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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Pretty silly stuff, with some dated samples, but it was cute. Gets pretty repetitive though.
  2. The production is a little smooshed, and a few weird transitions, but this seriously rocks. The rhythm playing is especially good, with the super-tight gallops, and I love the juxtaposition of the hard chugs and the more serene section about 3/4 through. Also props for beating me to the punch on having a timpani in a metal song. I was thinking a few weeks back how metal timpanis are. \m/
  3. well it's way split- lets email him and see if he can spruce it up then.
  4. One of the first songs to ever go on my playlist from OCR, and to see it not get any love in over 3 years makes me sad. Excellent beats and layered percussion added to the perfect tempo combine with some decent orchestral samples to create something really compelling. Arrangement doesn't stray too far from the original, but even so, it's a really driving mix that is one of the really early gems of the site. Excellent stuff.
  5. Very very different take on the theme, and though it shifts in mood halfway through, I was kind of hoping it would return to the intro style a bit. Still, it has a nice clear soundscape, and some very awesome ideas. Good stuff.
  6. Rhythmically incredible, I absolutely adored the Diddy breakdown parts, and the overall feeling was excellent. Well produced, good synths, and interesting throughout, this is a really awesome remix. Highly recommended!
  7. Rayman is one of the best things to come out of France besides Scaredsim, Baguettes, and French women, and it's only fitting that he gets a funky and funny remix. The percussion is excellent, and though the groove doesn't change up drastically throughout, there are a lot of cool fills and stops thrown in to keep us interested. The breakdown percussion right after the Yankee Doodle segment was especially good, and I loved the panning in that segment. Sample quality is a bit lofi, but melodically and harmonically everything clicked. A really creative and interesting mix.
  8. Fantastic work- this really focuses on the builds to great effect, and the only thing I think this could have done differently to make me enjoy it more is to have the beats hit harder. Pretty small potatoes as far as i'm concerned. Nice synths, and the bell sound from the original was well meshed with the new elements. Well played, sir.
  9. Despite my 'no' vote on this, I am generally feeling this one. Once it hits the main theme it's really strong. I still do think that the beginning part gets a bit overly cluttered, but what's in there is good to go, it just needs better separation. A decent and unique take on the source.
  10. sad. I agree that the way it was mastered is too harsh. It's not even that a lot of tracks are pushed this hard, but that it's pushed way hard and the EQ isn't adjusted to compensate. Sorry Will. no
  11. good arrangement, decent tones, and production that isn't amazing, but is above the bar. The drums could stand to be punchier, but overall this works nice, and though the ending is a bit abrupt, I was definitely feeling this one. No need being overly verbose here, I dig it. yes
  12. i have to agree with BGC- this track is completely rockin, but the only part that really feels even close to the original ones that I can hear is the 2:20 part. No hate on the mix at all, I think it is excellent, but it's just not identifiable enough for me. no
  13. This needs a lot of work, unfortunately. The tone of both the leads and the rhythms is a bit harsh, and could be smoothed out. The rhythm tone is also stepping on the same frequencies as the lead, making it difficult to discern what is going on. Also, it sounds like all of the guitars and bass are in mono, while the drums are in stereo. One track that is pretty much required for rocking rhythm guitars is to record 2 takes, and pan them hard both left and right. That will not only make them sound heavier, but it'll match the drum sound as well, and give more room for your lead. It's a win-win. The playing was a bit choppy in places, and the only real way to smooth that out is to keep practicing. The solo was a bit flashy, but the different parts didn't connect too well, and it seemed like a hodgepodge rather than the shredfest you were going for. The arrangement is pretty much a cover, so you may want to also add more interpretaton to it overall. The solo is a good start, but some additional partwriting and some changeups of the original melody would be helpful too. I'd take this to the WIP forum and try to get some additional feedback on it. I also recommend you check out Dwelling of Duels (dod.vgmix.com) to continue to improve. It's a cool community, and doing it consistently is one of the fastest ways to improve on your game; I can totally vouch for it, I learned a ton by rocking out there monthly. no
  14. BGC and I listened to this together in IRC, so we are kindof in agreement with a lot of it. I definitely like the concept, but it starts out a little thin in the soundfield. Maybe add a really subtle pad to fill out the somewhat empty lowend. Once the drums come in, the sound is better, but the partwriting for them seems a little unfocused. I can dig a more textural approach, but adding some accents would really help it drive the track. The guitar is a really nice synth- i don't hear a guitar synth sound that good that often; I wish i could get a tone that even on my actual guitar. The runs are a bit mechanical, but the tone is great, and the additional melodic parts are sweet. Overall, the arrangement i'm cool with; it has some nice subtle changes, and the feel of the track is really nice. Once the track fills out, it's really pleasant, but it takes awhile to get the that point. i think with some production tweaks it'd be an easy in. The only part i think that needs revision is the drums, but the mix needs more balancing and filling out, specifically the lowend, and that headroom needs to be reduced. no, resub
  15. Arrangement here is tight, with some great variation and some nice transition effects as well, but the production is being slammed way too hard. This is really more of a minor fix up than a resub I think. Maybe contact Will and get a quick update?
