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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. This is a track that you really need to listen to several times to really appreciate; a 3 minute pop song this is not. The variation on the theme is awesome, and for the most part, the sound effects were great, except for the farting in the tub noises about halfway through. It didn't seem to fit with the rest of the music, but maybe I am missing something. Otherwise it really is an epic journey through sound and I'm amazed that the quality in encoding is still there even though the track is so long. Nice work
  2. Pretty slammin beat, I just wish the kick had a little more thwack to it to really punch a hole in my wall..quickly of course. Some of the synths were a little too lo-fi, but overall the soundscape was nice and frantic. It served the game pretty well, and wouldn't be embarrassing for me to crank the volume on. Breakdown was KILLER, and really creative too. When the drum solo comes in I was totally feeling it. Great idea, and one I have yet to hear elsewhere on OCR. Great mix, I love this one.
  3. Im groovin on the bass, but some of the higher end distortion isn't my fav; I realize that is CotMM's style, but it just seemed too clinical of sounds to be distorting; i really like organic sounds to be distorted, where the natural imperfections are emphasized by the effect. Regardless, for a medly style song, it is really well done, barring a few weak transitions, and I think the flow is pretty good.
  4. Killer bagpipes, in all senses of the word. The arrangement idea is pretty awesome, as a rousing mountain call, but I do gotta say those bagpipes are shrill. I'd have liked things to get a little more complicated for the second half, but it's all good.
  5. This one has a mix of good and bad, but the good easily outweighs. It has a pretty insistent beat, but the distorted and lead synths sound pretty cheapy, and things stay pretty static. Some sections are a bit mechanical sounding, like the piano breakdown, but overall I think it works. The good news is that the source is good, and the string synths and the pads sound good, and though the beat isn't ever switched up, it's great for getting your hardcore dance on.
  6. I don't think i've yet to hear a mix that captures the mood as well as this one. Though I normally look for additional melodic lines and changes and additions to the song structure, something like this is equally amazing. The soundscape is perfect and the effects added, as well as the synth choices are spot on. This takes the original and makes it completely perfect.
  7. I'm not going to be singing; my Mic is not conducive to vocals, only super- cranked amplifiers, so don't expect anything from me ever again. Ok, I lied, you can expect me to pwn your bitch ass at smash bros when we are at MAGfest, but besides that, you can't expect anything from me.
  8. Straight up medley, but you have to give respect to what the Minibosses have done for the scene. I've never been huge on their production, but they definitely keep it real; no studio smoke and mirrors for these guys! A classic in it's own way.
  9. Though not as transcendent as Star's more recent works, this was a pretty good indication of the awesomeness to follow. While I would have like a kicked-up section in here, the hugeness of the soundscape fits the source really well, and even the use of samples, which normally grates on me something fierce worked pretty well. Things are well mixed and though there isn't a lot of forward momentum, the song itself is more like a moment in time and as such is pretty beautifully captured.
  10. Charming despite it's midi-sounding roots, this is a mix that really emphasizes a fun attitude over ambitious and dramatic arrangement. Though the source is Super Mario RPG, this would be completely at home in a sunny Mario Kart track. It just has a driving and upbeat feel that is pretty infectious. The guitar is a little too fakey for my liking, and the marimba is pretty mechanical, but the song is fun and upbeat, so I can overlook a few things.
  11. A good addition to the original that stays pretty static. The mono sound hinders this quite a bit, which makes it sound midi-tastic despite the use of pretty good samples. the beats were a nice addition, and the percussive-heavy soundscape gives it a very nice feel when mixed with the sweeping synths, but I can't help but imagine how good this would sound if I was listening to this surrounded by all the different parts rather than listening to it through a straw. The fadeout started just as I was hoping the theme would be altered a bit, so I think it runs a little short, but despite a few flaws, it's a good mix.
