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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. i can attest that starla's guild is total win. Everyone i met there was pretty awesome, and I am excited to get to be back.
  2. I think WoW is great- I love raiding and miss it ( I haven't been able to play for the last 2 months because of being so busy). People are generally nice, and I don't think anyone has ever called me a n00b. The idea of a game that punishes you for failure is abhorrent to me; that is what real life is for. Games should be fun, and though i've only tried a few MMO's (Ultima Online, Ragnarok, FF11, and WoW), but Wow has easily been the most fun for me.
  3. hi, i see you have commented at me. I am very flattered that you would choose me to verbally stalk.

  4. I totally have plans this friday night, but if that's when it is, my previous plans are scrapped. I'm excited
  5. Nice intro build up, and then a totally Ziwtra style bass. I love it. Great leads, and some excellent drum patterns, this is a really kickin mix, some great progression, and a lot of attention to detail. Added to an amazing source track, and it's a total winner.
  6. Beautiful and a bit sad sounding. The Nay is a great sound, and it's really well played. A bit hypnotic, and a distinctly human quality. I wish Tamimi had submitted more songs to OCR. An excellent remix. Check this one out for sure.
  7. NIce chord progression hook, but by the end it starts to wear a little thin. There's a lot of countermelodies off to the side, but nothing that takes center stage for the duration like that chord progression. A good listen, but not something I could loop endlessly.
  8. technically a bit dated, but there's a lot of personalization brought to this one via effects and processing, and the arrangement is pretty nice with the second theme. The transition back to "above ground" was effective and cool. A fun melody creatively applied. Pretty nice stuff.
  9. I'm loving those smeared snare hits- sounds like it's growling. Totally cool effect. Synths and piano sound are perfectly chosen, and this really takes a track I didn't care for too much on the original soundtrack and really gives it attitude. Great panning, and a good flow. Very good stuff, another win for the Xenogears project!
  10. Amazing Adrian Legg-esque tone, and a great lead up to when the whistles and hand percussion come in. The whistle playing itself was beautiful and emotive, and i think really evokes not only the soundtrack itself, but the essence behind even that. The one spot that sortof breaks the mood for me is the break in the middle. If only that harmonic had hung a little longer, it'd be perfect, but even so, this is a great mix. Nice work.
  11. Dang this is awesome, lots fo great textures, a massive build, and a totally cool payoff. THis song totally feels like Humans and Gears all in one, and is a great track to show off with the project's release. Nice work to Ebison, this is killer stuff.
  12. geez, party's over here- 7 pages of comments?!

  13. looks way nicer- lack of sidebar is throwing me off still, but each time i come to the site, i miss it less and less.
  14. What, what a beautiful track- The deceptive cadence you've added is brilliant, and the arrangement overall is excellent. It reminds me of some of my favorite Yuki Kajiura songs, with all of the details surrounding a beautiful melody. This is what i like to hear in a remix, where there is a lot of original, but a distinct twist that enhances and improves upon the source. Production in some areas is pretty weak though, specifically some of the string articulations when they are in the forefront, and some of the reverbs. The marcato strings have too similar of an attack, the upstrokes shouldn't be quite as pronounced, and the legato note has too slow of an attack. They also seem a bit harshly EQ'ed. They cut enough, but they seem a little brittle. An easy, but crucial fix. Reverb-wise, I think too many elements have too much reverb on them, specifically percussion. The hi-hat shaker bleeds a little too much in some of the frequencies, but it's contained to the left side, but when the kick comes in, it's a little too muddy to fit. I think the sound works, but a little EQ cutting in your mid and low mids on just the reverb would help it out a lot. Toning down the decay would help too. The cymbal crashes are also a little too sizzling, and could stand to brought down a little. This is seriously one of my favorite tracks i've heard all year, OCR or no, and I would be personally devastated if you didn't fix this up, because I want a lot of people to hear this track. ;_; no, please please please resub
  15. kickass video as usual, Jose. I can't wait to hear this thing! Lets GO!
  16. so i hear this project is pretty cool. confirm/deny?
  17. I gotta disagree, That bass groove spells out the chords strongly, and even though I only played the game myself for a few hours, and don't think I even heard this song in-game at all, I would have guessed that it was the Gerudo theme immediately, just from hearing other remixes on this site. No other tracks come to mind at all. The only thing that makes it potentially questionable is a longish intro and a (awesome) guitar solo. The rest is almost all completely source with the exception of a few slightly altered ends of phrases. Completely acceptable, IMO. Production is definitely dirty, but it's a very faithful genre recreation, and everything is audible. I dig it. yes
  18. I agree that it definitely flows well with the original and new stuff. The Star Ocean second story soundtrack was one of the first game albums I ever purchased, so it has some good nostalgic memories for me, and though the main melody isn't always from and center, there is a lot of care put into making sure that some aspects are present throughout. I think a little extra obvious melody would make it easier on the juding process, but I personally think it's a pretty obvious arrangement. Production and performance are great, and the arrangement passes as well. yes
  19. good interview guys, nice work doing it live.
  20. yeah, this is *bleep*ing awesome. I love the melody, and the chiptune treatment is great. You always do a great job pulling this kind of *bloop* off, with great textures and counterpoint. It has some nice gated synths too hidden in the background, and it's way cheerful, which is something I can totally support. The only thing is that it seems too *chirp*ing short, and I wanted to hear more. What the *bloop*? Anyways, great *white noise*ing job dude, I love it!
  21. Starcraft - one of my favorite songs on the PC, you'd have to arrange it to be exciting live. As is, it may be a bit midtempo. Otherwise a keeper. WoW - Similar to Starcraft, it may be difficult to pull this off as 4 piece and really capture the nuances, but if you could somehow do the choir parts, you'd be golden. Another really good melody. Turnabout Sisters - A perfect song to play live in just about any style. World Revolution - Exciting and a lot of good parts. This would make a pretty great live track. Tristram - ths would be a good break I think if you had a lot of uptempo tracks, but the lack of a huge melody throughout might not translate that well to a live audience, as the song's strengths are all the textures. I'd suggest passing on this one in alive setting. Tetris - Easy nostalgia points for this one, the crowd would eat it up. Mario 2 - Not as overly recognizable as the tetris theme, but still pretty dang popular, this is a good style changeup, and pretty fun as well. It'd translate well. Rygar - Great Melody and an interesting bass part. You'd really have to fill out this one in your arrangement, but it's got the makings of a great track. Mega Man 2 - If you can learn to play the slow part in the dark, this would be the most epic of openers. When it gets fast, hit the lights and BAM! Fire Man - The verse melody is a bit weak, and I think you'd want to redo the bass part, but the chorus melody is awesome. This one could go either way. Gemini Man - You'd want to bring out the intricate counter melodies on this one, but harmonized leads are always awesome. The only issue with that is that you'd want to have the keyboard filling out the chords as well as doing leads or it'd sound too empty. Journey to Silius - Awesome track, totally do this one. It's driving and has a lot of good parts. Dancing Mad - this would be a great closer song. Go for it. Overall some pretty strong tracks, I think you'd do well with this as a setlist.
  22. file limit has been bumped, please vote. I'd vote on it if i could.
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