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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. I like this remix, as well as the original. I love the bass sounds =) Well done! 4.37/5.00
  2. I really like the original....maybe can be a good remix
  3. 00.58 *__* cool... 01.08 *____* guitars!!! 01.17 *_________* organs!!!!!! 01.26 *_______________* chorus!!!!!!!! Is not my genre but....I LOVE this remix! 4.72 / 5.00
  4. I liked very much the "Chrono Cross ~ Time's Scar" piano part.... 8.3/10
  5. Very original arrangement of a great theme! 7.8/10
  6. This have much potential but you must work hard on it ...
  7. Very beautiful and relaxing arrangement .... 4/5
  8. Uhhh this tracks have potential....finish them quickly and send them to the judges !
  9. I like the idea
  10. Finally a great version of the Sub Castle!
  11. The DKC2 it's really not bad...
  12. Yargh O.O the thunder made me jump!!!
  13. Wow! Seems a track taken from the game!
  14. Mine (Wii): 1462-2976-3026-1211
  15. heavy metal yes!
  16. http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/7173/24122006hw1.jpg My new Mii.
  17. Mmmm that photo with the Blind shirt was of the 05/2005....here's a more recent photo (before a marriage): PS: my hairs are long more than half of my back Were you at Otakon or something? You look really familiar. Or was that SonicANS? I was at my grandparents' home at Patti, province of Messina, in Sicily, that is in Italy
  18. Mmmm that photo with the Blind shirt was of the 05/2005....here's a more recent photo (before a marriage): PS: my hairs are long more than half of my back
  19. OMG!!!! YOU ARE MY FUTURE VERSION!!! LOOOOOOL Both of you have awesome, awesome shirts. I agree . Anyway thanks , most of my shirts are of metal groups, but I have also a very beautiful Neon Genesis Evangelion one!
  20. But I'm Italian!!! O.O
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