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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. Woah..finally some videos of professional use of DK and Koopa
  2. No one uses DK or Bowser...I hope they will be more good in Brawl...
  3. It's better in my opinion....DKC2 has a great soundtrack!
  4. OCReMix needs a Kong in Concert 2
  5. I think that Groudon will move of a few steps before leaving the area burning all the ones who touch it. And maybe would be a great idea if there will be a little earthquake every step it make.
  6. If we must wait ALL the PKMNs BEFORE to see new characters...well...we never see they ...
  7. Well I think that an electronic version not does justice to the track...and I was not meaning an acoustic version but a instrumental version with a real guitar (and bass maybe)...
  8. I really love this remix: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00569/ I'm a big fan of Protricity but...this remix is too electronic... An instrumental version of this would be awesome, don't you think?
  9. Maybe will be PKMN from 4th generation...
  10. http://kirby.classicgaming.gamespy.com/multimedia/sounds/superstar.html The Number 25. I don't know if a real soundtrack of Kirby Superstar exists...and..I don't know if this song cames from previous kirby titles but I think no...
  11. I was thinking the same thing...
  12. The new Yoshi's Story theme is better than the previous one!
  13. The theme from SSBM is originally from Kirby Superstar...
  14. Mario started to have big hands with attacks with Mario RPG...then in Mario 64 and Smash Bros. Series..
  15. Eehhehe I listened it only 3 times anyway
  16. If someone wants to download the Menu 1 theme: http://dunther.altervista.org/music/Super_Smash_Bros._Brawl_-_Menu_1.mp3
  17. I prefer the Twin Snakes one
  18. Uhhhh very cute interpretation of this tune!!!
  19. I think this can be submitted...they will say about what to improve maybe..
  20. One of the best remixes ever heard! I can't recognize the original tune but...I like it anyway! 9.65 / 10.00
  21. I was expecting much more from this remix....but not too bad... 3.53 / 5.00
  22. Uhuh...Cute remix
  23. I don't like the genre...but I think it's ok...
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