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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I do have to say that for being all garageband stuff, there is some really good stuff in here. The intro is pretty good, and a lot of the rhythm guitar chugs are actually decent as well. The leads, not so much, sadly. I think either getting a performer or switching out to some synths would be the way to go- garageband has some killer synth sounds, but I think lead guitars would be the way to go with this arrangement. Drums lack energy, and unless you are a production super-genius, there's only so much that can be done with the GB drum samples. Overall i'm good with the panning choices, but i do think a touch more bass and less reverb on a lot of the elements would improve this. The strings aren't amazing, but are passable, as are most of the rhythmic elements. Arrangement was awesome, I really enjoyed it. Creative and well thought out. Good source, and excellent treatment of it. I hate to no this based on production, but there are just too many issues for it to pass as-is. no, please resubmit
  2. Pretty nice work, some overall improvement on production, and the arrangement is pretty rockin too. Crazy arps sound good, and the overall treatment is pretty nice. I'm glad to see you are finally a 'real' remixer! yes
  3. Fair enough. If he is cleaning up that middle section, I'll totally yes this.
  4. This is definitely chill, but dang the intro is long, and the effect on the strings is a little bit vertigo-inducing. The mixing seemed to be either too empty, or too crowded, there wasn't really a happy medium. The feel of the second half i preferred, but the melody was a bit buried, and some of the noodley guitar bits had some definite off-key notes. I found the whispered vocals to start out mysterious but since they were constantly cut-and-pasted throughout the track with no change in intensity, they got to be sortof annoying. I think if you varied it up with the voice getting more insistent, it's work a lot better. Overall some cool ideas, but some changes need to be made for this to pass the bar. I'm glad that you made a FFMQ mix though, what an underappreciated soundtrack! no, please resub
  5. Good crisp production and a decent arrangement too, this is pretty good stuff. Nice rhythmic breakdowns to keep it unique, and it's a good way to present the melody. I'm totally cool with this. yes
  6. can we contact Josh and see if he can clean up that middle vocal part?
  7. The lack of a similar intro riff threw me off at first, but the chords check out in the main section, and the acoustic guitar variation treatment of the riff is pretty cool. The source certainly doesn't jump out though, so it might be a good idea to revisit and add in a little bit more dominant source. Melodically I get it, but I think making a few references to the rhythm guitar part would help, even if you just did it briefly. The general feel was good, but it was held down by the main issue, which was production. While the samples aren't terrible (except for the strings), they sound mechanical in a lot of spots, and could use additional humanization. The guitar is pretty good in most spots, but the piano is really lacking velocities. Mixing felt empty in a lot of sections, and the super hard panning of some elements, like the high hat and bass, didn't work. The drums were pretty wimpy sounding as well. So I like the arrangement and instrument choices, and you definitely have an ear for writing good original stuff, but there are a lot of production issues. If you have any specific questions, hit me up on aim, i'd be happy to help you out. no
  8. Clean and crisp production, but it is a little quiet. I wouldn't object to it being brought up a bit. Good humanization on the drums, and a good sound balance. Arrangement is definitely on the short side, but there is some good personalization with the backing parts, and a completely blistering solo. Nice guitar tone, and great technique make this a really nice track to loop while driving. Harmonies were solid, and tight. I'm down with this one. yes
  9. dude, you cry about your songs? emmmoooooooooooooooo ps. man up.
  10. dude, you cry about your songs? emmmoooooooooooooooo
  11. definitely a great atmospheric track, i'm very glad this made it onto OCR.
