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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. im done guyz. http://www.oceansend.com/5502/ocr/rock/Wallachian%20Prince.mp3
  2. How dry do you want it? The performances and arrangement I am totally down with, but production choices are strange to say the least. Even adding some very slight room verb to the mp3 myself made it sound a lot more natural. I agree with Larry that the strings and vocals are fighting a bit, bit i can still hear things clear enough. It doesn't reduce clarity, but smooths things out a bit. http://www.oceansend.com/5502/ocr/reverb.mp3 Despite my questioning of your production methods, and my personal dislike of the conditional modifier (though i wouldn't complain if you added some reverb to this, and made some more rom for the vocals ), I think it's good enough on all fronts to pass. yes
  3. Nice additional harmonies and solos. That's what really brings this one to life. I agree that the drums are the weak point here, there's no velocity shifts at all. The good news is that the synths sound pretty good. There's a few clarity issues, but things are clear enough to hear what's going on. Good stuff, I enjoyed it.
  4. nice and chill with some good gated textures, I was feeling this one. It did help that I read the readup first, because knowing it wasn't going to explode into pwnage tempered my expectations a bit, and I was able to just enjoy it as a melodic downtempo track. Very good stuff, love those bells. Nice work Rozo, keep it up.
  5. Rhymes With Elixir Rhymes with Elixir (chocobo) no introduction needed; heh, y'all know me- even g's in thier 30's just can't seem to outgrow me. rockin mimmit greens and chill sippin on potion- busting phat gold rhymes to take you across the ocean. every title that i'm on gets a new kind of class- you think these games went platinum because of tidus and his whiny ass? (i hate you dad) everyone be beggin for me up in their mix- i got more guest spots than even Ludacriss. OG to the core, you'l never see me stressin- album sales through the roof; record gains is the direction. sucka MCs get buried at my discretion- and the shawties hanging round; I just make my selection. from Babil to Fabul I keep the rhymes coming but when the red wings regulate suckas all start runnin but you know i'm standing tall, no matter what they've got equipped 'cause i'm rolling posse deep, even though i'm on a solo tip Chorus Chocobo, chocobo you're so fine you've got more bling than all of these guys Yo, chocobo's so hood this song is very good Yo, this bridge goes out to the one and only DJP and i gotta give props to the sexy women so Shiva break it down, and tell em how you livin' (shiva) Ok boys, let's turn the temperature down, I'm the queen of the North, the coldest woman around. Those fools are frozen solid - leaving no trace, Don't even think for a second I'm only ribbons and lace You think you can fight me, you don't stand a chance Gonna bury you sucka, I'll drop an avalanche As slippery as ice, and as brilliant as snow My rhymes are so slick, there's just no stopping the flow My body refined in a sub-zero climate But my beauty isn't something you can imitate You think you can own me, but I'm the dominate I'm so hot you won't melt, you're gonna sublimate All the heroes showing me nothing but lust Cuz my bling be glittering like diamond dust And the other ladies can't seem to suffice Cause there's just no comparing to this mistress of ICE. Chorus (tonberry) In the cold dark shadows, yea that's where I live, And if your party runs up on me then you'll be tastin' my shiv, So if we ever cross pathes you best be usin' your brain, 'Cause this is TONBERRY fool, and I'm the real T-Pain. (cactaur) You'd better not blink since i move so fast don't ever be dissin me, i'll bust a thousand caps; my needles are tiny, but the're my only attack so thugged out with street cred, my power's at max;
  6. I also felt that a lot of the counterpoint was a little too reverbed- besides the leads and the piano plinkin', it was a little too bled into each other. The drums were way boring to me, but there was enough good stuff to balance that out and then some. Otherwise, check the other judge's comments for continued improvement, but there's no reason for me to hold this one back. yes
  7. I think if this hadn't been 2 and a half minutes long and had more source sections, it'd be an easy descision, because this arrangement style is perfect for the source. I really love it. What makes it more difficult for getting onto OCR is the extended intro. I hear the connection, but it needs a little bit more main melody connection in that area. Maybe have it hinted at in the piano part? Another option would be to have another time through the main melody, with some additional variation. This is a great mix, and if it appeared as the official arrange music on a Konami album or game, I would totally think it fits, but it needs just a little more main melody to get past our stopwatch crew. no, please (please) resub
