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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Ziwtra's remixes are really something special for me, I love the super separated textures and crazy attention to detail. I also really can relate to the general upbeat moods they have. This really focuses on the texture and mood more than the melody, and I wish it'd make more of an appearance besides the first time through, but I can dig it as something expansive. I do gotta say that the part with the melody right away is my favorite part. Sometimes I wish Ziwtra was still mixing regularly, but I think as is, I tend to appreciate his work more. A really good mix.
  2. I totally was not expecting something like this. Way chill, and though it is really similar to the original, the way it is handled was really cool. I am seriously grooving to this one. I really don't think this'd pass the judging panel nowadays (or it'd be really close), but i'm really glad it made it in when it did. Recommended.
  3. There's just 1 mixer I need to hear from, so I think that reckoning day came and went; some mixes are open now, so if you have the time, inclination, and skill, send me a WIP.
  4. Some strange sections and modulations in this one, it takes several listens to figure out what's going on with the structure. There are so many different sections that there really is something for everyone, but I think the production is way verb heavy and lofi that it hurts what could be a much better mix. While there were a lot of really good sections, there were a few that I don't really think fit thematically, and that pause seemed way out of place. The transitions seemed a little weak to me as well. While it may sound like i am really railing on this one, I can see that there is a lot of really good stuff here; i'm just disappointed that it wasn't put together tighter. I bet if Eric took a look at this track today it'd be amazing. A really good and creative but flawed mix.
  5. Pretty cool stuff, there were a few dissonant areas where the chords seemed to stray a bit, but it was only for a moment and nothing too catastrophic came of it, so it gets a pass. I love the bass sound and the bells. A pretty cool take on the source, it's not as insistent as the original, but has a steady feel to it. Ending was weak as hell, but considering the genre, I see the intent. This one holds up pretty good over time, nice work.
  6. I think i'd prefer a bit more clarity in the low strings, but the high end stuff sounded good. Great leading intro, and then the big hit which has the orchestral percussion playing some cool hybrid rock beats. I really like the approach there. I think a bit of the bass drum could have been carved a bit to clean some thinks up, but otherwise I was feeling this. Some transitions were a little weak compared to that awesome first one, but as a whole this was good stuff.
  7. A really extended and varies piece with a lot of great sections, and a few that didn't really do it for me. The flute and guitar section at the end I really liked, but I think a bit of editing overall would have made this a little more memorable for me.
  8. Hard hitting stuff with some good chord changes, and some slick synth riffage, this is a really nice mix; both suspenseful and dramatic, but driving and aggressive. The kick seemed a little high pitched, but it was punchy and solid, so it works for me. Otherwise this features some nice transitions, and a great string backing. I especially liked the breakdown section, great buildup there leading to a tasteful synth solo. A very solid mix, though the ending is just a bit abrupt.
  9. ohhhhh Super suave and refined, great changes and some really nice comping. The soundscape is always changing but staying cohesive, and each section features something new, along with something familiar, and a slightly different take on the melody each time. I could listen to this all day; awesome work, good sir.
  10. Crazy Awesome. Hard hitting and amazing panning, with a great sound, and a ton of variation. I love how you chopped up the organ run, and the groove is amazing. I wish there was a larger climax before the ending, but meh, it's still an amazing track. Completely killer work; I am going to name my firstborn after you.
  11. I have a pair of 70 BE paladins that are just chilling; I'll transfer one over tonight. You guys want a tank or a healer?
  12. I only need to hear from a few more mixers to get an idea of where we are at. Updated the progress charts; there are a lot of WIPs that are almost there.
  13. I want to remix the opening to Vesperia; not in the project scope though. ;_; I will cheer you all on from the sidelines, however!
  14. ohoo it is RECKONING DAY! I'll be PMing people who need to show me an updated WIP. Hopefully I won't have to cut anyone, but we'll see what happens.
  15. Actually pretty solid stuff, the music suits the style well, and the groove is pretty good. It has the usual CotMM layers or rust and grime, and I almost wish the beat was a bit stronger, but that would be a bit too pop for the track, I think. There are a lot of cool textures in this, and I think some of the leads could be toned down in the higher frequencies, but it works I think. I think the ending was a bit abrupt, but the slow burnout of the ending works ok enough. Pretty cool that a random dare could produce possibly one of his best mixes.
  16. Guitar tone was a bit grainy on the leads, but the rhythms sounded nice, and there was a lot of energy to keep this one moving. Very rocking, and though I thought the transition was pretty weak, the second section was a cool direction to go in. I was grooving on it, and then it abruptly ended. :/ Production was a bit rougher but worked overall, but the transition and ending were a little lazy. Still holds up pretty well though.
  17. Pretty nice soundscape, i really like the strings and textures used. Melodically there isn't much going on, but everything clicks as a whole, and it's a good listen. The overly subtle melody could also be a source issue. An excellent mood, great sounds used, but I just wish there was something a bit more leading.
  18. This sounds way dated years and years later, but it retains some charm, and has a lot of canned vocal callouts. The source is good at least. What really makes this song historical is that it's Larry's first ever review! Sorry, not my favorite mix.
  19. Figures it'd take Anso to finally get Fishy to actually see a mix to completion. Great Top Gun style intro, with some nice synth backing and some soaring guitars, beautiful harmonies included. Even Iceman's heart would melt a bit when faced with such a majestic anthem. The bridge was good as well, but is it just me, or does that mellotron sound a shade sharp? It was a bit jarring on a few notes, but not severe enough to wreck the mix. Overall some good work, I really dug it. You guys can be my wingmen anytime.
  20. Classy and chill, if there was ever an OCR beach party, this would be perfect for the end of the night when things were winding down. The judges seem to have an issue with the drums, and while I can see their point of view, I think they take on a more textural quality than a driving force, and if they were crisper, I don't think the song would have the same mood. I love the rhodes and the sortof saxish synth, and the dense noodling throughout is really nice. Great track, excellent work, gentlemen!
  21. Totally catchy stuff, and probably one of DA's best performances. I think her tone is a little too sweet sounding and should sound a little more aggressive, especially considering the somewhat suggestive lyrical content. Say it like you mean it! Production was good with an uber kick and some great synth flourishes. Vocal processing was good, with some cool effects, and overall this is a fun party track.
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