  12. It takes some real skill to make Metroid listenable for me, and this is very listenable. There is a distinct starcraft vibe once things going, but there are a ton of creative elements throughout that make it unique. The whistling at the beginning is great, as is the layered guitars with some thick delay added, making each scratch on the strings echo on for a long time. Great stuff here.
  13. 1:24 of midi drums, guitars with slight intonation issues, and a straight up cover arrangement. The toms are terrible, but at least the bass sounds live. Sorry dude, but i'm passing on this one.
  14. Seems like pretty straightforward trance until you look a little closer; there are a lot of different change ups used to keep this interesting arrangement-wise. There's even a modulation, which you don't hear often in the genre. I really liked some of the floating synth lines used as counterpoint at the 1:35 point. More like loved. I think the crowd is really cool but would have been better employed near the end to really kick the song into the atmosphere. Still this is a great dance track, and stays fresh for it's duration.
  15. A little rough around the edges in a few spots, with some sections which really need some filling out, but it does have a certain charm that makes it good enough. I agree that it does tend to drag a bit and suffer from a bit too much cutting and pasting, but it's otherwise a good track. I like the crunched beats throughout and if the piano isn't exposed, it sounds really nice; the beginning notwithstanding.
  16. I gotta say i'm not digging the vocal samples themselves, but the atmosphere and beats are so compelling that i'm not sure what to think. The melancholy of the epiano is soul-crushingly sad. I'm not sure of the statement the track makes; perhaps the need for absurdity and randomness in all emotions, or maybe I am just reading too much into it. Regardless, the treatment of the samples is fantastic. I gotta say though hearing the line "At times like this I wish I had a penis" followed by a heart-wrenching melody is oddly fitting.
  17. This is a pretty seamless blending of the themes, and has a great groove to it; I love the slightly-behind-the-beat backing guitar and the layered vocals, and though the song itself seems simple at first, the level of detail and care spent on each element is really nice.
  18. Nice buildup and atmosphere to the main riff all broken down; this has a badass, sinister vibe that I am really digging on, and when it gets into the full on chorus and morse code beeps, it's hot like hell. I'm not huge on the snare's use in the chorus, i'd have preferred something a little sharper to mix with the razorblade synths, but a minor complaint in a fantastic mix is just nitpicking. I also think some of the note choices in the solo could have been improved upon. Not that the notes are out-of-key, but it just didn't build as well as I was hoping it would, and the notes seemed a little random. Great stuff, I really enjoy this mix.
  19. Old school synths and a Savatage-style Carvin crunch. Delicious! What really makes this mix awesome is the details. Each spectrum has something great happening throughout, and things build and releasenaturally; especially good is the synth slide right before the piano breakdown. Just that one note makes it so much more dramatic. Super cool. Playing is pristine and there are some really cool panning ideas and rhythm part layerings. This is really easy to just have on repeat for a few hours, as it flows really well. Recommended.
  20. Cool interpretation with all the slicing and dicing and beats and such, and then later the ethnic instruments; The way it is structured seems like 2 mixes of the same song, you should have mixed the 2 styles up a bit more; alternate them and such. Still awesome work, the lead synth sounded great, and I liked the beats as well.
  21. Can zombies strut? This seems to imply they can. Cool layered beats and the lead synth sounds like you kicked R2D2 in his robot junk. I love it! I think it ended way too early; it has a longer intro, so I was expecting a few more sections once it did finally get going with a melody, but it just kindof faded out. ;_; Really cool, but too short.
  22. String section early on was a little unnatural sounding with the attacks, but once things got moving, it was a lot better. Great playing guitar wise, and it's interesting hearing what parts were doubled (or more), it gives a very cool texture to the proceedings. Nice guitar harmony before the modulation, which was well-timed to keep things interesting. The synth arpeggios that faded in and out add some seasoning, and the solo was good. Though not near as creative as the title makes it out to be, it's a pretty rocking mix. Check it out by all means.
  23. Not interested. I sold my electric to pay for a new one, and it's still being built.
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