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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Though some sections drag, there are some pretty nice parts too. It didn't really grab me as a whole, but it was pleasant listening while I worked for a few times through.
  2. Despite my opinion that I don't think i'll ever hear something like this sounding completely natural with synthetic instruments, this is really about as good as i've heard thus far, with great attention payed to articulations, phrasing, and dynamics (though not breath support). This is definitely some great sequencing. The arrangement is classy and action-packed as well, and develops throughout; there really isn't a dull moment here, and it's cool to see an instance where ambition is held back by technology. I'd love to hear this live, if only a trumpet player could handle it.
  3. Melodically this one doesn't grab me as much as some others on the site, but rhythmically and harmonically, this one is completely amazing. Great use of subtle stuff like accents and delays. Nice builds, constantly shifting parts, and some excellent percussion parts make this one really stand out. Excellent work, this mix is superb.
  4. Very interesting take on the source. I don't really feel the Sephiroth vibe, but I can recognize that the arrangement contains enough source. Regardless of all that, this is the type of track that levels buildings. Huge builds, awesome payoffs, and all around awesomeness. Expect to see this monstrosity on a ton of parkour videos soon.
  5. Though I'm not sold on the lead sound at the end of this one, I do have to say it's way chill and i've been jamming for the past 25 min with this one. Nice work, glad this one made it.
  6. I wish iron maiden would do a remix for this site
  7. The drums strike me as really weak, and some of the samples are a bit dated, but the rest of the track is executed with such conviction that i'm completely blown away. The original source in itself is a classic, you've taken the Celtic style chorale idea and really run with, fusing some excellent original sections that really fit the theme. The solos were excellent, and very tasteful. A total gem. Check this one out, guys.
  8. Ziwtra has carved out his own legacy by focusing on tightly arranged instrumentation with exceptional care to details, and this song is one of his strongest. The percussion and bass specifically are highlights, with synths accenting specific bass notes throughout. Great variety in sections while still remaining cohesive, and superb forward momentum. This is a stellar mix; simply virtuosic.
  9. Mad funkiness- every sound is perfectly chosen. I don't really see myself ever doing something this funked up, but if i did, i'd use this track as a template. Bass and leads are especially rockin. Strut-worthy, and magically lacking the traditional searing DJP treble levels.
  10. This is a really interesting take on shadow's theme, and definitely not something i'd have expected. Very well done, it has a sortof on-the-cusp-of-discovering-something-important feel to it. Like you are alone in the lab late at night, testing enzymes or something. The melody is changed up slightly and pushed to the background, but it is pretty clearly that theme. Pretty good stuff, excellent soundtrack potential.
  11. I agree pretty much completely. Great production, some nice arrangement ideas, but those 16th notes... each listen beyond the first gets more and more grating. I'm really torn on this, but I think as a service to the song, you should either change up the rhythm in some part, or drop out the 16ths for a section to give things a chance to breathe. Besides the 16ths, it's fantastic. no, please resub
  12. Sample quality is a little dated in some spots, and the mix overall lacks the punch it could have, but dang, that arrangement is classic, and still awesome today. The structure follows the original closely enough, but there is a lot of interpretation and some great builds and breakdowns. Great stuff.
  13. I agree that the best part of this mix is the drums. Some sections were a lot better than others, but it definitely felt like a battle between sections, and between anso and skyrp. The source melody is pretty basic, but I think if a more involved source was chosen, there wouldn't be enough room for all the percussive inventiveness. There's a lot of bass stuff I imagine happening, like some cool drops and dives, but unfortunately, it's only in my imagination. Anyways, great percussive battle! Fight on, my brothers!
  14. Interesting take. I think the percussion was the strong point, but overall it didn't really jump out at me as being super exciting. It's great for working to, however, it has an air of foreboding that really gets me moving on my deadlines! XD I've been listening to it fort the past hour or so, and i've gotten a ton done. So active listening isn't really the track's strong point, but it definitely has it's strengths.
  15. hey guys, can someone pick me up at the airport (Dulles). Babies are expensive and I can't rent a car this year. ;_; I will bring candy we can eat in the car, and i smell good and am nice. :3
  16. I gotta agree with Simon, it sounds too compressed, but still sounds very good. Arrangement is great though, nice solo, good breakdowns, and well balanced between the aggressive and the laid back. The rhythm changeups in a few sections give the melody that has been almost rocked to death in a million arrangements a chance to do something new, and it works very well. Very rocking, as Sixto does best.
  17. Great stuff- well chosen sounds and excellent attention to detail. Fun and melodic, the counterpoint is especially good. Percussive ideas well nice, and this is rockin from start to finish. Nice work dude, keep it up.
  18. Hey guys, this is how to do a medley right. Very nice syncopated rhythm keeping it moving forward, and a great melody really makes this a class track. The percussion is interesting and varied, and the counterpoint is excellent. Well done, you've earned your badge. Viva la synth revolution!
  19. Good stuff as always, dude. It feels like forever since this was first subbed. :3 I love the synths, and the triplet string textures in the moving lines,and think that you could have done even more with them, there was some nice texture, but i think a section with them taking the forefront would have been sweet. Ending was a little rushed, but you know better now. I can definitely tell that this was a transition piece for you; you've gotten way better since.
  20. Invincible. The synths on this are so smartly done. No excess at all, it's all tight and controlled. Way to make every note count. A+++
  21. Pretty funky stuff, I dig the deliberate epiano that moves from strong and punchy to fluid on a dime. Nice synth, and a great bassline too. Percussion was nice, and it was a very cool direction to take the source track. Ending was really strange and not terribly cohesive, but the rest was rockin. Nice work guys.
  22. I absolutely love this mix. Great percussion, nice synth tone, all around class. Arrangement is packed with details, and you'd have a hard time guessing that this was only a 12 second source. ;D Highly recommended, this is my jam for today!
  23. Some pretty cool ideas, but not a track that really hooked me. It's fine though, there are plenty more Mazedude tracks in the sea that I love, I don't need to be a fan of them all.
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