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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. the drums feel weak, and things are a bit sparse, but it just brings attention to all the cool and subtle synth acrobatics that are occuring, which is a decent tradeoff. I'd liked for the snare to have a bit more crack to it, and the kick more punch, however. The arrangement is pretty fun and while it goes into the occasional liberal territory, I am feeling that the source is cominant. Overall i'm not completely blown away by this, but I think it's a fun arrangement that has some creative and unique ideas, and I fun throwback feel. Yes
  2. Overall this is really nice with a good expansion on the source, and a warm and generally sophisticated sound. The source fits the genre very well, and it's a very nice original melody. Some of the parts of the mix that could be improved would be the mechanical feel of some of the percussion. A lot of the track feels fluid and pretty well performed, but parts of the percussion are very stale by comparison. Arrangement-wise, the structure is really close to the source, complete with underwhelming ending, and the sound is too warm in spots. This being said, I think the song does enough right to scrape over the bar. Yes
  3. we can actually afford to have TWO sidebars now! Thank you, OCR community! ^______^
  4. I don't think the snare really fit with the rest of the track, and I think a tighter funk kit would have been better. Overall this arrangement is really nice, and the feel is good. The themes play nice together, and though the breakdown with the chippy lead and the piano was a bit off timing-wise, it was brief and minor. Nice collab, guys! Yes
  5. I love this source and i think the performance is beautiful, but the arrangement itself is so close to the original that I can't let this on the site in it's current form. I do agree with Deia that the intro went a little long as well. The piano sounds great, so the production aspect is fine, it's just the arrangement. Sorry. No
  6. I think the arrangement is pretty clever, and the sources don't fit together completely seamlessly, but there is a lot of interesting things you do to make it work. Unfortunately, the samples used really are not up to the site standards. Wes and Deia both had some good information on picking up some better samples for free, and I think people in the WIP forums would be happy to point you n the right direction as well. No, please resubmit
  7. This is pretty well done for sure, though I don't think the source is prominent enough for it to really feel like a pokemon track for most of this. I think the backing sounds are great, though I do with the lead had more personality; it feels very mechanical as-is. Overall I will echo Deia here in that I like the track but feel that it's current state is not the best fit for OCR. I think if you added more prominent source in the original sections and adjusted the lead sound it would be a lot closer. No
  8. This is really nice, but the timing of the bass is off and late. Either nudge the data so it peaks sooner, or adjust the oscillator to peak sooner. I thought the rest of the track was excellent, but the bass was so overpowering and didn't feel like part of the song. Volume on it needs to come down and the timing needs to be fixed. No, please resubmit
  9. i think this is pretty good, except the backing pattern and the beats are so similar for the duration of the track. There is a small pocket where it changes up slightly, but then the beat returns to it's previous state. I think the sequencing is a little bit mechanical as well, though that may just be the unyielding subdivision going on. The ending also needs some love, and things just stop dead. I think the endlessly repeating patterns are the main issue here, and need to be mixed up. The dynamics of the track itself are also very minimal, and the song feels like a constant loop that is turned on, and then just stopped at the end. Maybe have a half time section or two to help break up, some dynamic swells, or change up some instruments in a few sections. No, please resubmit
  10. I thought the sounds used were pretty good, but the track is way loud, and because it's blasting on full at all times, it is lacking exciting moments, and your drums aren't as powerful sounding as they could be. I suggest lowering the volume on all channels but the drums by 3db and seeing how that sounds. I can vaguely hear some cool effects going on, but the sheer wall of sound is preventing them from being as effective as they could be. THe piano breakdown was a nice touch, but I almost wish it went back into the hard hitting part one last time afterward. The arrangement is way close to the source, and really could use some additional personalization. I think the WIP forum could be very helpful for you. No, please resubmit
  11. the arrangement here is pretty solid, with a good dynamic curve. The cameos were cute, and I love Whiz Kid, so it was cool to hear it briefly. The piano sound was very nice, though I think the reverb could have been toned down just slightly, due to the extensive sustain pedal use. More of a personal preference than anything else. I noticed sortof some of the timing concerns Deia had, but didn't really think they had much detrimental impact on the song as a whole. Nice work, I like this one. Yes
  12. I have too agree that the constant tempo shifts and percussive drops really made the piece feel disjointed and not flowing. I think the combination of themes is good, and the arrangement concept itself is sound but needs polish and a better sense of where it is going. The sequencing was overall good, but there were some string lines that were pretty stiff; you may want to listen to those solo and adjust velocities accordingly to smooth it up. Also, minor nitpick, but the track cuts off before the final note is done. I think this is a good candidate for a resub after a few things are improved! No, please resubmit
  13. No additional tiers have been added; the 10k has been there since the beginning.
  14. It's not out yet; as of right now no promises have been fulfilled, just made. No games have been confirmed for it, and generally the games for the wii indie channel and xbox indie games have had a few gems and a lot of dross. I think it'd take a very specific gamer to want to get this, and (CAUTION: ANECDOTAL/EDUCATED GUESS INCOMING) I feel most of the people early adopting this already have an existing console that can do what they want. Cool factor and reasonable price point? Sure. Follows through on it's claims? We'll see.
  15. Really classy and personalized take on the theme. I'd love to hear more arrangements from you, Squint!
  16. street fighter 4 VS Animal Crossing? I am SO SOLD.
  17. I think it sounds pretty bad actually, and everything it is offering is available elsewhere. Working with limited hardware? You get the Wii. Develop for Free? PC is what you want. Xbox indie games is an option too to get your game out there with I think pretty reasonable costs. No hate to the people supporting it, but I think it'll be a pretty big flop, or delayed ad infinitum like the Phantom.
  18. You are the only man capable of such a feat; it is known.
  19. As for the custom remixes, I am pretty certain they would be shared with the community, but directed by the donator.
  20. That's fine, but then we would have had to completely meet the absolute maximum numbers to succeed, and even then, there are no copies left to hand out at conventions and such.
  21. im super excited to hear what you've been up to lately, and FF11 is an incredible soundtrack.
  22. Also, "worst case" scenario is that we have a huge surplus and are able to have the option to do physical runs of more albums in the future. I certainly would love to see copies of 'Teen Agent 2 : Teen Harder' out in the wild.
  23. No one liked my idea of FF6 drink cozies either. :/ we had no idea that the support would be this overwhelming, and figured that we would have plenty of time to figure out extra stuff if it got to that point. We even had an emergency meeting last night to discuss it, and will be meeting again tonight. As soon as we have something nailed down, we will let everyone know, and I promise it will be better than cozies.
  24. it'll be fine, we have so many ideas for additional coolness, we won't be able to do them all regardless of funding.
  25. i think with all this extra cash we can afford to send Larry to PR school.
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