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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Yar, dat bass is really overpowering a lot of instruments in the low mid frequencies. It sounds like you added some distortion to it, which makes it sound great, but it strengthens a lot of the overtones and as such needs to be eq'd a bit. Deia mentioned that bringing the rverb down and bringing the main source bits out further would help, and i agree, and maybe a few additional percussive touches would be nice, but really this is very close and just needs some minor tweaks to get my vote to a yes. No, please resubmit
  2. The mechanical piano in the right hand is definitely making this feel a lot weaker than it could, as well as the drum tone being very thin. The snare specifically is lacking character and power. Based on the arrangement, the snare doesn't need to blow my head off, but it sounds very very weak right now. The lead guitar is a little quiet as well? The arrangement is cool, though some sections where the bass drops out feel strange, as the rest of the arrangement goes on like nothing happened. This is a very good start, but needs a little bit more arrangement polish, and some extra production love. I'd like to hear a resub! no, please resubmit
  3. The comparison to what you are claiming would be some random person reading some of the old and vile unmod posts and thinking that is what OCR is all about. Sure, there were some terrible people posting there, but it was not what the great majority of the site is about. There are extremists and crazies in every religion but they do not speak for the majority there either. There are thousands and thousands of metal bands. Almost anyone in the world can just start a metal band. Just because you've seen a few idiots spouting off doesn't mean the whole community is like that.
  4. All ai am saying is that getting information about an entire group of people from a faq page is comical, and while every group of anything everywhere has good and bad, to consider what some random on the internet wrote as absolute truth just makes you look like a fool who will believe anything you read.
  5. ITT the derrit proves his ignorance. Way to generalize, bro.
  6. loving the intro to this, though some of the lead synths used are really harsh and grating. THe dirty bass is sweet and works very well, but the overall soundscape isn't really doing it for me. I think taking some of Deia's crits to mind and also adding some additional variation on the second half of this to keep it fresh and interesting. A great foundation, but it needs some adjustment. No, please resubmit
  7. this is really well done, with excellent tone and playing. The solo is really good, and there are some cool details like the rhythm guitar stutters. The arrangement itself is pretty much the exact same instruments as the source, and the structure is the same as well. I can feel you added a dash of your own style to this, but I would like to hear a good deal more. Some additional harmonies or rhythmic patterns, or a new drumbeat that mixes it up would be great. I think the track is an excellent cover, but I think OCR needs something that is even further personalized. I'd love to hear an update on this track, as I really enjoyed the song. No, please resubmit
  8. Good source choice, but it definitely needs some additional polish. Deia has some great critiques, and I pretty much second them. I will add that things are sounding very stiff as well, with the velocities and timing on each note dead on and static. Mixing it up would give it a lot more flow. I think some time spent in the WIP forums will give you some great pointers and direction. No
  9. this is a great example of a solid expansion on a theme, and i think this mix does an excellent job of setting a mood and expanding upon the original source in an intelligent, sophisticated, and atmospheric way. A lot of the best details are subtle and only reveal themselves after a few listens, but the slight harmonic touches are great, and I am very happy to give this track a Yes.
  10. voice narration was cool, and the crazy treated vocals were good. The concept of this was really good, and i think the vocals were solid with a few timing issues. I do think that the backing track sounds aren't really supporting in a way that they should be, and the backing parts should sound richer and more filled out. I would suggest going to the WIP threads and getting some assistance, as the concept and arrangement are very solid, and I'd like for this to be featured on the site. No, please resubmit
  11. i love this source, and though this is on the longer side, it develops very well, When the piano comes in, it's a bit hard, and some of the notes used around 5:25 sound comical due to the overly loud velocity, I think using a softer touch would be better for the piano, and if you wanted more intensity, a different instrument would be better served there, The snare is a touch muffled, but in the context, it works. Overall this is interesting and unique as a mix, and very well planned out, with a proper ending. I do think some additional dynamics in the ending stabs would have made it a lot more effective, but I think as is, this clears the bar. Yes
  12. there is a bit of stiffness, but the source feels person for a good deal of this. The question is whether or not the source really should have been remixed in the first place, as all the stuff you've added to this always takes the attention, though a lot of the groove sections stay true to the source and remain interesting. THere's a good use of dynamics, and overall I think the arrangement works, with a lot of cool effects and varied parts. I think the solo is somewhat aimless and while there are a few parts, I think It could have been better done. Production is decent, and despite some spots where the sequencing could be improved, I was feeling this. Somewhat close, but Yes
  13. worrying about compos when any and everyone can vote is futile, IMO. There is no real rules as to voting that are enforacble, and I guess that is part of the charm. Also, i've only skimmed, but I guess there are some hurt feelings that people are having favorites and such? it is a competition, and that's generally how they go. When all info is public (who is voting for who, and the tallies, as well as who did what song), that is generally what happens, and that is part of the charm of the OCR ones, as opposed to the DoD style, where all info is secret until the results are posted. i personally prefer the DoD style, but there is room for all kinds of compos. Anyways, anyone even having the guts to enter a compo gets props from me, because they are by design huge challenges, whether you personally are competing against yourself or others, they force you to really try your hardest.
