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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Nice crazy panning on the guitars here. I also really enjoy the drum sound. It's powerful without being overbearing, and really does a nice job of driving the otherwise ethereal and floating arrangement along. Speaking of floating, the synth washes are really nice, and blend well with the more textured guitar approach. Classy stuff. The source doesn't really have a huge hook, but this is still engaging. Thumbs up.
  2. Really nice playing and mixing, this is such a relaxing track, and though it follows the source very closely, it brings enough uniqueness to the table that it feels very personalized. Nice blend of instruments, where several are live makes this a winner in my book. Great mix!
  3. Though i'm not sure about the title (even knowing the backstory), this is some pretty cool stuff. It's a lot more atmospheric than danceable, i'd say, but it does feature a pretty pulsing bass line. It really does sound mysterious enough to be in the game, which I guess makes pretty good sense.
  4. Leave it to FFmusicDJ to take a sad melody and turn it into something so driving. I guess that makes it more determined sounding than sad, or maybe bittersweet? Either way, I was feeling this one, and the original source is a great track no matter how it's arranged. Some very standard but definitely well-executed drops and builds, and though the track eschews really fancy tomfoolery, sometimes when you are hungry you just want a good, simple hamburger, and if that's the case, this track is as meaty as they come. nom nom nom
  5. Beautiful gated synth up in here. Seriously that is one of my personal musical weakness, along with tambourine and other weird things. ANyways, I think the kettle drums here really add that certain 'je ne sais quoi' that sets this mix apart from other atmospheric adventures, and subtle panning and a cool quasi-harp keep the interesting elements coming. I think a lot of AmIEvil's work is a bit hit or miss, but there's no mistaking that he was a big name in early OCR, and this song is most definitely a 'hit'. Nice work dude, and thanks for helping to make OCR what it is today.
  6. omg, super enthused response to this mix from DJP! The good news is that he's right, this is a great mix, especially considering the age of it. Cool arrangement, good production, and a great source combine to make a winning track. No surprise that it's McVaffe at the helm (after being unmasked! ). The ending is a bit weaksauce, but overall, it's a great mix that really gave the early OCR submitters an idea of what to shoot for.
  7. A pretty standard prelude arrangement (i'd go so far as to say it's a cover), but damn is it nice. Great playing, excellent tones, and a excellent feel. Not much else to say, but nice work. This is super good stuff.
  8. I am using notepad as well to track my own. DA's method is pretty rockin too. Also feel free to post your milestones in here (like for example, i just hit 25 december reviews), I'll be editing the first post to track everyone's progress!
  9. I love this arrangement so much- music is so fun, and songs like this really emphasize how fun it can be. This is a medley done right and then some. You seriously can't help but smiling while listening to this, unless of course, you are a bitter and hateful individual. I mean look, even Scaredsim likes this one! Super swingin'!
  10. Woah, wasn't expecting this. Weird robovoice + midi bass opens this track, and I was ready to write this one off as a loltrack, but then the rapping started, and I really dug the creative and well performed flow. Some really cool and out-there rhymes. Antelope though? I'm not sure if that's genius or madness. Possibly both.
  11. I'm sortof torn on this one- i dig the guitarwork throughout, and the synths are good, but the percussion is weaksauce, and the transition range from good to super-weak. The mixing was mostly good as well, but the ending didn't make sense to me. Still a lot of good things happening in this piece, and I'd love to hear more mixes from Suzu. Hit us up with some more, please!
  12. I totally didn't recognize the theme up until about 1:30. Once there, it really picked up, and the main arpeggio was played by a really cool synth. Nice orchestral backing, and a decent voice synth as well. I'm not totally certain all the sections transition to each other seamlessly, but there is a lot to love otherwise in the track. Great bells and harp, and the percussion is also very nice.
  13. that opening snare reverb is absolutely crazy awesome. I love the little semi-gate added to it. Way classy and well thought-out. The percussion is expertly chosen to add impact without moving the track too far from the chill territory it calls home, and though the melody is totally intact, there is a lot of additional supporting parts that are great, as well as a more liberal take on the theme at the end. Speaking of the end, it's the only really weak part of this otherwise excellent track. I think even a long fade out would have suited this better, but even so, this is great chill out music. Recommended.
  14. Nice filtered intro really grabs your attention, and then the bass and drums are kickin'. They are almost a little overpowering, as there isn't much room for anything else, but this is a distinctly rhythm-heavy track. They drop out for a second after a pretty sweet break, and then it's back into cruising mode. Synths are good, but really the star of this is the drums. I'm glad they aren't on autopilot throughout, and there are some great processed stutters and breaks. The bass sounds a little cheap in places where it's exposed, but it's a minor detractor. This is good stuff.
  15. I remember this opening well, and I know i've had this track on my playlist for years, but I never would have guessed FF8 without reading it. The opening starts out lush, but that little panflute sample isn't really pulling it's weight. The piano also seems a little thin, but the mood set by the subtle pad and strings combo is great, really serene. Not a perfect mix, but very enjoyable and charming. I really like this one.
  16. Nice sequencing. This is a beautiful arrangement, with great development. The orchestra sounds good as well, and even the little kid that chimes in from the audience seemed to be on pitch. Very sophisticated stuff, and I'm very happy you got a recording of this, and that it made it to OCR.
  17. ohhh VHD's OCR debut! The perfect mix for me to spend my 3000th post on. As usual for Dan, the articulations are excellent, and there is a lot of really cool transitions and countermelodies. Super stellar stuff, Dan is the man!
  18. Really nice work from Dr. Snapple. Nice and clean with good drum sound and a cool arrangement. Nice surprise with the coolly effected clean lead tone, I wasn't expecting it, and it worked really well. Good job dude, i'm impressed.
  19. Super fun- The vocals are a little low in the mix, but wow, excellent work. Clever and cheeky lyrics, good production, and a total sense of style, this is a great and unique mix. I loved the semi-breakdown where Makke has a conversation with himself, very clever and cool. Highly recommended!
  20. Rockin stuff- definitely has the Greg signature on here, and it reminds me of Survival Instinct from the FF4 album. The live guitar is a nice touch and is well performed, and the shifting tempos keep you wondering what will happen next. There are a lot of production flourishes, and details everywhere. Super good and highly recommended.
  21. holy crap, this mix positively DESTROYS. Excellent arrangement and production, and some amazing ideas. 1:51 is absolutely epic, and the mix has a great sense of purpose. This was one of the first mixes I grabbed when I started visiting the site regularly, along with BGC's bionic commando mix, and it really has an amazing mood. Classic.
  22. I would have never guessed that this was sequenced. I'm very impressed, piano solos live or die based on their human qualities, and this mix did well. It's a nice arrangement that sometimes feels a bit liberal to me, but overall a pretty satisfying piano mix.
  23. I definitely recognize this track as being a long-time inhabitant of my playlist, but I don't think if it came up on shuffle, I could name it. The voices lend a bit of arrange-album authenticity to it, and everything about this mix says "intensity". Great frantic percussion, string stabs, and woodwinds. Very classy stuff indeed.
  24. Only 3 reviews have been added since I joined the site? Unforgivable! Great opening synth rhythm, definitely got my attention with that syncopated awesomeness. The panned and filtered repeating line is also pretty great, and the drums are classy as well. This is a track that just hits everything dead on, and is really fun to boot. My only complaint is the length- it's too short! I think a solo added would have made it perfect.
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