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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. I think that are new ones, made by merging the gameboy growl style and corrections to make them more "realistic". I really enjoyed them, and they did the same thing for the Gen. II ones in Pokémon Stadium 2 (but I never managed to get it unfortunatly). Also I would like to note that if you transfer the Pokémon Yellow's Pikachu it uses voices from the show and that's interesting but I prefer to think at it as an exception However, that never happened again in the Stadium "sequels", like Colosseum and Battle Revolution...
  2. In my opinion improve the Pokémon growls would be a better choice I loved the Pokémon Stadium ones, why they don't do all of them in that style?
  3. Hey :) I speak a good italian (I like to write) so I can assure you that "Happy Birthday" is "Buon Compleanno" in italian :)

    "Buon" stands for "good" but we use it more often than "Felice Compleanno" (that would be the literal translation). "Compleanno" is obviously "birthday".

    Thanks for the correction anyway, I know my english isn't perfect but I'm constantly trying to improve it (OCR's forums help me). It is my second language and I've learned it mainly by gaming and internet :P

    Anyway, I know that the past of "buy" is "bought", but sometimes I don't remember to use the verbs correctly '^^ I need to practise more.

  4. Same here, but I hope they'll put more emphasis on game content rather than graphics then...
  5. They're all fake, the only confirmed fifth generation ones are Zorua and Zoroark.
  6. The title remembers me my iPod RPG "Song Summoner: The Unsung Heroes"... BTW, what's exactly the project's main theme? If I'm not wrong all the tracks came from not-so-known RPGs...
  7. Maybe this time I'll wait the Grey version, it fits more a person like me
  8. Wow some of them seem like real Pokémons! But it should be all fakes...
  9. As a fan of both Ayeron and Legend of Zelda I think that a thing like this would be awesome
  10. Super Turrican's soundtrack is really a great one, I'm glad you're working on this, I like it ^^
  11. I like the overall feel, but you should improve it. Anyway great source you chosen
  12. I love the fight songs, every boss had a different ones, and the final boss theme is really great.
  13. There'll be updates for this ReMixanator thing? Just asking, it doesn't suck, but if you improve it in time (adding songs and instruments) it'll be MORE awesome than it is.
  14. For what I've read on several sites, one of the few things that we know is that it has been announced as a "DS successor", not as "a new DS". Maybe it's a lie but that's what they said. I know that, and in my opinion graphics not so important in a videogame (I'm a retrogamer after all), but because I expect a successor, I expect a "generational jump", that's all. Exactly, I'm very curious about it...
  15. Yeah, but 3DS is not a re-hash but a successor. So there will be a risk in my opinion... I think they should concentrate on power, to make it powerful as PSP or maybe more....
  16. Well if this console fails to be a worth DS successor consumers will notice, and sells will drop, and Nintendo will care.
  17. I'll surely buy it. I have no interest in 3D, but as a DS successor (wich was the GBA successor) it MUST be buyed. Why? -Because if it would not be an epic fail, Nintendo will move all its franchises to the new handheld. Anyway, fifth generation Pokémon will be worth enough for me. -Because I buyed my DS at launch and now it's old, lived, but still working. Still, I need to replace it (but maybe keep it working for the GBA slot things), and retrocompatibility it's a nice thing to avoid another DS (like lite/DSi/DSiXL), so I will play even the DSi exclusives, wich I missed. That alone is awesome. There are so many rumors about what it should do, but I'm waiting the E3 for the really truth.
  18. Don't worry about it, there's a Mario 64 project underway (and a DKC3 project wich has the Wrinkly 64 song that's the same as the Mario 64's Castle Theme)..
  19. Here where?
  20. This is really a surprise for me, I wouldn't except that.
  21. To be honest, I wasn't aware of this feature...maybe because I bought my second generation Pokémon game (Crystal) very very late (2003)...
  22. Ehy I had one too, don't know where is it gone now. Never transferred things to che GBC games however. Also, I have the same problem of yours: I don't walk, I don't go outside anymore...
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