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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. A pretty relaxing mix- the water works well, and the general sparseness works to develop a very specific mood. The samples aren't stellar, but they are pretty well used, and the SFX come in at just the right moment. relaxing.. i can just sail away... ^____^
  2. Woah, vintage bLiNd, very cool stuff, especially that break into the B section at 2:48. Total <3. It's cool to see how much he's improved since 2003, but also it just goes to show that before even half of the mixers around had even considered making a remix, bLiNd was doing it right. Good stuff.
  3. Pretty nice stuff, especially considering the age. I'd totally feel like a king at a restaurant listening to this. XD
  4. I love the opening percussion, and the overall mood is great- excellent solo as well, before breaking down into some strings and more beats for an outro. The mix feels way shorter than it actually is, but it has a lot of interting parts, and an especially good bass part. Seems that there is some of the (in)famous early DJP highend in some of the percussion which makes it harder to loops, but this track has held up really well.
  5. killer intro- those synths really got me pumped up and ready to dogfight! I wish the song was a little more intense, especially after that intro, but it definitely has some great parts to it. Nice filters, and that chord progression is great. Breakdown was sick, and overall this was good stuff. Well played, sir.
  6. Crazy awesome textures; the structure and melody doesn't change much, but the crazy machines totally do. Excellent rhythms and creativity, it makes up for the sortof vanilla presentation of the melody. very great stuff, I wish E-Bison made more tracks, they are all winners.
  7. Pretty majestic stuff- good samples and a generally legato and languid arrangement make this feel really flowing and peaceful. Awesome shifts in the underlying chords to give it a totally new feel. Very soaring stuff, and really paints a nice picture of Hyrule, maybe before Ganon got all up in it.
  8. happy birthday- i hope you have an excellent time.
  9. Awesome use of guitars to give a good rhymic backing with lots of open space to put all your crazy distortions in-between. Oftentimes a noise artist will just throw a bunch of sounds together and crank up the distortion, but having a grounding element really lets the song progress. I love how you add some extra riffage into the guitars later on to keep the song feeling fresh. Ominous synths kindof float through the sound scape, and a lot of intelligent choices make this a really clever and cool mix. I like it a lot.
  10. really ambient and definitely not something i'd expect from CotMM. This one sort of just floats along; it's not super remarkable, but it's a pleasant journey.
  11. Nice sax tone, but the rest of the track was super empty. Not really feeling this one at all, sorry.
  12. Good stuff, peppy and chippy, and some good vintage BGC- Strange that this track was made years before I ever started to want to mix myself. Anyways, the beats are hot, the atmosphere is there, and though i think the intro went a little long, there was a lot of care put into the little details that really make a mix awesome. Good stuff, and interesting to hear where Jimmy Jam has come from 5 years ago.
  13. bass is a little dry, and i really wish you'd have used a live guitar player (if only there was a real guitar player you could ask somewhere in the world ;_, but this was rocking on a lot of levels. Great transitions, and some nice sections and some good surprises- choir sounded very nice. Good work tying the 3 sources together, seemed very seamless. I dig it. It has a great groove that really gives it forward momentum. It's a very motivated sound. yes
  14. Very emotional stuff. An excellent source as well. Not flawless, but definitely real. I'm glad this made it onto the site. Nice work Ryan.
  15. lofi and charming, this song is all about the vibe. I like the texture of it overall, and when they all come together on a unison line is really cool. This is super repeatable, I could jam on this for hours.
  16. Way moody and the imperfections give this track a lot of character. I do wish the tuning would have been a little more on, but it's still a very capable mix. A cool room sound and a good arrangement are the icing on this cupcake.
  17. I'm groovin'. I have always enjoyed this source track, even though it often gets overshadowed by the other songs on the soundtrack, and it is really funked up here, to a pretty nice effect. The counter melodies and comping are very catchy, and the percussion is excellent. Great breakdown section, and the solos take it to the next level. Extra props for the Steve Winwood style synth lead. Great stuff.
  18. Crazy cool intro, and then some really nicely texture chippiness, i like how the rhythms switch up occasionally from being straight ahead to a bit syncopated. Nice and cheery stuff as well. Lots of smiles from this one; thanks, Showroom Dummy! :-)
  19. thanks for the comments everyone, i'm just saying hi in here. I am amazed at how this one just flowed. There will definitely be another OA/DA collab sometime soon.
  20. This starts out really good, with some cool beats and sound effects, but once the synths enter, it doesn't match at all. The arrangement is also super basic, and doesn't connect to the original sections. Sorry камрад, but i gotta go no.
  21. I gotta agree, it's really tough to find the source in this one- The square wave also is pretty piercing, as is the reverse cymbals- you might want to tone down the higher frequencies on those. There was plenty of cool breakdowns and stuff in here but it was way too liberal of a arrangement. Sorry dude. no
  22. Production was decent, though i think too many elements were too strongly reverbed/delayed, as things got a little smeared in some of the busier sections. Having 1 or 2 elements a bit drier would help things stay a little more grounded, I think. Excellent bass however. Mad groovin'. I wasn't as bothered by the repetative beat as vinnie, though it'd have made it an easier call if things were mixed up a bit more. There was enough synth craziness going on in the track elsewhere that it seemed alright to me that the drums were generally just a timekeeper. I think some more dramatic rolls in the transitions would have improved things a lot, however, to make the track more exciting. The second half felt a bit like a retread, though there was some subtle variation, and really, since the song came right out at full-on power, there wasn't much room to grow. The slow fade into the bass and drums for the ending was pretty cool, and would work well for a club mix of the track. Overall these are some issues, but i think the cool personalization and cheeky use of sonic SFX and creative synth wrangling taps this one over the bar. yes
  23. i love the intro and the half time feel about 2/3 through right before the big break. Good stuff, but next time hit me up for some guitar, or if you keep learning it on your own, do it yourself!
  24. Definitely diggin this one- the one critique I have is i'd like a little roll or some sort of transition into the upbeat section, but as is, this is stellar. Awesome work. yes
  25. The "time travel" synth starts a little overpowering compared to the piano, but it fades out soon enough, but it just seems like a lot of elements overpower the piano in terms of volume when they should be supporting it. Other items that overpower are the descending sweeping sitar-sounding chord, and the tambourine. The other elements fit in well volumewise, but there is one more issue: The hard panning I can understand the use of, but when it's piano on one side, and what seems to be almost everything else on the other, it starts to feel really unbalanced. At the end is a lightly gated pad, which helps glue things together, but too often things aren't sitting right. As for arrangement, this is pretty cool stuff, and even the basic beat behind it gives it some decent energy. I think centering the tambourine would help fill out some of the really high frequencies on both sides and would improve things, and then seeing what you can move to the center as well to try to meet the piano a bit. This is pretty close, IMO and just needs some minor production tweaks. no, please resub
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