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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. NEVER heard videogame music outside
  2. Pretty sure it's Lemmings or Prince of Persia...
  3. Well the first Monkey Island (either original or remake) can be done in an afternoon... I really have almost no interest in the Tales series, but the main problem it's that my PC can't handle them '^^
  4. Oh I forgot that some of you guys were involved too! That's nice Is there any plan to release the soundtrack? I was really disappointed that there isn't any from the first remake...
  5. So...I picked it just a few hours before its release date because by doing that I got a free copy of SoMI:SE, wich I didn't need (got one just when it came out), but I gave it as a present for a friend of mine that coincidentally had birthday on the same day . Anyway, I was pleased with the first remake, and this one is pretty much the same stuff, with better graphics and music (they used live instruments without sacrificing iMUSE), more extras, and most important of all, a bigger and better game to start with. Someone got it too?
  6. I try to keep all my music at 320kbps when possible, but I don't listen FLACs too often. I burn them into CDs and occasionally chose one to listen in full lenght, but lossless music is not a standard to me. Anyway, having the option could be a really good thing
  7. "Bullet for My Piloswine" this title rocks XD
  8. I personally don't visit VGMix often, but DoD was really important to me. Every month I had a bunch of new remix to listen about, some of those really good even if under OCRs standards. I'm happy that DoD isn't dead and there are http://dod.bossies.org/ and http://dod.redheadedblacksheep.net to keep things going forward, but I would like to know that everything will turn back to normal in future
  9. Awesome, I was waiting this since I've heard the WIP nice job!
  10. That would be good, I'm interested in Grey version and 3DS too...
  11. Oh sorry, I was thinking about the last boss and I've not checked the link XD . For THAT theme, never heard any remix about it...
  12. I know it's a bit off-topic but...someone knows why DoD is offline?
  13. Check this out http://dod.redheadedblacksheep.net/past/2009-08-august/21tie-NintenJoe64-SMW2-Freedom-DoD.mp3 It can be done better, but it's the only one I've found... An amazing track like this deserves a greater remix.
  14. Hints? Where? I can't get enough of Pokémon games...and I love remakes in general.
  15. Really loved this on DoD, even if I've never played SF2010.
  16. Yeah I've read that 3DS is not good for children under 9 or something like that...
  17. That can be a good thing...it's too frustrating to have 1 or 2 PKMNs in my team only for the HM moves...
  18. That's nice!
  19. Indeed, Paper Mario rocks since the first one.
  20. I think 3vs3 battles can be ok, though in my opinion 2vs2 was perfect. Just hoping they'll stop with that.
  21. Even if I beaten the first, I don't know if I'll get this one. Seems a good game, but not a masterpiece.
  22. I don't trade Pokémons of this kind because I fear that are hacked... Maybe I will use some hack to "unlock" events to make me capture them, but I don't like cheating in other ways.
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