a great treat for fans of the original, like Liz.
  4. Excellent sequencing here, a very human sounding performance, and excellent variation. This is really a good example of making your samples work for you, and not many mixers can pull this off. Great stuff, Ryo Lion!
  5. What a nice warm recording sound here, and those the performances are a bit loose, the vibe is unmistakable, so get down, daddy-o's. I liked how the bass really had a great groove going on for the duration, and kept the track strongly anchored to the source. Drums were fine but a bit uninspired, and the guitar worked well enough. That bass was the real star i think.
  6. Absolutely stunning; I love mixes like this one that go straight for an emotional response. Everything about the arrangement of this source is both wistful and nostalgic, and the source really shines with the treatment. Nice guitar playing, delicate piano, and a 90's ballad drum style all combine to make a really good sound. Recommended, I love this one.
  7. An exceptional mix in every sense of the word. Great vocals, good production, an exciting source track, and an effective arrangement. A real standout ReMix, you'll be amazed after listening to it.
  8. Very cool processing on this, but I feel like the percussion is way too present on this one, and the melodic and harmonic aspects aren't emphasized enough. There's no clipping, but everything is treated to be way distorted, and that covers up a bit of the tone. otherwise decent, and of course it's well put-together, but not quite my style.
  9. interesting juxtaposition of the source and the new sections here; I think for the most part the arrangement worked, though it got a little crazy harmonically near the end. I think some adjustments could have tightened up that section a little bit more. Also, some of the sounds were a bit lofi for my tastes, and the mixing of the higher quality sounds with the 8 bit bloops wasn't as seamless as it could have been. Still a great source and a pretty good arrangement, so check it out and decide for your self!
  10. Nicely recorded mix with a fairly conservative but very pleasant, and then from the second iteration of the theme on, it gets more personalized accompaniment, but retains the distinct melody. This is a really good melody anyways, and a solo piano treatment is the perfect style in which to arrange it. Well played, and really nice, this is one of my favorite piano mixes on the site.
  11. Nice melancholy melody, and a well-supported arrangement of it. Some of the articulations had weak attacks, and the first keychange wasn't really smooth, but I thought the track was really nice otherwise; samples were decent, and the balance and production were good. It really does have a great melody, and the drama is super ramped up.
  12. Dios mio, this remix is pwning, great beats, nice guitars and brass, and a lot of cool arrangement ideas help this classic source track. Really the only weakness in this is the lead guitar sample, and that abrupt ending. Awesome work, esse.
  13. Though it's not exactly the Tetris type B song, this is some great remixin work. That intro took forever, but it was packed with interest, and really there are excellent details all over this mix. The ending finished a bit abruptly, but I was definitely jamming to this fine audio adventure.
  14. A classic OCR track, IMO. It has a grea tfeel throughout, and the ending half is totally rocking stuff. Not much to say but this is (vampire) killer work, and you should check it out immediately.
  15. great panning vocal synth chopping to start out, and though the beat remains pretty static throughout, it's interesting enough to not be completely dull. The bassline and other tuned rhythmic instruments overcome the loop's curshing sameness. Nice celebration of just having a refreshing beverage at 3:10. Overall a pretty well done mix with some good ideas, but it's brought down by that single drumloop. Still very listenable though.
  16. Great rhythmic organ chord comping here, super solid backing for the dual synth leads. The beats take a bit of a backseat overall, and the panned bass seems like a strange choice, but overall the mix was pretty great. Transitions were solid, there was good variation, and the source is cool enough to deserve this kind of attention. I like it.
  17. A very emotive opening with piano and panflutes + massive drums, that leads into the main Metal Gear Solid melody, and then all kinds of great stuff happens. Tempo changes, all kinds of orchestral and ethnic instruments, and spectacular string builds. This piece is both exciting and dramatic, and intimate and personal. I'd love to know what samplebank all these great ethnic instrument winds are from, they sound fantastic. Finish it off with a solid ending, and it's a very strong piece that goes even better when paired with it's sister work, "Part 2". Recommended.
  18. Pretty cool shift in the backing chords for this, and a lot of really good additions, both immediately noticeable and subtle. Production was clean and pretty well balanced, and there were lots of good hints at source even in the more liberal parts. Really nice stuff, check this one out.
  19. Ah, submarine attack, a game I spent hours and hours playing. It's a true classic than anyone who lived in the era can remember. Actually, I am totally lying, and i've never heard of this game. The mix, however, is pretty dang sweet, with great instruments and a solid melody, mixed in with excellent textures and a lush soundscape. There are a few weak samples, like solo violin thing, but most are really classy. The variety of leads and counter-melody instruments is really nice, and this mix ends up being fantastic as a result. Highly recommended, familiarity with the game or no.
  20. Pretty nice performance of the piece; some of the parts are a little basic, but there is a ton of charm working for this one, and some of the chord changes are exceptionally well thought out; some great new colors added. Cool ending, was really not expected, but I liked it a lot, and brought it to a close well. Good stuff for sure.
  21. Great percussion and attention to detail, as well as the bass. I don't think the original melody was super compelling; it's good background music, but not something amazingly melodic, but the mix emphasizes the rhythmic qualities of the source and adds a lot of cool expansion rhythms. It's still not really active listening to me, but it took a decent BG track and made it into a great one, and i'm totally fine with that.
  22. This really nice stuff, I hear a bit of Williams in here, along with maybe like some Goldsmith, and a touch of Medford. The switch between themes really did feel natural, and if it was a more obscure source, as opposed to FF6, I don't think many would even know there were 2 sources. Nice stuff, and I had no idea he did 7 mixes this year, that be crazy.
  23. The production was decent but it seemed to me like there was a bit of excess in the mids, causing a bit of mud, and a bit of brilliance was missing from the highs. The sounds chosen melded pretty well and went a bit beyond the typical trance, though the lead seemed a little too fake-organic, rather than intended synthetic. What I mean by that, is that it sounded like it was supposed to sound like a real instrument, but poor sample quality held it back. Arrangement was generally conservative, but had long stretches of chord build ups. The rhythms were altered a bit on these, and there was original writing as well, but i felt that the source happened to fit into something you had already written, rather than the track being written for the source. I think doing more with the specific source would make me more comfortable with the arrangement, and tying it closer into the sections that are just the progression. no, please resub
  24. The source wasn't especially melodic, but the additions and expansions added to the arrangement certainly made it more listenable, and I am always down with un-remixed stuff getting some love. I agree with our party's paladin (i'm the cleric i'd say) in that the panned snare was a little strange, but otherwise the production was clean and solid. Nice foundation for sure. I wish a little more happened in the mix, but that's really the fault of the source, and this is a much more interesting take on it. I won't let my melodybias ruin this one. yes
  25. arragement is definitely sweet, with some cool ideas brought to the table, but that sequencing is so robotic, it's almost humorous. Humanizing this entire track would be a lot of work, but i think it'd be worth it. Adjusting individual velocities and timing is what needs to happen, but I think the arrangement is strong enough to pass otherwise. My other suggestion is to redo it with harpsichord, where there only is 1 velocity. That way, you'd just have to humanize the timing. no, resub
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