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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I am not finding a whole lot to grab onto here, so I grabbed the source just to hear what is being done. The soundscape is well put together, but a lot of it doesn't really expand on the original at all. Progression is so subtle to almost be nonexistent. Can't recommend this one at all; sorry.
  2. Ultra laid back and groovin, there are some nice textures filling this out and a solid chord structure with bass and pads. Great electronic sounding percussive textures. This is perfect for looping, which is exactly what i've done for the past hour. Really nice stuff.
  3. You mean they are different people?! I'd never fall for that; that joke was played out in like 2001.
  4. oh hey, only 2 tracks left. I heard Hy Bound's and it's sounding great, it should be done by the end of the week. Zeromus is so complex and long that it'll need a little bit more time to bake, but it'll be great when completed. Website work is mostly done, and just needs to have the final tracklist order put it. I think we may all be winners here, comrades!
  5. It's an Ecco mix, of course it needs to start with waves! There are a lot of great touches in this that really give it a nautical feel. Nice new-agey base to build on, and lots of tinkling bells. It has a processional feel, and a distinct sense of determination, which is somewhat rare for my experience in the genre, but it works really nicely. The choir adds a bit of melancholy, and then the pizzicato strings up the drama quotient. This is a great mix and has a lot of mood to it. I'm unfamiliar with the source, but when it's presented like this, it's appealing to everyone, nostalgia or not. Excellent work.
  6. A ff9 track that isn't 'you're not alone' sortof blows my mind, but this is cool stuff, frantic and precise. Sounds so on as to be sequenced, but either way, it's really well planned, and the flow and tempo changes are nice. It gives you a little breathing time before kicking off again. Clarity was pretty good, and though the piano sound itself wasn't completely natural (it seemed to lack a lot of velocity layers), this is a really nice mix.
  7. Pretty classy stuff, the layered percussion worked really well, and the celtic-meets-indian vibe was both refreshing and effective. The interplay between the strings and flute themselves was great, and it keeps layering more on. Great work, this collab really turned out awesome.
  8. Great breakdown section, and a good rendition of the theme, and lots o f variation to keep it interesting. Fantastic ending. Levels were good, but the guitar sounded too far back. It certainly doesn't stop me from rocking out, but it could have a lot more energy if it was up close. Some nice tapping sections, and overall a lot of great ideas. Drums are a little too canned; I think some additional velocities would help, but overall this is very nice stuff. I am most certainly rockin'.
  9. POWERRRRRR DRUUUMMMSSS. This is like a crazy and beautiful drum solo with that great bassline thrown in. Great textures and while it focuses more on the non-melodic aspects of the track, it really does a great job of bringing the energy. I love it. But it's too early for Administrative Professional's Day!
  10. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01678/ ilp0 strikes again!
  11. Mon copain Simon est une grande singe tout le temps. Il est une Scaredsinge.
  12. Congrats, that's super cool; you've earned it. Keep playing to win.
  13. It was actually Me, Nutritious, Moonlapse, Nonsensicalexis, and Audio Fidelity. God helped with some critiques and stuff, but not enough contribution overall to be considered in the collab.
  14. The backing track here is excellent- creative, intricately layered, and well thought out. The back-and-forth between the synths and the percussion is great, and it really puts a new spin on things. Some very inspired processing and effects, and a good balance. What it really needed though was a more prominent lead. The melody is obviously there, but it really would be better in the forefront. Once the piano comes in, the mix is more of what i'd expect with a melodic line up front, and what it plays is a modified melody, but it's only for a little bit. Still a very strong mix, and it has some great key modulation to make it take some fun unexpected turns. Very strong stuff, check this one out.
  15. This is pretty nice stuff right here, yo. Nice and delicate touch on everything, and a good sense of progression and a sad but contemplative atmosphere. The piano sounded a little more muffled than i'd have liked, but it still fit really well, and when the guitar came in, the high end had some attention. Strings were subdued and tasteful, and the flute bits were sparse but very nice. I wish there was more flute actually, as the beginning was pretty haunting. Overall a really good mix.
  16. Really interesting intro that leads into some great groove-based stuff. I love the bass synth and it's super vibrato parts. Good production, a nice combination of solo strings and synths, and some good transitions. I missed this mix the first time around, but it's definitely held up well, and has some great features. It really does have a strong WHR vibe, and there's a lot of care put into it. ' One of my favorite DJP mixes.
  17. A few of the samples are starting to show their age, but this is still pretty nice stuff. Sort of new age, sort of orchestral, a nice flow, and a few cool surprises. I wish the piano had a little more high end, and the guitar had a little more human qualities, but the flute and choir are nice. Rain sounds are a cool touch as well. While this doesn't jump out at me as much as probably everyone who's played the game, it's still good listening.
  18. Sorry, my SMB3 days were filled with the game sound turned off and Iron Maiden cranked up. I'm doing all of these reviews as penance. :darkesword:
  19. The reason they got bought was pretty much a lack of profits. http://www.marketwatch.com/tools/quotes/intchart.asp?symb=UK:EID&sid=122506&dist=TQP_chart_date&freq=1&time=9
  20. Definitely not something i'd normally listen to, but thus is the beauty of OCR. The vocals and beats keep this moving, and I thought the delicate backing synths and bells really were effective. The synth solo was also really cool. The atmosphere here is really the star, and damn, is it thick with all kinds of droning sludge. It took several listens to really get a handle on all the different textures, but it really is cohesive overall. I'd have liked to hear something breaking up the texture a little on the high end; maybe tambourine? If anyone can make tambourine sound evil, it'd be CotMM. Overall an excellent collab where both mixers came together to create something that they couldn't have done alone. Beatdrop bringing the structure and vocals to this, and CotMM with the digital hell.
  21. Classy stuff- I don't recognize the source at all, but I am loving what I am hearing. Some of the humanization is a little mechanical, but the flow and tone of the mix is wonderful. Awesome track, it makes me want to check out the source and see how far this arrangement took things.
  22. Nice percussion, but definitely old and repetitive. That drum sound is great though. Great for getting work done though, as you don't get distracted by the melody, you just get pumped by the drums.
  23. A little lacking in dynamics production-wise, but a pretty good piano rendition. The arrangement plays it super safe though, so i'd recommend it to hardcore fans of the original track first. Not bad, but a little too vanilla for me.
  24. double post! Rydia 2 super collab is complete and awesome. It wasn't initially planned, so it wasn't counted toward the album's total, but will be definitely included. Also, I saw that the FF4 sequel has been confirmed for wiiware! I'm excited!
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