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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. Yeah I like it too, but maybe it isn't so easily "remixable". If someone will do a tribute I would be happy to hear it anyway. This is the only one I found, not the best but you can give it a listen: http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/07-08-PC_Games/19-Bobby%20Winston!,%20Baraka-American%20McGee%27s%20Alice-I%27ll%20Meet%20You%20in%20Woods,%20I%20Promise-DoD.mp3
  2. Naaaah I don't think so, starter always had that ability that does " When HP is below 1/3rd, XXX’s power increases to 1.5 times." Cool! Damn I think it's too soon for a new Pokémon game...I'm still at 108 Pokémon and 6 badges in SS.
  3. I like the water one final form, my favourite of the three.
  4. I think it's strangest a Diglett that uses Dig in the WATER.
  5. Maybe the MissingNO shape can be used in one of the title characters...
  6. Great news on all fronts! Added to bookmarks again .
  7. Yeah... Anyway I've completed all the online quests a few weeks ago so...I'M OUT, finally I can play other games again:lmassoff:!
  8. Nice, I like the epic approach to the track. Can't say much more about production and so...
  9. Interesting, but this not counts the deals...
  10. Yeah but some games don't really deserve a full price buy...
  11. I always wanted an Encouter remix, and I think you did a really good job
  12. Corneria Rock? Why not! Nice
  13. Well most of the list still need to be corrected because I first used the ghosts to indicate pirated/emulated games (a misunderstanding of the word "formerly owned", lol), now I use the "other" symbol and specify how I played it; I need to correct some ratings too, because formerly there was only a max of 4 stars. Anyway it's more a gaming experience list than a collection list
  14. http://backloggery.com/games.php?user=dunther Here...full collection.
  15. By Christopher Nolan? I'm curious now.
  16. Now I think I understand why you chose to remix the GBA soundtrack too... It seems a good game though, maybe I'll play it sometime. Are all the GBA versions of DKC so different from the originals?
  17. Mmm that sounds new for me...oh well I never played Okami after all...
  18. She? Is Amaterasu a FEMALE? o.o
  19. Viewtiful Joe kinda confirmed too http://www.gametrailers.com/video/sdcc-10-marvel-vs/701930 in this trailer we can see Deadpool using his lifebar to strike his opponent, great XD
  20. I really like the idea, I'm pretty sure this will be another good remix
  21. Better than the DoD version great work Sixto, as always
  22. Has someone seen the "The Dragon In My Dreams"?
  23. AVGN is one of the few things that can still make me really laugh in this world. I "love" him, James Rolfe is a great film-maker, not only for the AVGN stuff.
  24. Oh yeah I discovered it a few weeks ago, really funny
  25. Wow that's a really nice thing! I think it won't work for european people though... There're so many games I would like to rent, too bad here is almost impossible
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