  8. Nice clean guitar tone, pretty rich and fills things out nice. Transitions were weak with no drum fill at all into the first rock part, and the arrangement was like a rock treatment of some jam band action. You got a sort-of groove going, and then nothing could get you off that cut and pasted backing track. About 7 minutes later, it does switch to a B section of the dungeon music. Attention to detail and overly repetitive structure is what seems to killing this one. The production is good, and the playing is pretty creative, but it's just too plodding and some of your choices seem a little too...well I don't want to say lazy, but i'm not sure what else I can say about the drums. They lack variation and just keep on going and going. You could probably stand to bring the B section in earlier and mix it up a bit more. Do some A section, throw in the B, bring back A. The production is solid on this, so just keep working on the arrangement. Until then, I gotta go no
  9. There's a few new additions to the queue i haven't gotten to (i'll hit them all tonight), but most of them are some brutal splits (4Y/4N for one). Right now things are a little slow because the Illustrious Mr. Tamer is getting situated with his great new job, and he controls the flow into the queue.
  10. i've got your waltz right here lolz: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01721/
  11. Have a great birthday, and keep doing awesome work!
  12. Nice stuff, it was good when I was hearing the WIP progression, and it's great completed. I enjoyed the somewhat toned down reprieve right before it getting back into the huge march again. Nice work as usual.
  13. Amazing work, I loved how it built with bass and sfx, and then got overwhelmingly huge. Fantastically varied with some great melodic additions. Good tone and playing, and tasteful orchestra, this is a track so good that even the incomprehensible vocal clip can't bring it down. One of the best rock tracks i've heard on the site in awhile.
  14. Some really cool textures and a bunch of really well chosen sounds make this feel very polished right off the bat. Everything clicked well, and though it sounded a bit more upbeat in some sections than you'd expect a hitman game to sound, it still sounds sophisticated and cool. A few things that seemed overlooked was the lack of a strong transition to the modulation about halfway through made it stick out a bit, and the ending seemed to be abrupt, but overall this was pretty great.
  15. logic sucks- go drink your expensive coffee and gtfo, you mac snobs.
  16. Just listening to how he uses specific articulations in his instruments inspires me to really make the most of my samples, and try some stuff I wasn't sure was even possible with synthetic instruments. I'm not even close to his level of skill, but it's encouraging to have someone leading the way for me.
  17. I'm really proud of the Fabul Men's Choir on this one. Keep an eye out guys, OCR hasn't seen the last of us!
  18. Some of the best cello work i've heard from Sebastian. An absolutely stunning performance, . <3 I (politely) demand a collaboration at some point in the future!
  19. Crazy Awesome. I thought the thunder effect was a little loud at the beginning, but it certainly got my attention. I can't wait to hear what ilp0 has planned next.
  20. Great stuff, and awesome performances. One of the big surprise 'WOW' moments of the album for me. I loved the performances, and the treatment of the melody is really unexpected but classy. Highly recommended.
  21. Thanks for the comments everyone; this was a fun track to do, and It's always good for a car ride for me, especially on a sunny day.
  22. i'm definitely digging the track- cool synths, a chilled out groove, and some great atmosphere, but I'm definitely not hearing enough source. The first minute actually reminded me more of the Bubbleman theme from Mega Man 2 over anything in Chrono trigger, though thinking on that, it'd be an interesting and cool combination. Your sounds and production are definitely over the bar here, IMO, it's just the arrangement needs some more source. You've got a nice sparse soundfield with a lot of great spacing, so if you were so inclined, you could definitely pack some additional source in there without ruining the feel. no, please resub
  23. http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/rock/Wallachian%20Prince.mp3 about 90% done- i'll finish this weekend.
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