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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Great AC style mix of Rydia's theme, I loved the unique touches like the record scratches, and the synth leads. Piano fills were tasteful and well done, and the backing beat was perfect. The only real improvement that could be made, I think, is the tone of the bass guitar. Seemed a bit trebley to me. I loved how the song opened up when the piano chords dropped out at the middle section. A great take on a great source tune.
  2. Pretty bright but not painfully so; I love the source on this one, and this is a really cool atmospheric mix of the theme, where the soundscape is the star, and the melody is just floating around in there. The in game effect was actually well used and improved the track, and that gated synth sounds awesome. Personally, I'd liked to have heard more melody, but this is still a great track to just chill to. Nice work.
  3. Production is a bit weak, but the arrangement I really like. Source is \m/. edit: arrangement is like, really good IMO
  4. Very well produced; it's cool to hear even bLiNd's earlier stuff if awesome. The track itself is a bit repetitive, but enough subtle changes go on to keep the track interesting as a whole. Some decent breakdowns and buildups, and though I wish there we a few more unique sections, this is pretty nice stuff overall, with great attention to detail. I really like the section at 2:27 where the melody gets chopped up a bit. Good stuff.
  5. I'm totally glad that I wasn't the only one to think the definition of this had something to do with illegal urination. -___- Regardless, this track is completely bangin'. Excellent expansion via piano, and the soundscape is great. I'm loving that lead sound, and the drums are super strong. Excellent interpretation; those horns are great. pft, nothing bad to say about this one; maybe a bit too much reverb, but i'd be stretching there. Amazingly creative and highly recommended.
  6. A really nice mix; I like the mod changes on the choir and the feel overall is very energetic while still staying serene. The subtle details really make this one nice, and the overall track has a great feeling about it. Excellent strings, nice synths, this one is simply great.
  7. I'm not sure I like remixes telling me explicitly what to do, but i'll let it slide this time. However, I will not "work it" or "move it". I hope we can all agree to this compromise. I think the mix needs a little more time to breathe a bit; the treble is relentless and really tires my ears out. Otherwise this is pretty decent; synths are good and the beat is nice.
  8. I was totally feeling this until the NES came in. Great beats, great synthy bits, and a cool atmosphere, but that lead sound doesn't fit the song at all. Still a killer track, but i'd love to hear a revised version.
  9. Very unique and slick take(s) on the theme, though that weird choir patch i could have done without; I guess it lends character to the song. This is a pretty experimental mix; Some sections are spot on, and some really don't gel, IMO. The first rendition of the theme was the best, I thought. SOme of the others get a bit too out there to really strike me as much more than a novelty. Maybe i'm just thinking too conservatively. I didn't think the chiptunes and flute section worked at all. There wasn't any anchor to that section. Maybe with a solid beat and a strong bassline it'd be a different story. Soundwise, I really liked the kick sample used; it fit perfectly with the busy patterns you used. The epiano was also nice. I strongly recommend listening to this one, as there are some really cool ideas, even if a few of them go a bit too far.
  10. Nice atmosphere with a good beat, the track builds pretty well, but seems pretty BG for my tastes. I need a strong melody to be completely committed, and eventually one comes in, so that's cool. There is plenty of awesome textural and structural changes going on throughout, and though I think I'd like a bit more bass, the song always stays engaging. This would be really great chilling music, but that treble end keeps drawing me in, making it a little more active listening. Very interesting tactic though. Ending was good as well. Overall a gem from the era of tracks it came from.
  11. Decent interpretation, and I dig the chiptune sound, but I think after hearing Schab's Terra chiptune track, anything else kindof pales. Decent for the time, but it seems pretty basic nowadays.
  12. Starts out very close to the source, and...seems to stay there for the most part. The transition to the second theme was pretty seamless though. The piano sample at the beginning was really nice too; very interesting sound. The mechanical nature of the sequencing really made that ending bad though; I can see what was the intent, but the execution fell flat. While there's nothing specifically bad about this mix, it really shows how far OCR has come.
  13. Great start to this one, nice intro synth, and piano solo lead into the track. Very cool beats and synth selection; that bass synth has a great arpeggio at the end of a few of the phrases. The piano is a real highlight throughout, and the layered percussion has some great rhythms. Really classy work, this is a great mix! Recommended!
  14. I'm not digging that bass sound at all, but man, those vocals are awesome. Pretty spot on, with both the tone and production. The song itself is pretty basic, but the vocals keep it interesting throughout. I am really impressed with the attention to detail on mimicking the original sound. Sounds great.
  15. If only I would have looked at the website while making it, i would have done things di d dd d d iff f ff eernt ll l y y y Where's your WIP, Larry?
  16. Pretty good, and good samples overall, though when the choir was exposed it was a little shaky. Super oldschool but still worth listening to.
  17. wow i just saw the trailer and it looks pretty cool. I don't see what you guys are bitching about.
  18. the way frostfire is designed isn't really a dps hit if you have a few mages to stack different debuffs.
  19. I hope you like the dungeon theme, guys, because you are going to be hearing it a lot with this track. There are some effects that come and go to have each variation *slightly* different from the one before, but really it just goes on and on. Sorry, i'll pass.
  20. The intro took forever, and that minor drone was pretty dissonant when paired up with the major melody. Production was really muddy, but there was some decent guitar playing, and I did like the lead tone. The rhythm tone was a bit messy sounding, and the ending was really strange. I realize this is an older mix, and there are definitely some good sections, but the various sections didn't really mesh I don't think. Worth a listen, maybe you'll enjoy it more than I did.
  21. started out decent with a good beat, but the main synth quality and lack of velocities really drags this one down. The bass is good, though. The voices definitely give me some 2000era rave flashbacks, but were a bit annoying. Overall this one really didn't age well at all.
  22. link is broken; anyone have another so i can see?
  23. you will melt faces as frost spec in northrend. For any frost resistant mob ( there have been very very few) frostfire bolt works just fine. Basically what's happened (and will most likely be toned down) is that frost kept all of it's defense and control and gained a ton of raw damage.
  24. not going to happen i don't think, however: im playing my frost mage in the beta right now and they are so strong that the only class that can kill me is a ret paladin. Both classes are in for a big nerf. ps. started my transfer, should be on illidan by tomorrow. Felshield is the name
  25. I'll transfer my tanky paladin over tonight then; gear is going to be terrible until wrath though, i havn't played him in forever except to heal arenas.
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