  14. A pretty unique sound, and some good arrangement ideas, but it feels like the various elements are all fighting for dominance throughout, and not frequently working together. I think it’s just a lot of instruments with a similar EQ band. The lack of shifting instruments throughout makes it feel like it drags, even though new ideas are being introduced. Soundwise, some of the lofi stuff is good, but I think having more higher fidelity samples would help differentiate the sounds a bit more. Arrangement is cool, but the production needs polish. The machinelike and spastic nature is very interesting and deserves further exploration. I’d hit up the WIP threads for some more detailed critiques, but you have a great start! No, please resubmit
  15. The all percussive angle is cool, but it sounds like a very sparse soundscape; even a bit of light compression would help. It feels that several instruments are just hanging out and not adding in several parts. It makes sense in the context of importance of parts, but I think it could be more exciting if it was a bit more filled. I’m not sure about the ending, as it doesn’t really give a sense of finality, but overall I feel that the performance aspect combined with a unique if sparse arrangement is enough to give this the nod. Yes
  16. Opening acoustic playing sounded a bit loose. Actually, throughout, that seems to be the theme, with really loose playing. There are some nice additions to the source, but some parts arent clicking at all, like the mandolin(?) part at 2:11 is not on beat at all. Basically the individual parts sound fine, but they arent locked together at all. I thought the soundscape was fine, but the sequencing felt stiff, at least compared to the extra loose performances otherwise. Maybe if they were tightened up it wouldn’t be as apparent. The level of interpretation is low, but passable, but this needs some polish. I really love the concept though! No, please resubmit
  17. Cool vocal effect to start things out, and some rocking, followed by harmonize screaming. This has a lot of style going for it. I do feel like there is just a lot of chug chuggin and not much melody for the duration, but it accurately portrays the largely rhythmic sources. I do wish it was going a little further, but the level of expansion already here is enough to take the source to the next level. The recordings are punchy, and there are some cool moments that give it personality. It’s close, but I’ll be voting Yes
  18. This is pretty well sequenced, and though some of the melodic brass gives it away that it's not performed, it was well balanced and pretty exciting. I do have to agree that it follows the original very closely that it will be a bit uphill to get onto OCR proper, but as an album track it’s perfect. It really emphasizes the good points of the original, while removing a lot of the downright bad mixing choices that were made with the SNES chip. This is everything and more that I would ever want from a cover, and I am very excited that it is on the project, but I think further arrangement would be needed to get it onto OCR.  No, please resubmit
  19. I think think the arrangement is close but fine, though I do think the production is a bit muddy in the lows and the drums could cut a bit more. I thought the synths chosen and the guitar were both very good, and the bit crushed intro was nice as well. I think giving things a little more punchy of a sound would help this, and adding some of the arrangement crits larry has, and this is a strong candidate, but needs a coat of polish. Looking forward to hearing this re-done! No, please resubmit
  20. I think the arrangement is very good and cool, but some of the balance is off. I think the wah'ed rhythm guitars could stand to come up a little bit, but the double tracked ones felt good. Overall II do think it is a touch thin sounding, but if it wasn't the intricate parts would be lost, as there is a lot going on at a lot of levels. I think the snare is a bit too clean and punchy, but otherwise I think this is a good track that really reminds me of the late 70's prog era. I dig it, nice work. Yes
  21. happy birthday to my SUPER BRO Chris and to the SUPER BRIT Will!
  22. I agree with halc's crits, but beyond those and the ending being a touch on the weak side, this was really nice. I loved the use of the rhythmic strumming and expansion via background elements. It could use a bit of cleaning, but I felt the arrangement was very strong, and the production passable. Yes
  23. For some reason, the rhythms aren't totally lining up in my mind. It sounds like the bass is a millisecond behind, and the pizzicato strings aren't quit locked either. I think the sample for the bass isn't quite hitting the mark, but I understand why it was chosen, as it fills up the low end and the low mids pretty well. I would suggest swapping the sample for something a little less pointed, and then double it up an octave with an epiano or something so it still fills things out, but doesn't sound so pasted on. The arrangement I really enjoy, and I think that the samples are fine, but the use of them could be improved. Overall I think it'd clear the bar if the bass was sounding a bit more integrated. It's really close, and I'd love to hear this polished a bit more. No, please resubmit
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