  12. Sounds used were pretty generic, which in itself isn't really a huge deal, but the writing was pretty simplistic and basic, as well as repetitive. There is some decent energy once everything is firing, but the lead in was somewhat slow to get there, and it seemed like the entire track was on autopilot. The percussion sounds good once layered, but it sounds like a super short loop and needs to be varied quite a bit more to stay interesting. I do hope you try to fix this up and resubmit, because your remixer name is AMAZING. no
  13. The into brass was way too upfront, and seemed pasted on to the beginning of the track; i'm not sure if the track really even needs it at all. I started the track a few times right after the fanfare, and I felt that it made a better song. Once everything gets going, it's pretty cool, though occasionally, some instruments get overexposed, and the sample quality isn't especially rockin. Specifically the bass, but for the most part it gels well. Arrangement was fun and varied, and the guitar in some sections was exceptionally well sequenced. Flute sounded good too, nice work there. Vocal section was fun and somehow fit. I can dig it. Production was a style that we don't hear often, but was effective. Some sections did seem a bit empty, but it just gave things room to build on. So overall a strong arrangement and overall sequencing job with a few minor production nitpicks, but a super weak intro? I'm cool with this passing. yes
  14. The first source is basically comprised of several motifs that play and repeat over some chords- there are 5 specific ones: (timestamps from the source) 1 - :03 clarinet 2 - :13 bassoon sixteenths 3 - :26 flute rise/fall run 4 - 1:13 variation on motif 1 5 - 1:25 super rise/fall run The Tinkertown track is a lot more straightforward and is easier to piece out, despite the mixed meter. Arrangement is definitely inspired, but it frequently uses either a motif straight up or slightly altered. The piano in the cadenza makes references to motifs, but feels like a decent amount of original material mixed in. Stopwatchwise, even if the cadenza was 100% original (which it isn't), 2/3 of the mix is dominant gnomes. Production is clear and clean, good samples, and a nice room sound. No complaints here. I wouldn't bump this in my car, but it's a good track, and a style I haven't heard in awhile. Nice work on this, especially with WoW music being pretty difficult to remix. Do Wintergrasp next please! yes
  15. I do think the lack of a driving beat and some strange entrances and exits of instruments hurt the arrangement of this, but otherwise I was generally feeling it. Production was clean and crisp, and the motif was used enough and in direct enough ways to pretty much always hear the source. Instrument selection was good, especially those shimmering bells, but I agree that a kick drum would really be welcome. This definitely scrapes the bar a little with the meandering and overly fluid arrangement, but I do think it is passable. Here's another borderline yes for you.
  16. Absolutely killer source tune- pure melody. Anyone could do a remix of this source and I'd probably love it. The sounds used were pretty basic, and the drums were weak, but the intro build was nice; that delay gives it a lot more character. Arrangement was basic, but there were some cool ideas, like the tempo changes- the halftime feel was great. Overall not an amazing mix, mostly due to the production, but the source selection is so good, I can see why Sadorf remixed this same track twice.
  17. Great source track selection, one of my Castlevania favorites. I really enjoyed the instrument selection here, it really made the track feel fresh. Good solo and additional parts, and a groovy vibe. Excellent stuff, and one of my favorites from the album.
  18. Get funky! I like how a lot of the phrases were extended so the different sections had more of a chance to breathe- we've all heard vampire killer a million times, but extending the parts gives everyone a chance to fully appreciate the arrangement. Good stuff, nice solos, and overall a pretty good track.
  19. Definitely conservative, but I feel there is enough differentiation to make this stand on it's own. There was some expansive part writing, and some excellent builds added (the one in the intro is stellar). Transition between sections were good, and the chord changes give it a lot less repetitive feel. Great additions. Production was fine, though I think the highs were scooped a bit much out of the guitar. Might be my rockbias- and with all the other instruments, something has to give I suppose. This is above the bar, IMO. Can we get a better remix name though, in the event of this passing? yes
  20. Production is definitely getting crowded when the choir and synth are both pushing the legato passages. There's a lot of overlap that just sounds smashed in there. The samples aren't awesome, but with the right balance, they could definitely work. For that to happen though, they need to be a little less mechanical in the attacks, and things need to be cleaned as to fit together rather than just piling on top of each other. I didn't hear the first two submissions, but I'm sure that this is better than them based on comments from other judges. Arrangement was certainly expansive, but it also certainly meandered, and there wasn't a lot to really grab onto tonally. It tends to tread water rather than swim forward. In addition, I think it tended to be overly liberal, unless I am missing some obvious connections to the source. Sorry dude, no
  21. That bass groove spells out the chords strongly, and even though I only played the game myself for a few hours, and don't think I even heard this song in-game at all, I would have guessed that it was the Gerudo theme immediately, just from hearing other remixes on this site. No other tracks come to mind at all.
  22. This track totally deserved to get the Duels win, and it was pretty good DoD month, so it wasn't a freebie. Great work overall, I really liked the solo section. Highly recommended to all.
  23. i talked with Simon on this- [some private convo stuff, edited by djp] I guess that about says it all. I'm pretty disappointed in him. Doesn't change my vote, but it makes me pretty sad.
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