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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. It even sortof sounds like it's carbonated with all that fizzy filtered highend going on! Now that's dedication! I love how this keeps adding more and more layers without getting overly packed. Just when you think there's no room for anything else, another layer of percussion or a synth solo gets packed in. Great stuff overall; I wish the source was a little less repetitive melodically, but it's still a good track.
  2. A little too generic for me. There are some creative parts, where the tetris noises are used for percussion, but the beginning is pretty bad by comparison. I'd have loved to hear more tetrisized percussion.
  3. A little too much reverb on a few elements for my tastes, but then again I always like to have at least one thing in the mix pretty dry. Drums and violin are beautiful; great rolling patterns mixed with a soaring melody is a recipe for delicious. Synth parts are pretty good too. I played through this game and also had the sound turned off, so I don't recognize the melody either, but i'm sure it's very nice, based off of this remix.
  4. The percussion on this one is crazy good, and the synths aren't too shabby either. The feel is completely new, and I really like it. The sounds mesh together great, and though a few samples could stand to be upgraded, like the flute, it all works out. It's rare to hear a remix that's both driving yet laid back, but this one hits that target dead on. My one real complaint though is the somewhat weak ending- seemed a little out of place to have such a strong and varied track have an ending that just sortof died. Still great stuff.
  5. A pretty charming track that doesn't stray that far from the original, but still has it's own flavor. I don't think the arrangement would be even close to passable nowadays, but it's still a very enjoyable piece.
  6. ok, pretty generic starting sounds, and a sampled balalaika?! Does anyone else not see the disparity here? Though the production is super dated on this one, there are a few stand-out moments, most notably the strong counter melody writing, and the super crunchy distorted sound that appears near the end. There is a pretty nice solo section as well, but I think DJP has moved on to bigger and better things.
  7. A step up from a straight medley, but still has some flair to it; unfortunately, while this is a really nice mix, it sounds too similar to the symphonic suite official arrangement, and my mental comparisons to an actual orchestra, even to really good and well used samples are unfair. Check it out for sure though.
  8. I wish the lead was a little louder, though the second lead that comes in had more body to it. Percussion was good, and a little dirty. Can't have funk without some dirt, imo. Mixing is a little muddy though in some spots. Dirt good, mud, not as good. The B section was a little sloppy too, but there are some nice original riffs (especially in some of the transitions) giving this a personalized spin beyond the genre adaptation. A pretty nice solo too, leads into a bongofied breakdown. The section next that keeps teasing with the first 3 notes of the melody is easily the best part of the mix though. I love when mixers take a snippet of the melody and create something new around it, and it is one of the cooler instances of the technique i've heard in awhile. A few rough spots, but overall a good listen, and some excellent ideas.
  9. I think for having the main melody, the vibraphone should have a little more definition. The rest of the orchestra overpowers it a little too much. The quieter sections with the bassoon really work well i think, but i'd like it to take on a sharper tone during the more intense sections. The dynamics of it worked out really well, and the arrangement was very creative. I agree with a few other comments that this isn't really my style, but I definitely can appreciate the craft that went into creating this, and i'd love to see it performed live.
  10. Though it needs some velocity love, and can be pretty mechanical in spots, I am really feeling this one overall. I know JM has a high standard set, and while this isn't as funky or nuanced as some of his other stuff, it's still fantastic. There's great counterpoint set, and the whole mix has a great rolling quality to it. Add some great sounding drums, and i'd call this mix a total success. The koto is played almost like a lead clav, and works in it's function. It's not traditional by any means, but it's effective. The piano solo was very good, tasteful and melodic. It almost could have used a larger flourish at the end. I happily welcome this mix to my playlist with open arms.
  11. Great stuff, but those wrong notes are horrid. Seriously, there's nothing at all wrong with this except for those few notes, and it strikes me as being very weird. Otherwise, beautiful.
  12. Distinctly driving right out of the gate, and some excellent synths layer to create a pretty deep soundscape. The source itself is really simplistic, but there is so much energy here that I don't think a more interesting melody is really required; it runs of adrenaline alone. This is another example of me loving a 303. I think I know what kind of gear to get next.
  13. There are some interesting and surprising tempo changes throughout that I think worked in general, as well as some cool personalized riffs, but the sound quality in general is kinda weak, with the exception of that pad. I'd love to hear what the DJComet has been up to in the past 6 years, though, as I think this holds a lot of promise.
  14. Loving that bass sound a whole lot, and the part is pretty funky too. I'm not huge on the melody that much, but I certainly am grooving. Some sections are mixed a little strange, like when the drums get filtered, but the sounds chosen are all really solid. I'm in love with that 303. Oh, what i'd do with one of those... When it comes in with the full rhythm guitar backing, is when everything clicks for me, including the aforementioned melody. Took a few listens, as it didn't immediately grab me (besides that superhot bass), but I've really come around to this one. Good stuff.
  15. I think i'll be in the minority here and say I wasn't really digging the medley here. Might have to do with an unfamiliarity with the soundtrack, but it seemed to me like midi rip + drum + medley. Sorry.
  16. Some nice details keep this from being too empty, like the choir pitchbend and the cell counter melody, as well as the several keychanges. It's interesting how just the modulation changes the mood in not-so subtle ways, but the fact that it is almost all about the piano keep the intimate mood. What this sounds like is an excellent soundtrack to a very serious conversation. As the conversation progresses, there is tension, but moments of respite as well. Very subtle work, but it is both grandiose and immediate. I initially thought this one was a little bland, but looking closer, there's a lot more to it. Give this one a few listens.
  17. Well, it certainly is Terra's theme. It repeats a bit too much, especially considering how short it is, but the sounds are still good, especially years later.
  18. Killer rhythm changeup, that beat is hot! I was expecting great things, but then the super thin piano sample came in, and I got a little concerned. Once the flute takes over, though, it's much better, and at the level of execution it should be. The piano works as sprinkled effect, but that first introduction was a bit rough and exposed. Short, but just perfect for looping. It's a really nice track, and with the exception of the somewhat jarring piano introduction, it's held up well.
  19. yeah, because I have a diagnostic that gives me instant, up-to-the-minute information on your computer. How about you stop building computers that always break and just buy a dell?
  20. ohoo, got an AeroZ collab to review on his birthday (Happy birthday buddy)! These guys are the masters of seeing how far they can take an arrangement, and no matter which side of the fence things end up on, it's always a great journey, and this track is no exception. Great mix of sounds and so many great motifs throughout. The main melody appears frequently and is transformed just enough to make people kindof wonder if they heard it right. I love this high-level arrangement style, and there are a ton of great effects and flourishes sprinkled throughout. Especially notable is that rocking fileter on the appearance of the kick- classy and cool, all in one. Great mix- check it out if you have an open enough mind to hear something that isn't a midi rip + drums.
  21. drums are great, but the rest sound pasted on top, and not completely lined up. Not feeling this one at all, sorry man. There just doesn't seem to be cohesion at all times.
  22. Beautiful sounds used here, beautiful, nostalgic, and a bit melancholy, but still with a purpose, this track has great drive. I can tell why SoR has such a reputation for great music, if the mixes are of this caliber. Nice string touches, and and ambient effects to match a solid bassline and understated percussion. There's so much to like about this track, pick it up.
  23. This one hasn't aged well at all, sadly. The sounds are generic, and the first minute and a half or so could have been cut completely with no loss to the overall feel. After that it got better, but the sounds were still barely above midi quality. It's too repetitive and bland for me. Sorry dude, didn't like this one at all.
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