  16. I agree with Vinnie's assessment that the main melody in the low strings could be brought out a bit. I think the :53 synth is fine, though pushing it back a little via reverb would have it sit nicer with the rest. Some of the choir attacks sound a bit slow, when exposed, which leads to a weird feel in the song, where others are really solid, and add a lot. I think some suspended cymbal rolls if done subtly, would be excellent for transitions. Just sayin'. The name is super clever, but doesn't really fit the style. Either way, i'm cool with it. This isn't quite there, as it needs a more dominant melodic presentation, but it's damn close, and some minor tweaks will get it in for sure. no, resub
  17. A nice sound improvement of the original, which is pretty cool because NiN was some cutting edge stuff, but it's so close, I don't see this passing. There isn't enough reinterpretation here. no
  18. I think this super hypnotic, and works decently as background music. The issue I have with the arrangement is that though there is texture and development, it doesn't sound like it has a clear destination. The percussion doesn't drive the arrangement at all, and some of the repeated motifs sortof grate on me, specifically the lofi synths near the end. Production was a bit muddy, but that almost reinforces the theme. This definitely suits today, as it's gloomy and rainy right now outside, and it's a very good tone poem, but I don't think OCR is the place for this track. Sorry no
  19. overall this has a pretty nice garage feel to it, but there are a lot of frequencies that are stepping on each others' toes, mainly due to the drums. It sounds like the kick is really reverbed and mooshy, as opposed to a crisp and punchy attack this style of music needs. The snare is equally smeared, and I can totally tell the sound you are going for, but it's just not there. Part of it is too much reverb, so reduce that a bit and see how it fits in the mix better. I was fine with all of the playing, and though the sequencing could be a bit more refined; via velocities, i think it checked out alright. I had a similar situation with one of my earliest mixes, where the drum sounds weren't working at all. I put it aside for awhile, worked on some other mixes, and then came back to it after my skills had improved, and eventually it made it's way onto the site. You definitely have some talent, so I suggest either working on the production for this, or taking a break, try out another mix, and then come back to this one. no
  20. I think that this needs further development in order to pass the bar. it started out decent, with production that was a bit cluttered, but generally acceptable, and lead into another section, but it doesn't ever develop further, and the mood never grows or diminishes. I think the base here is definitely worth working on, and there are a lot of cool ideas, like the super reverbed clacks, but it needs to rise and fall like the tides to really feel alive. Keep working on this one. no
  21. I am definitely liking what I am hearing here, but dang is it short. I'd love to hear what you have in store next, but this one is not enough for me to really get into.
  22. I think Vinnie has made some really good points in that there was a pretty generic sounding soundfield, and a decent amount of repetition, but I do think that the arrangement develops really well, and the production balance and clarity is over the bar. I think some sections feel more repetitive than they actually are because the arrangement style is comprised of additional layers being added rather than a complete shift in feel. Either way, it is a good expansion on the original, which had a solid base to begin with. There are a lot of subtle pans and though i'm not sure of every synth choice, I do think that as a whole it definitely works, and I enjoy the track. yes
  23. Weird that i'm callin NO on this one. Taking into account Anosou's extra source I didn't quite catch, and my love for the track, I'm definitely not too proud to see that I was incorrect. So rather than have this sit for eternity in the queue, I am going to change my vote. yes
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